Mingxi, this is Fengzhi said in the heart of the feelings, so will be so angry.

She is now a thief's mentality, because she has stolen a rare treasure. While she loves it, she is afraid that the owner of the treasure will appear and ask for the treasure back.

This kind of happy and uneasy mood, ordinary people can not understand.

Ferociously glared at the Phoenix, bright Xi's eyes almost glared out, "this is my Xihe palace, I don't welcome you, you go out for me!"

There was a panic in her heart.

It's like, if you let Feng to them here again, something bad will happen and make her regret it.

Mingxi chooses to trust her intuition, so she wants to let Feng Zhi and others leave as soon as possible.


Feng Zhi and his party finally got here and met Long Yan. How could he leave because of Mingxi's words?

Don't explain that Xi is not willing to return Long Yan back. Even if she is willing, Fengzhi will also have to calculate with her the account she asked people to take him away.

Therefore, Feng Zhi laughed, not only did not leave according to the words, but found a place to sit on the ground with leisure. "The visitor is a guest. You, the adoptive daughter of the East emperor and the little princess of the East holy palace, treat guests like this?"

Mingxi choked.

Feng to the pressure of such a big name in the head, if she really say what stingy words, it is in the face of the East emperor.

Dongdijun was promoted to emperor by coincidence. He felt guilty about Mingxi and Mingruo, so it was not false to favor them. However, both Mingxi and Mingruo understood that all the honor they enjoyed now came from dongdijun. If they really did something to make the East emperor disgraced, how could they still maintain their present honor ?

After a long time, Mingxi is the group to ease this tone.

"Phoenix to!" "We all know the purpose of your coming here, but I also tell you that it is impossible. If you insist on doing so, we will only see the real chapter under our hands!"

She laid out her bottom line.

Long Yan got it after she paid a price. She even had a premonition that the unknown person who traded with her must have something extraordinary. If Fengzhi took Longyan back, who would she pay for it?

Feng to also hook lips sneer: "I have never seen such a brazen person as you. There are thousands of men in this world. How can you keep staring at other people's husbands? Is it true that you are born to be cheap, even men think it is good for others?"

If you are so mean, you will be so angry that you almost vomit blood.

But she couldn't say a retort.

After all, it's her job to rob her husband from others.

And Long Yan, sitting behind Mingxi, raised his eyebrows when he heard this.


He was robbed by Mingxi?

Mingxi then looked back at Longyan. After a long time, she gritted her teeth and looked at xiangfengzhi again. "Anyway, Longyan is mine now, and his eyes can only accommodate me. If you want to take Longyan back, why don't we let him choose by himself? As long as he is willing to go back with you, I will not stop him! "

These days, Mingxi is absolutely sure that Long Yan has really forgotten Fengzhi and how deep he and Fengzhi are.

In this case, why should she worry that Long Yan will follow Feng Zhi again?

Up to now, Mingxi can still remember that when she asked Long Yan whether she would betray her, Long Yan replied "no".

Even if there is no previous memory, Long Yan is still Long Yan. It is impossible for a person like her to say anything against her heart. Since he said that he would not, he would not.

She should have a good look. When she knows Longyan's choice, what kind of expression should Fengzhi have.

Want to come

Can you cry?

Thinking of such a scene, Mingxi almost couldn't help laughing.

She looked at Feng Zhi with the utmost provocation, obviously to excite Feng to respond.

Feng Zhi really laughed this time.

If it comes to self-confidence, Fengzhi can never lose to anyone, let alone her confidence in Long Yan.

Together for more than 1000 years, Fengzhi and Longyan have gone through every step of the past 1000 years. She has more confidence in Longyan than anyone else. She believes that even without the memories they used to accompany, Longyan will never abandon her.

Therefore, the Phoenix to Yang lip, way: "good."

She would like to see who should cry then!

Mingxi then made a few steps to the side, revealing the Dragon Yan hidden behind her.

Both of them look at Longyan at the same time. To be exact, everyone in the hall looks at Longyan in unison.

Mingxi said: "Long Yan, what is the situation now, you should also understand very well, this person somehow came to the door, said that you are her lover, want to take you back, now, you can tell him well, who do you choose?"This is actually contradictory.

If Mingxi really thinks that Long Yan is her lover, how can she let him make a choice between them when she comes to the party at will. She will do so, because even she herself is very clear that Longyan doesn't belong to her at all.

However, even Mingxi didn't notice this.

After Mingxi said this, all the people looked at him with bright eyes, waiting for his answer.

Once the dragon and Phoenix are dead, they will make a choice.

Under the public's gaze, Long Yan's eyebrows slightly twisted.

Then, he stood up and walked to Fengzhi without hesitation, and finally stood side by side with Fengzhi.

I don't know why. Although he doesn't have any memory, he just feels that he should be in the right place. At the moment when he stood side by side with Feng Zhi, Long Yan's sense of loss in his heart disappeared inexplicably.

After the loss of memory, until now, he finally had a sense of fullness.

Long Yan's choice makes Mingxi's eyes widen.

She looked at Feng Zhi and Long Yan standing side by side. She couldn't say a word for a long time.

Her previous words still linger in my ears. In response to Long Yan's choice, Mingxi felt that her face was slapped and a hot feeling came from her face, which made her feel embarrassed to look at other people in the hall.

Feng Zhi can never let her enemies get better because of her pity. She smiles at Longyan, then looks at Xiangming and whistles: "ah, this face is really loud!"

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