At the same time, she was more serious, which was quite different from the previous lazy appearance.

Ming Ruo can't see the change of Mingxi any more clearly. With her understanding of Mingxi, Mingxi is afraid that she is determined to have Fenglai and Fengming.

I have been in contact with Fengzhi and his party. Mingruo vaguely remembers that Fenglai and Fengming are Fengzhi's elder brother and younger brother. Although I don't know why Fengzhi and Longyan didn't go with Fenglai and Fengming together, but with Fengzhi's temperament, if Fenglai and Fengming really suffered losses in Mingxi's hands, it can be imagined that Fengzhi and Fengming will definitely fight with Mingxi without hesitation.

Feng Zhi can make herself suffer. If Mingruo believes, she can also make Mingxi suffer.


Mingruo blinked, and a smile flashed on her face. She said faintly, "Mingxi, don't say I didn't remind you. These two are Fengzhi's brother and brother. I suffered a lot under Fengzhi's, you..."

With these words, Mingruo's eyes turn on Mingxi's face, which means that I have suffered a lot under Fengzhi. If you have to provoke these two people, I'm afraid you can't get better in Fengzhi.

Mingxi was originally interested in Fenglai and Fengming. After listening to Mingruo's saying, even if Ming knew that Mingruo was motivating her, she still didn't give up the idea.

Mingxi is very interested in Fengzhi, who can make Mingruo suffer a loss. After all, she is very clear about what Mingruo has in her hand. How can people not be curious that Fengzhi can make Mingruo suffer under such circumstances?

As for whether he will suffer losses in Fengzhi's hands

Mingxi can't be more confident about this.

With such an idea in mind, Mingxi not only did not converge, but also stretched out her hands directly.

Mingxi's hands can be said to be very beautiful, white and soft, with slender fingers. The most eye-catching thing is her bright red nails. When she reaches out, the bright red color seems to have a kind of frightening power.

Ten fingers are extremely flexible and gently moved, and you can see that the bright fingertips extend out a series of red light like thin lines. With the movement of Mingxi's ten fingers, the thin lines also dance gently.

It looks like

At the same time, it makes people feel scared subconsciously.

Fenglai and Fengming looked at each other and felt that it was hard to do good today.

But even if it is, they won't flinch.

No matter what, they can't let themselves become other people's playthings.

Seeing the appearance of Fenglai and Fengming, Mingxi gave a slight smile, her slender fingers moved again, and those red fine awns rose violently, extending directly to the direction of Fenglai and Fengming.

Fenglai held the Phoenix bow in his hand, while Fengming held his sword tightly. They both chopped at the red thread at the same time.

However, to their surprise, those red threads were extremely tough. They didn't cut them off at the first time, but fell on them when Feng Lai and Feng Ming didn't notice.

Then, just for a moment, Fenglai and Fengming felt numb, as if something was running away from the red thread to Mingxi.

They have a vague premonition that if they let this happen all the time, the consequences will not be what they want to see.

Looking at each other, Fenglai and Fengming did not dare to have any more carelessness. One raised his bow, the other held his sword, and again cut towards these fine threads.


After this extremely harsh sound sounded, those red threads were all broken under the bow and sword of Fenglai and Fengming.

However, they didn't allow them to breathe. Mingxi's ten fingers moved flexibly again, and more thin lines came to Fenglai and Fengming.

Although these thin lines are not very difficult to deal with, but the victory is that the number is too much, and once a fish is attached to the body of Fenglai and Fengming, the flexibility of their bodies will become worse to a certain extent. Therefore, the later, Fenglai and Fengming will catch more and more elbow.

Seeing that Mingxi controls the rhythm again, they will not have any good results. Feng Lai looks at her and says, "Fengming, I'll give you these things for the time being..."

Feng Ming nods.

Then, Feng Lai ignored those thin lines and handed his back directly to Fengming's hand. At the same time, he directly drew his bow and pointed his arrow to the distant Mingxi.

I feel numb.

She had a premonition that if she let Feng shoot the arrow, she would regret it.

Therefore, Mingxi shrank her smile and took a deep breath. The red thin lines that she manipulated on her fingertips completely abandoned Fengming and rushed towards Fenglai.

Feng Ming was shocked. After Feng Lai took off, he was just barely able to support these thin threads. Now all these threads are rushing to Feng. Where can Fenglai be intact?

But Fengming's response is obviously not as good as those thin lines with a kind of overwhelming potential to the Phoenix, almost to completely submerge the Phoenix.At the same time, Fenglai seems to have not paid attention to his present situation. He doesn't care about the thin lines at all. He only has a distant Mingxi in his eyes. His fingers are slightly loosened, and the arrow on the string will come out of the string, breaking through the layers of red lines and going straight to the bright.

After shooting the arrow, Fenglai obviously had no time to hide.

Looking at those red lines, Fenglai almost wrapped Fenglai into a cocoon. However, Fenglai felt that everything around her seemed to have stopped in an instant. Between such a pause, a hand stretched out from the heavy blockade of the red line, grabbed Feng and pulled it out. Fenglai had already separated from the encirclement of those red lines.

"Master Xiao Xu!" Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu are full of surprise tunnels.

It was Xiao Xu who helped in time.

Before Fengzhi and Longyan closed down, Fengzhi entrusted Fenglai to Xiao Xu, and Xiao Xu did take care of them all the time. However, Fenglai felt that if Xiao Xu took care of them all the time, their goal of tempering themselves could not be achieved. Therefore, Xiao xucai did not always follow them.

This time, Xiao Xu is also aware that Feng Lai and Feng Ming are in danger, so he comes here in time.

The strength of Na Mingxi is similar to that of Ming Ruo, and she is also a big Luo Jinxian. Of course, she can suppress Fenglai and Fengming. However, with the help of Xiao Xu, the powerful ruler of heaven, her means are particularly feeble.

Feng Lai and Feng Ming successfully escape from the red line and are protected by Xiao Xu behind them. In this way, they confront Mingruo and Mingxi.

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