Under such circumstances, the southern emperor was able to get a son like Si Hao after he was promoted to Emperor. Even, for several times, all the emperors in the fairyland had only one son. In this way, the birth of Si Hao naturally attracted people's attention.

However, it is not easy for an emperor to have an heir, and it is even more difficult to give birth to an emperor's son.

There is no monogamy system in the fairyland. In addition to formal marriage, as long as the strength is strong enough, both men and women can have many partners.

The South emperor is the emperor's respect. Naturally, it is impossible to have only one partner.

And Si Hao's biological mother is one of them.

There were many wives and concubines of the southern emperor, and his mother was not outstanding among them. So when his mother was pregnant, it was particularly attractive.

You know, the emperor originally has a very strong strength, and cultivation, if according to a scientific point of view, that is to constantly optimize their own genes, has been trained to emperor of the South emperor's gene is how strong, you can imagine.

If you want to inherit such a powerful gene, you need a strong mother.

But Si Hao's biological mother is not such a powerful person. She is just the most common wife and concubine of the southern emperor.

This also doomed her tragedy.

As an emperor, Sinan Tian didn't want to have his own offspring. After all, there was no emperor who could have children connected with his own blood for several million years. Naturally, Sinan Tian would not expect to have children of his own.

But, really want to say, how can Sinan Tian not want to have his own children?

Therefore, when Si Hao's mother is pregnant, the happiest person is the number of Si Nan Tian mo.

The strength of Si Hao's biological mother is not high. Although she is pregnant, it is impossible to safely give birth to the child. Of course, the South emperor knows this. Therefore, during the pregnancy of Si Hao's mother, Nan Dijun put almost all his heart into how to protect his mother's fetus. All kinds of things can enhance the strength of Si Hao's biological mother and provide nutrients for the fetus Tiancai Dibao is flowing water general to Si Hao's mother.

At that time, however, it caused the envy and hatred of many wives and concubines of the southern emperor.

Of course, these wives and concubines knew how much the southern emperor expected the birth of the child, so no one dared to fight against Si Hao's biological mother even though he was jealous.

However, even if no one else to start, Si Hao's mother pregnant that thousand years, also the same disaster.

The strength difference between her and the southern emperor was too far. Even if there were all kinds of natural materials and earth treasures provided by the southern emperor regardless of the cost, those foreign objects could not completely supplement the nutrients that the mother needed to provide to the fetus.

Therefore, from a pregnant, Si Hao's mother is gradually losing weight with a slow speed, and in the decades of labor, she is skinny.

A skinny and skinny woman, but also has a big belly, any who saw it will feel afraid of panic.

Fortunately, there is south emperor Jun in, Si Hao's biological mother is to support to the time of production.

Before production, all kinds of Tiancai Dibao can provide nutrients to the fetus, but when it comes to production, all the other foreign objects are useless, and can only rely on Sihao's biological mother.

When Si Hao was born, he needed to absorb enough strength from his mother's body to make him born, and this absorption of power was also controlled by Si Hao, who was only a fetus at that time. Therefore, before long, Si Hao's mother was about to be sucked by Si Hao, and the whole person was dying, and it was possible to swallow the last breath at any time.

If we go on like this, we can only end up with one corpse and two lives.

The southern emperor was naturally anxious.

This is the child he had been looking forward to for thousands of years. If something happened at this time, wouldn't it be a great tragedy?

In order not to let this tragedy happen, the southern emperor personally delivered his power to Si Hao's biological mother. Although the efficiency was somewhat frightening, it was still a balance between supply and demand.

However, no matter how powerful the southern emperor Jun was, his help in the matter of women giving birth to children was very limited. The power he provided was only enough to maintain Si Hao's mother or the fetus's Si Hao.

In other words, the southern emperor needed to choose one from Si Hao and his biological mother.

The biological mother of Xuan Si Hao, who is about to come to this world, will die because she can't get enough nutrients.

Choose Si Hao, that has no doubt, Si Hao's mother will die because of excessive consumption.

This is the same as doctors on earth asking whether to keep big or small.

Without any hesitation, the southern emperor chose Baoxiao.

In the eyes of the southern emperor, Si Hao's mother was just the least impressive of his many wives and concubines. If she was not lucky enough to be pregnant, the southern emperor would not think of her much.Compared with Si Hao's biological mother, Si Hao, who had not yet been born at that time, was the only possible offspring in the long life of the southern emperor. It was the continuation of the southern emperor's blood. The old school was light and the old school was heavy, so it was almost unnecessary to think about it.

In this way, Si Hao, who was still a fetus, got the power from the southern emperor to absorb enough nutrients to wait for her birth. However, Si Hao's biological mother, at that time, was already on the verge of dying, and could not get any supplement. Before Si Hao was born, she had already gone back to heaven.

Even, Si Hao was not born normally, but after the South emperor found that Si Hao's mother was dead, he immediately cut open her abdomen and took it out of her mother's body.

This is probably the first cesarean section in the history of fairyland.

The first word that Si Hao heard when he came to the world was that the South emperor looked at the corpse of Si Hao's biological mother, which was particularly terrible because his abdomen was cut open. His voice did not fluctuate and said: "carry it down."

At that time, Si Hao didn't understand what this meant. Maybe it was the first sentence that he heard when he first arrived in the world. It was really impressive. As he grew up a little bit later, this sentence not only did not get forgotten by him, but also became more and more clear.

When Si Hao was fully sensible and knew what this sentence meant. When he thought of his mother who had no chance to see him, he naturally became ill at ease with the southern emperor. In addition, when his boss Hao grew up to such a big age, he did not show any talent in line with his status as the son of the emperor. The relationship between father and son naturally fell to the freezing point.

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