All the people stare at Mingruo. They think it's Mingruo telling them a big joke.

Mingruo is also helpless.

No one believes the truth these days?

Facing Fengzhi, he showed his hands and said, "I'm telling the truth. You can't believe me. But we'll see Mingxi and Longyan right away. What's the point of making up such a joke to cheat you?"

The crowd was silent.

Indeed, as minruo said, there was no need for her to make up such a lie.


Is it true?

Fengzhi certainly doesn't believe it.

As for Fenglai and others, they were both suspicious and angry.

If Long Yan really betrayed Fengzhi, what a heavy blow should it be for Fengzhi?

Feng Lai and other people will naturally give up for Feng.

Fenglai and Fengming even agreed that if long Yanzhen betrayed Fengzhi so soon, they would fight for Fengzhi's justice.

Of course, from their original intention, Fenglai and Fengming still don't believe that Longyan will betray Fengzhi.

After all, they and Long Yan have been together for more than a thousand years. They can see clearly what kind of person Longyan is and how he knows Feng.

If even Long Yan would betray Feng Zhi, what feelings can we expect in this world?

With such a mood, the party followed Mingruo to Mingxi.

As the adoptive daughter of the Eastern Emperor, Mingruo and Mingxi have the same status in the Dongsheng palace. Of course, their residences are all palaces of the same level. However, because the relationship between Mingruo and Mingxi has always been bad, their residences are a little far away.

It is forbidden to fly in Dongsheng palace. You can only rely on one leg to go where you want to go. Therefore, from Mingruo to Mingxi's residence, it took them half a day.

In this way, in order not to let Mingruo and Mingxi meet, the East emperor is also considered to have a good intention.

If Mingruo and Mingxi don't agree, the people under their hands can see clearly. When they see Mingruo leading Feng to the party from a distance, the maid under Mingxi will go in and report.

"Miss Mingxi, miss Mingruo is here, and she has brought several people." The maid said.

Moreover, looking at that, the people Mingruo brought with him also had a kind of bad intention.

Listen to the maid said so, Mingxi can not help a little meal.

At this time, she was sitting on a noble imperial concubine's couch. Longyan was sitting with her. A plate of Xianpu was placed between them. Mingxi was picking up a crystal round fruit and feeding it to Longyan.

Maybe she cares too much. Even if she can only see herself in the eyes of Longyan now, Mingxi is also worried about her gains and losses. She has even done all the things that she could never have done before.


Looking at Long Yan's pale golden eyes, Mingxi feels that everything she does is worth it.

Mingming such a beautiful moment, but it was broken by Mingruo and the people she led to. Mingxi was not angry at all.

Who are those people who follow Mingruo? Mingxi certainly knows.

As long as she thinks that Long Yan will see Feng Zhi again, she can't help but panic.

It has to be said that what is robbed is always snatched, which makes people feel very insecure.

What's more, although the person who made a deal with her didn't know what way to make Longyan forget the existence of Fengzhi, and could only accommodate her in his eyes. However, since that person can do this, others may not be able to do it.

If Long Yan thought of Feng Zhi again, what would she do?

If you haven't got it all the time, at most, you will never forget it. If you get it, you will lose it. That's the real life.

Mingxi can't allow such things to happen.

She snorted coldly.

If Mingruo has already brought people over, even if she let people stop Ming Ruo, I can't stop her, but

Mingxi looked at Long Yan and said in a warm voice, "Long Yan, you won't betray me, will you?"

Long Yan blinked, a pair of golden pupil eyes flash through a bit of blankness.

He always feels that he seems to have forgotten something important, but no matter how he thinks about it, he still can't remember it. Moreover, whenever he sees Mingxi, he can't help but feel that "she is my favorite person".

It's not like he really likes this person, but it's like he's been forced into his mind with such consciousness.

This makes Long Yan try his best to avoid seeing things, but he has to.

For Long Yan, this is also a very painful thing for him.

At this time, after listening to Mingxi's words, Long Yan didn't want to pay attention to this problem. But then, as if controlled by some strange force, Long Yan said two words that were extremely against his heart."No He said.

So Mingxi was perfect.

Although Long Yan said this without any expression and without warmth, as long as he could get such an answer, it would be enough for her.

Think about it, if you ask Long Yan to say these two words in front of Feng Zhi later, I think Feng Zhi's expression will be extremely wonderful, right?

Just think about it like this, Mingruo is very happy.

She waved to the maid, "don't stop them. Let them in."

The maid nodded and was relieved.

now the emperor is shut up. If the two ladies are noisy like before, even those who are not reconciled in the middle can be persuaded by them.

When the maid returned, Mingxi had already led Feng to several people to come outside the palace.

"Take us to see Ming." Ming Ruo directly ordered the way.

There was no accident with the maid.

Over the years, they have been used to the incompatibility between Mingruo and Mingxi, and have been ordered by Mingxi. Now they lead Mingxi and others to the main hall.

The main hall is very spacious. Mingxi and Longyan are sitting on the couch of the imperial concubine in the main hall.

Hearing the news of Fengzhi and others coming in, Mingxi looks up and looks at Mingruo for a while, and finally falls on Fengzhi with great precision.

Then, noticing Feng Zhi's look back, Mingxi's lips slowly draw back, and she smiles at Feng Zhi as much as she can.

With a smile, Mingxi put her hand on Long Yan's hand and said in a soft voice, "Longyan, today's Xianpu is really sweet. Can you feed me another one?"

Mingxi's face is very bright and gorgeous. When such attachment appears on her face, the light in the hall seems to be better.

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