According to Feng Lai's idea, Fengzhi should cultivate her moral character and cultivate her nature in the past 100 years. This kind of thing that is likely to make Feng Zhi angry is of course impossible to hide. If you tell her, you can tell it. However, as xianbao'er knows, Fengzhi can't use force and still cry with her, but it's not right.

Fengzhi is not something that can swallow her anger. According to her temper, she is really going to be angry in her heart. Where can I manage what can I do to use force?

Because of this, Feng Lai, who always protects xianbao'er, looks at her with reproach.

Feng to see the situation to the Phoenix to wave, "OK, you look at bao'er to do, don't worry, I'm not so silly, know the measurement is slight, will not meet the individual to rush up to fight a life and death."

Feng came to see feng.

Why does he think he doesn't believe it?

Even so, Feng Lai didn't stop xianbao'er any more.

Xianbao'er then continued to complain to Fengzhi Sister Feng Zhi, you don't know. Looking at that woman staring at Feng all the time, I can't wait to dig out all her tricks and say that I want to take Fenglai and Fengming together. It's really hateful! "

Speaking of this, xianbao'er took a look at Longyan and said, "Fenglai and Fengming are not as good-looking as elder brother Longyan. If the woman saw him, she would have straightened her eyes..."

Hearing this, Feng raised her eyebrows.

Just as tonglongyan can't tolerate other people's covetous Fengzhi, Fengzhi also can't tolerate the idea of someone playing Longyan.

Look at the situation now, they are very likely to meet with that Mingxi. If this Mingxi is restrained, if she really starts to make Longyan's idea as xianbao'er said

Ha ha ha.

Feng to want to say, even if she does not start with Mingxi now, she also has a way to let her eat too much.

Besides, isn't there long Yan?

Well, yes, the rotten peach blossom brought back by Long Yan should be dealt with by himself.

Thinking in this way, Feng Zhi takes a look at Long Yan.

Long Yan is helpless to blink at Feng Zhi, which is not a shadow of the matter, Fengzhi has already thought of the countermeasures.

Feng Zhi returned to Longyan with a smile, then stretched out a stretch and called on all the people: "well, since there are old friends there, let's go and meet..."

Xianbao'er's eyes brightened when he heard the speech.

Although Feng Zhi didn't say anything, she heard the meaning of "doing something" from the tone of Feng Zhi.

Without waiting for other people to speak, xianbao'er took a step forward to go out and said: "Feng to elder sister, I'll show you the way!"

I can't be more positive.

The others laughed and shook their heads.

The party then went back to the forest where they had come back. It was only a hundred Li in total, and the foot distance of Yifeng Zhi and others soon arrived.

Seeing the forest from afar, xianbao'er is still saying: "sister Fengzhi, if Mingxi wants to provoke you or brother Longyan, you can't persuade her. Let brother Longyan beat her, and even her mother can't recognize her!"

At the same time, he also clenched his fist and waved it vigorously.

This is sparing no effort in pushing Feng to fight against Mingxi.

Xianbao'er is not a careful person. Now she can have such a reaction. I think it's Mingxi's idea to play Fenglai, which really touches her bottom line.

Everyone's heart has a counter scale that others can't touch. Fenglai is probably one of xianbao'er's scales.

Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

Speaking, they have reached the outer edge of the forest.

Feng Zhi sees Xiao Xu and the two people opposite him. One of them is Mingruo, and the other is a woman in a long black dress. She should be Mingxi.

Noticing the arrival of Feng Zhi and his party, Xiao Xu all looked at it at the same time.

Seeing Feng Zhi, Xiao Xuxian looks at her and Longyan, and then nods at them at ease.

Mingruo is only to see a glance on the first, gently cold hum.

But Mingxi, perhaps because of Ming ruo's reaction, her eyes fell on Feng Zhi and Long Yan. Of course, she finally fell on Long Yan, and her eyes flashed with interest.

Noticing Mingxi's eyes, Mingruo sneers beside her.

Mingxi's strength is not better than her. At most, they are between Bo Zhong. This Fengzhi is a ruthless man. Knowing that he has the blood of the emperor in his hand, he must have a deep relationship with an emperor, and can still lay a heavy hand on himself without blinking an eye. If the East Emperor didn't take her away in time, it's unknown whether she could get rid of Feng Zhi's hand perfectly Number.

If she is like this, what exception can Mingxi have?

However, Mingxi always thinks highly of herself. She thinks she is the best among her peers. Even if she is told how powerful Feng Zhi is, she will not believe it. Instead, she will think it is Mingruo's provocation.In this case

Mingruo is just waiting to see the good play.

She was happy to see Mingxi eat flat.

Ming if and Ming Xi play between what kind of attack, Fengzhi of course do not know.

However, noticing that when Mingxi looks at Longyan, she has an undisguised interest and ambition, but Fengzhi can't help narrowing her eyes.

It seems that

Her previous plans were about to come in handy.

Feng Zhi then took a look at Longyan.

Long Yan is frowning at this time. Mingxi's eyes are obviously interested in him. If someone else is around, he may be complacent that he has attracted the attention of such a beauty, but Long Yan just feels bored.

In addition to Feng Zhi, he could not tolerate any other opposite sex.

What's more, Long Yan also found that if Feng Zhi starts to eat vinegar, he can't bear it.

As for why he didn't stand behind Fengzhi, of course, it was because Fengzhi didn't have long Yangao, so he couldn't cover him completely!

Long Yan noticed that after he stood behind Feng Lai, the corner of Feng Zhi's lips obviously curved.

It seems that he did the right thing.

Having no time to pay attention to Mingxi's reaction, Long Yan reached for Feng Zhi's hand and said, "Feng Zhi, don't worry. I'll take care of her later."

Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

Mingxi over there raised her eyebrows and then showed a smile of unknown meaning. She didn't seem to notice that Fengzhi and Longyan didn't like her at all. Mingxi went straight ahead and crossed Fenglai. First she took a look at Longyan, and finally stopped at Fengzhi.

"Are you Fengzhi?" Mingxi's tone rose, and her voice was very light. "I'm glad to meet you..."

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