For the appearance of Xiao Xu, Ming Ruo and Ming Xi are obviously extremely unexpected.

Mingxi, in particular, saw that the fat on her lips was robbed. Her heart was not so happy, but she could see clearly that Xiao Xu's strength was far from her.

So, no matter how unwilling, Mingxi is actually ready to recognize it.

Although these two beautiful men are very good, it is obviously unwise to provoke such strong men as Xiao Xu for their sake.


After hearing xianbao'er blurted out the words "Xiao Xu elder", she moved a little, then looked at Xiao Xu who was in front of Fenglai and Fengming.

Aware of Mingxi look over this one eye, Xiao Xu followed is a meal.

As a strong ruler, he often has a keen intuition about his own affairs. At this time, Xiao Xu's intuition told him that this woman named Mingxi would not be so easy to deal with.

Sure enough.

At the next moment, Xiao Xu listened to Mingxi's way and said, "I'm afraid you can't help me Master Xiao Xu, isn't he? "

Xiao Xu frowned slightly.

Mingxi seems to have not seen Xiao Xu's expression. She just continues to smile and say, "master, I have a crush on these two people. I plan to treat them as new favorites in the next hundred years. It's not good for you to suddenly step in like this, master?"

New favorite.

Hearing these two words, Feng Lai and Feng Ming's eyebrows jumped slightly. Xianbao'er's face was full of anger. Lian Hongyu also frowned.

No matter who hears others use such words to describe themselves, or describe their lovers and friends, I'm afraid they can't bear it.

Xiao Xu looks at Mingxi calmly.

He felt that Mingxi should have something to do.

In fact, it's true. Seeing Xiao Xu's silence, Mingxi's words suddenly changed: "master Xiao Xu, although I haven't seen you before, I've often heard of your name before. I heard that the elder fell down in the rift valley, but I still have a lot of regrets. Fortunately, the auspicious people of the elder not only came out of the Chatian gorge safely, but also had a strange fairyland Climb to the top... "

Xiao Xu still did not speak.

I don't know if it's because of Xiao Xu's appearance that oil and salt doesn't enter. Mingxi doesn't say any more compliments. Instead, she suddenly throws out a sentence that makes people feel confused: "master Xiao Xu, do you still remember Feng ER Niang by Dongsheng Lake 60000 years ago?"


Listen to Feng to say, come here, Feng Zhi can't help but burst out a burst of laughter.

If she is drinking water at this time, it is estimated that Fengming and Hongyu, sitting opposite her, will be in bad luck.

Other people all look at Feng Zhi inexplicably, don't know what happened to her.

Feng to smile for a long time before finally stopped.

Except for her, others of course don't know the stem of "summer rain lotus beside Daming Lake". Fengzhi can't help but wonder whether Mingxi, who said this, is also from the earth like herself. Otherwise, how could it be so similar?

Curious about what happened next, Fengzhi didn't rush to tell the public what the stem of "summer rain Lotus by Daming Lake" is. Instead, she waved her hand and urged Feng to say, "OK, don't worry about me. Fenglai, you can continue."

Feng came to see feng, and then went on.

Xiao Xu listened to Mingxi's words and said, "the wind Er Niang of Dongsheng Lake 60000 years ago? You are... "

Obviously, Xiao Xu knew this "Feng ER Niang on the Bank of Dongsheng Lake 60000 years ago", and had a lot of connections with him.

Seeing that Xiao Xu didn't deny it, Mingxi said again: "master Xiao Xu, Feng ER Niang is the younger generation's teacher ancestor, but the Shizu fell down soon after meeting you. Before the fall, Shizu had left a message. Tao is our disciple. If you encounter something that can't be solved in the future, you can go to the elder for help..."

However, before the disciples of Mingxi sect met the need to ask Xiao Xu for help, Xiao Xu had already fallen in the Chatian gorge.

In this way, those elders of Mingxi clan, of course, also pressed this matter into the deep memory.

When I came to worship in the Ming Dynasty, I occasionally heard the elders say something like this.

Xiao Xu's face shows some nostalgia.

That Feng ER Niang was kind to Xiao Xu at the beginning, so Xiao Xu made a promise when she left that he would help Feng ER Niang or her younger generation in the future.

Tens of thousands of years later, Xiao Xu also knew that Feng ER Niang had already fallen, but he didn't expect that Mingxi was still the younger generation of Feng ER Niang's clan.


This is a bit of a dilemma.

After Xu Feng was appointed by Xu Feng, who was the person to look after her?

After hearing the story of Feng, Feng narrowed her eyes slightly."So, master Xiao Xu let you come back in order not to fall into the situation where you don't know who to help when you fight again?" Feng Zhi asked.

Feng came and nodded.

At that time, Xiao Xu was really in a dilemma. Later, in order to avoid further embarrassment, he simply waved to Fenglai and sent them back.

When Feng Zhi and Long Yan went out of the pass, they just met Feng Lai and his party came back.

"Ming Xi?" Feng to blink an eye, "listen to you say so, I still have some curiosity to this person actually!"

Feng came to smell the speech and glared at the Phoenix to one eye: "what situation are you now, you don't know?"? For the next 100 years, you can stop! "

Feng Zhi had been unable to use force for a hundred years, but she was not completely unable to fight with others. If she started to do so and accidentally involved in the injury, the time for her complete recovery would have to move forward.

Xianbao'er then went up and hugged Feng Zhi's arm: "sister Fengzhi, you don't know how annoying that woman named Mingxi is. She almost swallowed Fenglai and Fengming with her eyes, OK? If it had not been for master Xiao Xu, it would not have been possible for them to come back to see you before! "

There's nothing wrong with that.

Mingxi is the strength of Daluo Jinxian, while Fenglai and Fengming are both early Tianxian and late Dixian. Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu are both Dixian. There is no possibility of victory for shangmingxi.

Xianbao'er has some treasures that the crane and Chu Xuanji gave her to protect her life, but most of them are used for self-defense, which really can't play a big role in such a situation.

Hearing xianbao'er complain to Feng, Feng comes back and frowns slightly and looks at xianbao'er with obvious disapproval in his eyes.

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