Of course, with Xiao Xu here, the waiter actually tends to be Fengzhi and several people are not looking for trouble.

Therefore, he was very patient when he answered xianbao'er's question Miss Mingxi is the adoptive daughter of the emperor. "

The reason why he answered so simply was that it was not a secret in the eastern part of the fairyland. Many immortals who often walked around in the eastern part of the fairyland knew that there were two adoptive daughters under the emperor's knee. Even if he didn't say so, when Feng Feng and Feng left here to inquire about it, they would still be able to find out.

Adoptive daughter!

Feng to several people smell speech are somewhat surprised.

They all thought that the relationship between Mingruo and Mingxi and the East emperor must be extremely close, otherwise they would not have such treasures as the blood of the emperor and the heart of the water spirit.

However, they did not expect that these two people would be the adoptive daughters of the emperor.

This is very rare.

To the emperor's level, his every move will cause widespread concern, not to mention what kind of son and daughter, and the East emperor even accepted two adoptive daughters, how to think this is not normal.

However, this is the freedom of the East emperor. Let alone that no one dares to ask him, even if some dare, there is no reason to ask?

"Ah..." Feng to sneer, "the original Ming Xi or a small public ah."

When the waiter heard Feng Zhi's sneer, he turned his head and looked at her. He didn't say anything.

At this time, when they heard a burst of footsteps, they looked up at the source of the sound of the footsteps. It was not the Mingxi that Fengzhi wanted to find this time that was slowly coming here?

Seeing Feng to a line from afar, Mingxi's step is a meal, and some displeasure appears on the surface.

Obviously, she didn't want to see Feng Zhi and others, so she didn't go any further. Instead, she stood still and said to the waiter, "Mingbo, drive these people out!"

The waiter, known as "Mingbo", then looked at Feng Zhi and others.

He didn't drive Feng Zhi out directly as Mingxi said. After all, there was a Xiao Xu who had met with the East emperor in the middle of Fengzhi. This face must be given.

"A few, Miss Mingxi doesn't want to see you. Please come back."

After that, Mingbo looked at Fengzhi and others with bright eyes. Although there was no other expression, anyone could see that he meant that if Fengzhi and others did not follow his advice, the consequences would be very serious.

See form, distant bright Xi in the heart is proud, lip corner is slightly up.

She is the adoptive daughter of the emperor. In the case that the East emperor has no children of her own, she is a well deserved princess in the eastern part of the fairyland. However beautiful the Phoenix is to them, she does not want to see them now, so she has to be expelled?

For Mingbo's words, Fengzhi has no reaction, just looks at Mingbo steadily.

Seeing Mingbo's look more and more ugly, Xiao Xu anxiously looks at Fengzhi and opens his mouth to persuade him.

Although Mingbo seems to be an ordinary old man, Xiao Xu also has some understanding of him. He is a really strong emperor, and among the strong ones, he is the one who can rank in the front.

After all, Mingbo serves the emperor. If he can get the emperor's advice at any time, his strength will not be weak.

Under such circumstances, if Fengzhi insists on conflict with Mingxi, we can imagine what will happen.

Mingxi saw all this in her eyes. Her eyes turned slightly. Suddenly, she opened her mouth and said a word to Feng silently: Long Yan is here with me. Come on.

Looking at the face of Feng Zhi's sudden change, don't mention how happy it is.

She is deliberately to stimulate Fengzhi. First, it is revenge. Before that, Fengzhi chokes her with all kinds of words. Secondly, Mingxi also wants to stimulate Fengzhi to take the initiative to attack her. With Mingbo, she can't suffer any loss, but Fengzhi is not necessarily.

What else can you do if you have two or three dragons?

That's what Mingxi thinks.

But in the provocation of Mingxi, Feng Zhi looked at her coldly for a while, but suddenly, unexpectedly, she showed a smile again.

"Since Mingxi doesn't welcome us, let's find Mingruo. I believe Mingruo will certainly welcome us." Feng Zhi Dao.

It's Mingxi's turn to turn pale this time.

If Ming Ruo always likes to fight against her, it can be imagined that she is not willing to let Fengzhi and others enter the Dongsheng palace. Mingruo will certainly raise her hands and feet to welcome Fengzhi and others.

Damn it!

Mingxi couldn't help stamping her feet.

And Mingbo, although he saw that Mingxi's face was not good-looking, he did not report it to Mingruo.

Mingxi is the adoptive daughter of dongdijun, but Mingbo is a powerful emperor. He just follows dongdijun, but he is not a servant of Mingxi. Naturally, it is impossible to act with Mingxi's likes and dislikes.So, before long, Feng Zhi and others saw Ming Ruo.

Mingruo seems to be not surprised by the arrival of Fengzhi and others. She takes a look at Mingxi, and then says to Fengzhi and others: "you come in first."

Feng to then no longer see Mingxi one eye, follow Mingruo into the east palace.

But Mingxi, be Ming if in front of so many people's face, don't mention how ugly, especially Fengzhi also followed into the East holy palace, then

I don't know what I thought of. Mingxi didn't stay any longer, but quickly turned around and left.

Feng to see Mingxi's back a look, reluctantly resist the impulse to follow up, was taken to the palace where she lived.

Dongsheng palace is a huge palace complex with few people living in it. Therefore, Mingruo and Mingxi have a complete palace as their residence in Dongsheng palace. The residence of Mingruo is the same as that of Dongsheng palace, but the details are exquisite. If you observe it carefully, you can see its delicacy.

However, Feng Zhi and others at this time did not have the mind to observe these.

Just be led to sit down by Ming Ruo, Feng to get to the point and say, "Long Yan is there in Ming Xi."

She couldn't be more sure.

If Ming smell speech nodded, she did not want to cover for Mingxi.


If Ming always has a kind of faint premonition, if Mingxi doesn't return Long Yan back, maybe she will fall into a big trap in Fengzhi's hand.

Speaking of this, long Yan'er is very puzzled.

Before that, she also advised Shi Xi to put down her obsession with Long Yan. At that time, she didn't get Mingxi's good face. If Mingxi didn't take her hot face to stick Mingxi's cold buttocks, she gave up after some persuasion.

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