According to Mingruo's idea, Mingxi's skills are not as good as people's. among Fengzhi and others, there is Xiao Xu, a powerful monarch. With Mingxi, it is impossible for them to be unfavorable to them.

But the fact is obviously not what Miro thought.

It wasn't long before Mingruo found out by accident that Mingxi didn't know what and brought Longyan back.


To Mingruo's surprise, the Dragon Yan who appears in front of her has obviously changed greatly.

Long Yan left a very deep impression on Mingruo, and the most unforgettable thing for Ming Ruo is his deep love for Fengzhi. When he took out the blood of the emperor, Long Yan knew that he could not resist such pressure. In order not to let himself do anything that would hurt Fengzhi's heart, he would rather cut off his legs rather than walk towards her.

Such determination and firmness were rare before.

At that time, Mingruo was also envious of Fengzhi.

She and the ancient style, that is, Si Hao's age, identity is also equivalent, one is the emperor's son, the other is the emperor's daughter, naturally also met up.

Because of the South emperor's attitude towards his mother, Si Hao doubted the relationship between all the immortals and lovers. He spared no effort to create a test among them. However, Mingruo used to be a joker, and he also wanted to get involved in such interesting things.

So they cooperate in this way, do not know how many immortal couple's feelings have cracks.

Fengzhi and Longyan are the few fairies that Mingruo saw that had never been provoked by them.

Therefore, if Ming thinks that with the deep love of Longyan to Fengzhi, no matter what kind of temptation he encounters, he will definitely be able to resist, and will never let Feng Zhi be sad.

But now

What's going on?

Since the last time I met Feng Zhi and his party, Mingruo has noticed that Mingxi's obsession suddenly comes out.

In this regard, Mingruo of course is extremely pessimistic, and even put down the tit for tat with Mingxi, thinking that Mingxi would grow up with her no matter how much, she can't just watch Mingxi fall into such an emotion that is doomed to be unable to get a response, so she can persuade Mingxi for some time.

It's just that Mingxi is ungrateful.

If Mingruo still thinks that Mingxi is doomed to love alone for a lifetime. How can she think of it? How long did she see the figure of Long Yan here in Mingxi?

She also repeatedly confirmed that it was Longyan himself who appeared in the Dongsheng palace, rather than the puppet Mingxi had used to get it.

What's more, what surprised Mingruo most was that Long Yan didn't even give Mingxi a straight eye as before. On the contrary, as long as Mingxi appeared in his sight range, Long Yan would chase Mingxi's figure for the first time.

It's like

In his eyes, only Mingxi was left alone.

But how could that be possible?

Before long Yan, such eyes are only for Feng Zhi.

So, what happened?

Mingruo doesn't believe it. In such a short period of time, Long Yan's love has changed. She doesn't believe that this is what Mingxi did with her charm.

Because of this discovery, Ming ruo's heart is full of doubts during this period of time.

First, she wants to fight against Mingxi. She wants to do anything that Mingxi doesn't like. Secondly, Mingruo wants to find out what Mingxi has done to make Longyan like this.

She always felt that Mingxi could not do this on her own.

It is impossible for the emperor to help Mingxi when he is in seclusion. Even if the emperor is not closed, he can not tolerate such a thing, let alone Help Mingxi get Longyan.

What's going on with all this?

Until Feng to a group of people to find over, also want to see themselves, if this just faintly had a premonition, probably not long ago, she can understand all this.

This is why she met Feng Zhi and others and brought them into the East holy palace.

When Feng Zhi says that Long Yan is in Mingxi's place, if there's nothing wrong with Ming Xi, if it's not confirmed, Fengzhi and his colleagues would not have been so reckless to find the East holy palace.

Here, after all, is the residence of the emperor, how can we tolerate people's rudeness?

Nodding his head, Mingruo said, "you're right. Long Yan is in Mingxi's place, and it seems that the situation is quite strange. However, before you say this, you must let me know what happened?"

Feng Zhi then explained how long Yan was captured.

Then, she looked at xiangmingruo: "the emperor is in seclusion. Is there anyone like this in Dongsheng palace that can easily take long Yan away under the eyes of master Xiao Xu?"

Minruo shakes her head.

Xiao Xu's strength is the best among the heavenly kings. If he can take long Yan away so easily under his nose, Ming Ruo feels that he is the first one among the heavenly kings, and Tianjun is afraid that he can't do it.So

Then she denied the absurd idea in her mind.

How could that be possible?

It is impossible for a few emperors to pay attention to this kind of fighting among younger generations. Even if they do, they will never interfere.

However, if it is not the emperor, who is it?

Mingruo's eyebrows are also tightly wrinkled.

If you look like this, Feng Zhi knows that she probably can't get the answer from her.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't get the answer. As long as you can bring Long Yan back.

Fengzhi then looked at xiangmingruo: "please take us to find Mingxi, I will bring Longyan back."

The tone was very firm.

Mingruo nodded first. Since she had brought Fengzhi and Fengzhi to her, she would certainly not have taken them to see Mingxi. However, before that, she still wanted to explain Longyan's abnormal situation to Fengzhi and others.

"I can take you to see Mingxi. Mingxi has to take long Yan wherever she goes during this period. Of course, you can see Long Yan, but..." Mingruo took a look at Feng Zhi. "Although I only saw Longyan once, I always feel that he is in a strange state. When he was brought to Dongsheng Palace by Mingruo, he did not want to leave. He was always willing to stay with Mingxi. In his eyes, he only looked like Mingxi."

"No way!"

These three words were said by Feng Zhi and others.

Don't say that Feng didn't believe it. Feng Lai and Xiao Xu didn't believe it.

How much does Long Yan care about Fengzhi? Anyone with eyes can see it clearly. However, he was captured by others, and how long has he been away from Feng? How can he be so bright in his eyes?

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