As an immortal, flying to the sky and escaping from the ground are all common skills. Now they are just standing on the water surface, which is nothing at all. Therefore, Feng Zhi few people did not care, and directly stepped on the water.

The moment their toes touched the water, they heard Xiao Xu's warning.

However, at this time, it was too late to take back the feet, because at that moment, people felt the heavy suction coming from their feet.

It was as if the water under their feet had a strange force, and was about to pull them into the water.


Feng Zhi and Feng Lai raised their stature at the first time, but Fengming and xianbao'er didn't pay attention to each other when they practiced red jade. If Feng Zhifeng didn't react quickly, they would have gone up one by one. Maybe they would have sunk into the water.

Judging from the present situation, if they really sink into the water, they can still rely on their own strength to come up is also unknown.

The soft sword between Feng and waist swam to her feet like a water snake. While holding her up, the body of the sword kept growing so that other people could stand on it.

Until after standing firm, Fengming just patted the chest in fear: "how terrible, what is this?"

Although it was almost drowned, Fengming three people really feel terrible.

At the moment when they sink into the water, they have no way to control their bodies. Their bodies seem to weigh a thousand pounds. Every time they sink into the water, the pressure they can feel increases exponentially.

All in all, it's terrible.

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu both nodded.

At this time, Xiao Xu looked at them helplessly: "I said that your heart is really too big, why is this also the residence of the emperor? I want to know that it can't be as simple as it seems on the surface. How can you just fall to the water so carelessly? I want to remind you that it's too late..."

Fengming three people look at each other, some embarrassed.

This time it was really their carelessness.

Seeing these three people like this, Xiao Xu shakes his head and estimates that they have been taught a lesson. Instead of saying anything more, he shifts the topic: "this is the residence of the East emperor. In fact, the whole Dongsheng lake can be regarded as the residence of the East emperor. However, this is the core position. Most of the water in the East holy lake is ordinary Water, but the water within a hundred miles around the residence at the core is the weak water in legend

Weak water.

So it became clear to everyone.

Since it is weak water, it is no wonder that Fengming three almost fell here.

800 quicksand boundary, 3000 weak water depth, goose feather can't float, the bottom of the reed flower will sink.

From these words, we can see the power of weak water. Even goose feather and reed can't float on the weak water. What's more, Fengming xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu are the three living people?

Moreover, the legendary weak water has many powers. If it sinks like this, even if it can be saved in time, it will be enough for them to drink.

For a while, Fengming three people can't help but pat the chest, dew happy.

Feng to see them: "long snack bar, go out if you don't know how cautious, I think you are afraid to do a lifetime need to be taken care of the baby."

Fengming three people smell speech are somewhat ashamed.

Since being together with Fengzhi, they have been used to listening to Fengzhi and being taken care of and protected by Fengzhi. If they had heard Fengzhi say so before, they would have wanted to be a baby cared for by Fengzhi all his life, and there was nothing wrong with it. But after Fengzhi suddenly fainted, Fengming suddenly found out that Fengzhi was not gold either Just not bad body, she will be tired, in such a case, they certainly do not want to let themselves become the burden of Fengzhi.

Three people then repeatedly nodded: "there will be no future."

Seeing them like this, Feng Zhi smiles and turns his words, "don't look at the weak water. In fact, it seems to me that there is something romantic about it."

"Romantic?" Everyone was a little surprised.

Feng to smile and squint: "have you never heard a word?"

Xianbao'er couldn't help asking, "what's the matter?"

Feng Ming turned her eyes at Feng: "you didn't say it. How can we know what it is?"

Feng to no reason, Feng Ming this bar spirit, she looked at the following piece of water, looking at and ordinary water no different weak water, a light voice: "weak water 3000, only take a ladle."

Speaking at the same time, remembering that he has not seen Long Yan, Feng Zhi fell into silence again.

I don't know how long Yan is now.

Other people are silent because of Fengzhi's words and the meaning of this sentence, but Fengming doesn't. He turns his eyes at Fengzhi, "Fengzhi, I don't mean you. You and Long Yan always fill us with dog food. We all recognize it. Now Long Yan is not around you, and you can put dog food if you can't move Is something wrong? "Feng Zhi looked at Feng Lai. When Feng Lai was so fluffy that she couldn't help asking for mercy, Feng Zhi suddenly laughed and said, "Long Yan will come back to me soon."

Feng Ming was relieved.

He also knew that he had said something wrong. Before that, Fengzhi was nearly mad because of Long Yan's arrest. He didn't pay attention to it. How could he use this incident to stimulate Fengzhi?

Therefore, see Phoenix to have no other special reaction, Fengming repeatedly nodded: "yes, right."

If you look at the building, you don't have to wait for the evidence

Xiao Xu said it cautiously.

Xiao Xu is the best one among the heavenly kings. He was not a man who would swallow his anger before the event of the Shatian gorge at the beginning. Now, after he got away from the valley, he is even more reckless. However, he has a clear understanding of his own ability.

His strength is really strong, but it depends on who he is compared with.

To other emperors, even if it is the first one recognized among the heavenly kings, the heavenly king's arrow roars, Xiao Xu can not be a little bit dissuasive, but the Emperor

He really did!

Even Xiao Xu is still like this. Now, Fengzhi, who has the strength of Daluo Jinxian, is not to mention. Even if Fengzhi tries to hurt the foundation and inspires the inheritance power left by fengmiao like the last time, it can only exert the power of the emperor. Moreover, it can not last long. What can she do to face the emperor?

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