Brilliant, that's probably the case.

Feng to slightly squint, she felt bright smile some dazzling.

However, she did not see Mingxi much, and then she looked at Longyan sitting with Mingxi.

Long Yan is still wearing a gold robe. He looks at Fengzhi from Mingxi's eyes. When he sees Fengzhi, he has more struggles in his eyes. He thinks he should know Fengzhi, but his memory tells him that he has never seen Fengzhi before.


What about the familiarity and love that he couldn't suppress?

Long Yan wants to go to the woman he is familiar with, but his feet seem to be nailed to the ground. No matter how he wants to lift his feet, he still can't make any action.

It was like the soul and body of Longyan were separated.

He frowned, not knowing what was going on.

However, one thing Long Yan can be sure of is that he must have known the woman who quickly grabbed all his attention from the moment he appeared, and was deeply involved in him.

It's a strange intuition.

Looking at the woman, Long Yan only felt that his whole blood was ready to move. He had an impulse to go over and hold her in his arms.

He remembered that Mingxi had been emphasizing to him that she was his lover, but before that, Long Yan had been suspicious of it.


He felt that if he really had a lover, that person would not be Mingxi, but the woman who suddenly appeared.


Only thinking of such words, looking at the woman's face, Long Yan felt at ease.

It's a feeling I haven't had in this period of time.

If his life is a circle, then this woman is probably the arc missing from the circle. He lost her before, but now she has been found again.

So, what's the situation now? What's the matter with Mingxi?

Thinking about this, Long Yan felt a dull pain in his head.

However, if you make sure that Mingxi has a problem, and you find your lover, you can always find out if you have patience for a while.

Long Yan was silent.

This will make Mingxi angry.

She finally got Long Yan after a lot of hard work. For this reason, she made a deal with the unknown person who didn't know what to pay for her. Before long Yan was fine, although she was still indifferent to her, she could bear it if she thought that Long Yan was such a temperament.

But now, as soon as Feng Zhi appeared, she could feel the change of Long Yan's attitude. Although he was a little strange in looking at Feng Zhi, his eyes were clearly hot!

This makes Mingxi a little scared.

She had the feeling that if she didn't do something, she would have left her.

It is precisely because of this that she will think of in front of Feng Zhi, let Feng Zhi see how intimate she is with Long Yan.

However, to her embarrassment, after she said that sentence, Long Yan did not feed her Xianpu according to her meaning, but looked at Feng Zhi in a daze, without listening to her words at all.

This is irritating.

Even if I didn't go to Fengzhi there, Mingxi could know what a mockery Fengzhi would look like at this time.

"Long Yan!" Mingxi couldn't help but yell.

At the same time, Mingxi also stands up and blocks in front of Long Yan.

She doesn't want Long Yan to see Feng Zhi, even if she has a glance.

But in fact, what Mingxi didn't know was that the more she did this, the more timid she showed.

Mingruo shakes his head while watching.

In the past, Mingxi was in front of her admirers, but she was full of Queen's style. When did she feel so frightened like she is now? The more she cares about a person, the easier she is to put herself in a position lower than the dust.

This is the case with Mingxi.

Being cut off by Mingxi's body, he can't see the woman who makes his heart move. He hears Mingxi's yell again. Long Yan glances at Mingxi's eyes. His golden eyes are the same color as the sun, but they are full of coldness that makes Mingxi unable to resist the cold in her heart, and makes her original rightness suddenly become weak.

There is no way to take Longyan. Mingxi wants to vent her anger on Mingruo and Fengzhi.

She is still holding the posture of blocking Long Yan's sight, and her eyes are extremely cold and sharp sweeping to Mingruo. "Mingruo, I don't want to talk to you today. You'd better take these people back quickly, otherwise, I won't be polite to you!"

Mingruo and Mingxi have been fighting for so many years, of course, they won't be scared by Mingxi's cruel words.

She shrugged her shoulders and showed her hand to Mingxi: "you don't have to talk hard to me. Why are we here? You should be clear in your mind. However, I'm just a spectator. You'd better solve it face to face with Feng Zhi."At the same time, if Ming gives way to the other side, he puts on the meaning of looking on coldly.

And Feng to, in the Ming if out of the way, also stood in front of the crowd.


It turns out that this is her name.

Yan long thought.

He felt that he and Fengzhi must be very close people. Otherwise, he would not be able to control his emotions when he only heard the name of Fengzhi?

When this matter is solved, he must go to Feng Zhi's front and make clear these things.

When Long Yan thinks of these, Feng Zhi looks at Mingruo with a slight irony.

Before seeing Long Yan, Feng Zhi was always in a state of anxiety and even worried about whether there would be any accident. However, when he saw Long Yan sitting there, even if he could see that the situation of Long Yan was not right, it seemed that he did not recognize her at all, but Fengzhi's heart gradually calmed down.

She has confidence in Long Yan and their feelings, so even if Long Yan doesn't recognize her for some unknown reason, he will always recognize her.

Now, it's time to solve the problem.

"After all, it's a stolen thing. I know that it doesn't belong to you, so I can hide it and hurt me. I'm afraid that if I'm not careful, I won't have it again?" Feng Zhi Dao.

This words, with the face of Feng Zhi that smile, no doubt gave Mingxi into tons of damage.

"Shut up Mingxi snapped.

What she didn't see was that, behind her, long Yanzheng frowned tightly because of her sharp drink to Fengzhi.

Even if he can't recognize Fengzhi, Long Yan still can't accept other people's treatment of Fengzhi, just like his treasure was wrongly treated, so he can't tolerate it.

For a moment, Long Yan looked at xiangmingxi with more disgust.

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