However, although a hundred years can not break through the existing state, but from a certain point of view, this is also to Fengzhi time to all walks of life, until a hundred years later, the impact of this injury completely disappeared, at that time, it will naturally be able to accumulate.

Therefore, Feng Zhi didn't feel depressed.

After going out of the pass, seeing Long Yan waiting outside, Fengzhi yawned in a lazy manner and leaned on him, "Long Yan, I can't use force easily in the next hundred years..."

A smile flashed in Longyan's eyes. He reached out and gently stroked Feng Zhi's head. He said, "it doesn't matter. I'll protect you."

When she was a few years old, fengzhida would play the role of a pig and eat a tiger. Later, she was always strong. Even if she and Long Yan had determined their intentions, most of the time, she never thought of hiding behind Long Yan. On the contrary, she was always the one who was in the front.

Therefore, when Long Yan says the words "I protect you", he is sure that Fengzhi will be protected by himself in the next hundred years, and his heart will be filled with special satisfaction.

Fengzhi and Longyan are interlinked. Of course, they know what Longyan is thinking.

"What a fool..." She muttered.

Long Yan didn't reply, but held Feng Zhi's hand tightly again.

Then, Feng Zhi and Long Yan went out of the cave together.

Originally thought, Fenglai and they knew that they were going to go through the customs, and they would wait outside. But Fengzhi and Longyan came out to see that there was no one outside. Where did she get the picture of how many people from Fenglai to pick them up?

"Eh?" Feng to gently Yi.

Fenglai a few people are not here also just, but Xiao Xu is not here, some abnormal.

Xiao Xu was able to leave the Rift Valley only by relying on Fengzhi's recognition of the sea. Because of this, he was unable to completely separate from Fengzhi's consciousness of the sea, so he could not be too far away from Fengzhi.

Therefore, during the ten years when Fengzhi and Longyan entered the cave to heal their wounds, Xiao Xu could only stay in place.

Feng to be able to be so assured of the closure of ten years, it is precisely because they know that Xiao Xu, the powerful ruler of heaven, takes care of Fenglai.

But now

Why is there no one?

You know, before Feng Zhi came out of the cave, she had already delivered letters to several people from Fenglai.

It is obviously impossible for Fenglai not to pay attention to Fengzhi and Longyan's exit. In such a case, no one has been seen. Obviously, they are caught up in something.

Feng to slightly wrung eyebrows.

At this time, Feng to slightly side of the head, heard some movement from the distance.

Long Yan also looked at the past.

It didn't take long for the two people to see feng coming from the front.

Seeing Fengzhi and Longyan, Fenglai's several people were all beaming with joy. One of them appeared beside Fengzhi and Longyan and surrounded them in groups.

"Fengzhi, Longyan, you are out!"

“…… It's coming out! "

Fenglai and Fengming are just the same, xianbao'er is a look that can't be wronged any more. After seeing Feng Zhi, she looks like she wants to take Fengzhi to make decisions for her.

Feng then picked her eyebrows and looked at Feng.

Since he was there, he couldn't watch Xianbao suffer injustice. So what happened to Xianbao?

Phoenix to the Phoenix to the spread of hands, a pair of helpless appearance.

This is called Feng to some curiosity.

Pressing this curiosity to the bottom of my heart for a while, noticing that Xiao Xu has never appeared, Feng Zhi asked, "Why are there only you, senior Xiao Xu?"

Feng came more helpless: "caught by people."


Feng to slightly twist eyebrows.

After that, Fenglai told Fengzhi about what happened during the ten years when she and Longyan closed up, focusing on the recent events.

After Fengzhi and Longyan closed down, Xiao Xu led Fenglai and his party to settle down outside. Fengzhi and Longyan were in the closed door. Fenglai and Fenglai could not do nothing outside. There was a forest with many kinds of exotic animals about a hundred miles away from here. Fenglai planned to take a few small ones to hunt and kill exotic animals, which was regarded as practicing.

There is no danger in the presence of Xiao Xu, a powerful monarch.

No danger, no trouble.

Just a few days ago, outside the forest where Fenglai people have been going for ten years, two other people suddenly came. One of them was known to all of Fenglai. It was Ming Ruo who had been injured under Fengzhi.

When she was in Qicai City, the reason why Caixia fairy couldn't think of looking for Fengzhi and his party directly led to the following series of things. She even tore off her mask which she had been wearing for tens of thousands of years, and the source was Mingruo's injury.

Seeing Mingruo, Fenglai and others are all on guard.At the beginning, the woman came to the door for trouble for no reason, and finally was taken away by the Emperor himself. Because some things happened to her later, it really made Fenglai several people have to guard against her. Who knows if she will go crazy again?

However, I didn't expect that if I saw some people from Fenglai this time, I didn't even think that I was looking for trouble.

However, if Ming didn't ask for trouble, the person who went with her was obviously interested in Fenglai.

The same woman was with Mingruo.

If Mingruo is not crazy, it makes people feel full of immortal spirit and has a kind of aloof and aloof appearance, but the woman who walks with her is not the same. If it shows that she is a fairy, then the woman who walks with her may be called a witch.

The woman wore a long black dress, though it was a long dress, but it was not loose, even very close to the body, showing her proud figure.

Black and white, coupled with her extremely delicate face, appears to be very attractive.

The woman in black took a look at Mingruo beside her, then a pair of big eyes picked up slightly. With such a simple action, she had an indescribable temptation.

"Mingruo, I heard that you were planted in the hands of a man with the strength of Dara Jinxian. Is there such a thing?" Women in black.

If Mingruo hears the speech, coldly looks at the woman in black.

The woman in black also didn't care. Instead, she laughed, "as I said earlier, when it comes to robbing men, your means are far behind me. This is not the case, is it

Hearing this, Feng Lai several people can't help but glare at the woman in black.

The reason why they had a conflict with Mingruo was that Mingruo somehow wanted to rob Longyan from Fengzhi. Now, after listening to the woman in black, it is obvious that she and Mingruo are the same type.

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