Feng to the Xiao Xu nodded, "Xiao Xu elder, you can rest assured, I know in the mind, will not come indiscriminately."

When she heard his words, she could only see from her heart that it was not good.

He then looked back to the front and said, "in this case, let's go."

With a wave of his broad sleeves, Xiao Xu took Feng Zhi and his party to the building complex.

The crowd was not far away from the building complex which was completely condensed by water. At the speed of Xiao Xu, the distance was nothing but a quarter of an hour. They appeared outside the outermost gate.

In the near future, the people finally saw the true face of these buildings clearly.

Although it was formed by condensation of water, the building in front of us has a very grand momentum. If not all the people are determined, they will feel ashamed before this gate.

Any kind of thing, as long as to the extreme, it will always make people feel strong.

So is water.

These buildings are all made of water, but they are not weak at all. They even exude a strong sense of power. People can clearly feel their strength with only one glance.

In addition to being powerful, these buildings built by water are also very complex and exquisite, which is commensurate with the identity of the East emperor.

When the people looked at the buildings in front of them, Xiao xucai led them forward.

Holding out his hand, Xiao Xu kowtowed to the green knocker on the water gate.

Ding Ding Ding

At the same time, the knocker also swayed slightly.

The next moment, a voice came from the door: "who is coming?"

Xiao Xu's face was not slighter. He bent slightly towards the gate and said, "younger Xiao Xu, come to see the emperor."

There was a silence in the door.

"It turned out to be Xiao Tianjun..." The voice obviously needs to be softened a little, "if the emperor knows that Xiao Tianjun has come, he will be very happy. However, Xiao Tianjun has not come at the right time. The emperor has already closed the gate earlier, and the date of going out has not been determined. So Xiao Tianjun is afraid that he will go for nothing this time."


Xiao Xu and Feng Zhi look at each other.

Xiao Xu had been to Dongsheng lake before, and had also met the East emperor. He knew that the East emperor was gentle and generous, and he was not a person who liked to put on a chair. The person who talked in the door was the servant in front of the East emperor. He would never dare to lie about the East emperor.

Therefore, the East emperor must be really closed.

This makes Xiao Xu wring his eyebrows.

Long Yan was arrested. According to Feng Zhi's analysis, it is likely that the person who did this was Mingxi, who had something to do with the East emperor.

Originally, Xiao Xu thought that he was familiar with the people in front of the emperor. This time, it was related to the people in front of the emperor. With his temperament, he would not be angry with them, but would investigate the matter carefully. If it was done by Mingxi, dongdijun would not be partial to Mingxi.

In this way, the matter can be solved in the most peaceful way.

But where can think of, East emperor Jun unexpectedly shut down.


What should we do about it?

When Xiao Xu frowned, Feng Zhi suddenly opened his mouth and said, "since the emperor is not here, can you ask me if you can be there?"

The waiter in the door was quite surprised when he heard Feng Zhi's voice. However, he only raised his eyebrows slightly and then suppressed the surprise. He said, "Miss Mingxi returned to the East holy palace a few days ago, and is now in the palace."

Dongsheng palace, this is the name of dongdijun's residence.

Mingxi is in Dongsheng palace.

Feng only noticed this sentence.

She raised her lips slightly and said, "we are old friends with Mingxi. This time, we have come to look for her. Please let me know that Mingxi will meet us when we come."

The waiter slightly pause, Feng Zhi said too natural, natural to let people can not doubt the truth of her words.

Therefore, the waiter did not think about it, so he nodded and informed Mingxi who was in the East holy palace.

At the same time, the gate of the East holy palace was opened to welcome people in.

"Since you are the old friends of Miss Mingxi, you may as well go to the palace for a rest." Said the waiter.

Feng Zhi nodded, and then a group of fish into the east palace.

While waiting, Feng to and several other people exchanged a look.

Before that, Mingruo and Mingxi had something to do with the East emperor. This was only a guess made by Fengzhi based on the information she had captured. It was also until the waiter said that Mingxi was in the East holy palace that all the people confirmed Fengzhi's conjecture.Since Mingxi can live in Dongsheng palace, she has been called miss by the waiter. Thus, it can be seen that the relationship between Mingxi and dongdijun is more intimate than people had previously speculated.

In this way, the problem is more complicated.

They come here to ask for people from Mingxi, and Mingxi obviously has a lot to do with the East emperor, so the East holy palace can be regarded as Mingxi's home.

In her home court, how can Feng Zhi take advantage of it?

Not to mention forcing Mingxi to hand over Longyan.

Can they really achieve their goal this time?

Such questions arise in people's minds.

However, looking at Feng to that face of calm, people also did not say this question.

However, xianbao'er was unable to hide her words. She wanted to ask if she had doubts in her heart. In addition, the waiter was really gentle. So xianbao'er only tolerated for a while, then winked at the waiter: "old uncle, can I ask you a question?"

The waiter is an old man who looks around 50 or 60 years old. People of this age are extremely tolerant to the younger generation. So after listening to xianbao'er's words, he smiles: "little girl, what's the problem with you?"

"Uncle, what's the relationship between Mingxi and the emperor?" she asked curiously

The waiter was a little surprised.

Fengzhi and his party said that they were Mingxi's old friends, so they came to the East holy palace to find her. In this case, how could they not even know Mingxi's identity?

Although he thought so, the waiter didn't say much.

This is the East holy lake, is the emperor's residence, even if you have the courage, you will not dare to go wild here.

As for whether Fengzhi and his party know Mingxi or not, there's no need to worry about it. When Mingxi arrives, will everything be clear?

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