The woman in black obviously noticed the reaction of Fenglai. She blinked her eyes Why do these people look familiar? Oh, I remember, Mingruo, you seem to have suffered from them? "

I just know it.

If Mingruo hears speech, his eyes are colder.

"Mingxi, why do you look like you know what you're asking?" If the road is bright.

She has been fighting with Mingxi secretly for so many years, and the incident of her last injury was not hidden. Mingxi was afraid that she had already found out the matter at the first time after receiving the news, but she still made this appearance.

Hearing this, the woman in black, who was called Mingxi, gradually lowered her smile.

"Yes, I knew that for a long time..." Mingxi said, and her eyes fell on Fenglai several people, and then a little bit regretfully said, "but, a little pity, I didn't see those two people who let Ming suffer. I really want to see who can make you so embarrassed."

The gloating in the voice should not be too obvious.

If Ming hears a cold hum.

The last time she was injured in Fengzhi's hand, if it wasn't for dongdijun's hand, it might have been broken in Fengzhi's hand. Such a thing is not a good thing to show off.


Mingxi was so provocative, if Ming but no silence, she followed the hook lip: "I also hope you see her."

Yi Mingxi sees a good-looking man and thinks about his virtue. If he had a face-to-face with Fengzhi and Longyan, you can imagine what will happen. When the time comes

Mingruo is really looking forward to it.

Hearing this, Mingxi blinked.

She did not say anything about it, but turned to look at Feng Lai and Feng Ming.

Fenglai and Fengming are not unheard of, but Mingxi's eyes are not the same. Mingxi's eyes are obviously aggressive, just like

I want to swallow Fenglai and Fengming.

Fengming followed Fengzhi for so many years. Naturally, her character also moved closer to Fengzhi. Seeing Mingxi looking at herself and Feng wantonly, she immediately became angry: "what are you looking at? What are you looking at?"

His tone is not good at all, but Mingxi is not angry at all.

"Look at you and him, you all look good!" The way is bright.

The Phoenix comes and the Phoenix sings

I don't know why, they all have the illusion that they are being teased.

Maybe it's not an illusion?

After getting along with Fengzhi for such a long time, Fenglai and Fengming often see people eating shriveled food under Fengzhi's mouth, but now they are blocked by people's words, and then they realize that this kind of taste is not very good.

In particular, although Mingxi talks with a smile on her face, her smile is not obvious. Even if she is looking at Fenglai and Fengming, Fenglai and Fengming can clearly feel that she has not paid attention to them at all.

If you really want to describe

Maybe, in Mingxi's eyes, Fenglai and Fengming may be just two pieces on the chopping board, which she chooses

Little fresh meat?

Inexplicably, the two people remembered the word from Feng to his mouth.

In a word, the feeling of being chosen by people with extremely critical eyes is not good at all.

When Fenglai and Fengming frowned, they heard Mingxi say again: "well, these two are really good-looking. The most valuable thing is that they look like brothers. If you can take them down, I don't know what kind of good taste it will be?"

When speaking, Mingxi also stretched out her tongue and gently licked her red lips.

Seeing here, if you don't know what Mingxi means, Fenglai and Fengming will be dead for more than 1000 years.

The two men were angry.

However, it was not Feng Lai and Feng Ming who first denounced, but xianbao'er.

"Where is the shameless witch from?" Xianbao'er said with a black face, "haven't you seen a man in 800 years?"

Xianbao'er is really angry.

She and Fenglai have already confirmed their intention for each other. Xianhelai and Chu Xuanji have tacitly agreed to their communication. Xianbao'er has long regarded Fenglai as the one who will accompany her all the way. Now, seeing Mingxi like this, she can snatch Fenglai as long as she wants. How can xianbao'er not be angry?

Listening to xianbao'er say so, Mingxi is a little lazy and puts her eyes on xianbao'er. Her eyes are even full of dislike, just as she gives Xianbao how much face to look at xianbao'er.

"Oh, there are two little girls here!" Mingxi picked her eyebrows. It was the most simple action. When she did it, she seemed to have a strange charm. "Little girl, one of them is your little lover? Well, I guess it must be looking at the older one... "

This means that the Phoenix has come.Speaking of this, Mingxi made a charming smile, "but, little girl, you have a little bit wrong. I'm not that I haven't seen a man for 800 years. I can't live without a man. Can you be satisfied with that?"

"You Xianbao'er glared at Mingxi.

Not only xianbao'er, but the faces of Fenglai and Fengming are not pretty.

They have known for a long time that although most of the immortals in the affairs of men and women are pure minded and have few desires, there are always some maverick people who are not only indifferent but also indulge in it, but also do not want to be met by them.

Seeing the ugly faces of several people from Fenglai, Mingxi gave out a series of laughter. When she had enough laughing, she hooked her fingers toward Fenglai and Fengming, "two beauties, come here..."

Both Fenglai and Fengming felt dizzy in their brains.

Mingxi only said these words, but each word seemed to them with a kind of irresistible temptation. They subconsciously lifted their feet and tried to follow Mingxi's words to her.

This is undoubtedly abnormal.

When Feng Lai and Feng Ming woke up from the confusion, they found that they had already raised their feet and stepped forward, and their toes were about to touch the ground.

This makes Feng Lai and Feng Ming startled out of a cold sweat.

Thanks to their strong will, otherwise, they would have become puppets in Mingxi's hands?

This Ming Xi

It's very difficult.

Fenglai and Fengming looked at each other and saw the fear from each other's eyes.

Seeing Fenglai and Fengming waking up from their charm so quickly, Mingxi's eyes flashed with interest. Not only did she not feel depressed, but she was more interested in it It's this kind of challenging person that makes it more interesting... "

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