Mingxi suddenly gasped for breath.

How could she have never thought that she had planned for so long that she only ended up with nothing. If Long Yan was allowed to follow Feng Zhi back like this, what she had done before would have become a big joke?

How can Mingxi be reconciled to this?

What is even more unacceptable to her is that because of Long Yan's "no", she boldly let Long Yan make his own choice and attack Fengzhi. However, the fact is that Long Yan does not hesitate to abandon her and go to Fengzhi's arms!

How can she accept such a thing?

Her eyes were filled with blood. Mingxi looked at Long Yan angrily and sadly. After a while, she asked what she was unwilling to do in her heart Long Yan, you said you would not betray me

Now, what are you doing?

Every cell in Mingxi's body is yelling like this.

Long Yan looks at Feng Zhi without blinking.

Although in his memory, this should be the first time that he saw Fengzhi, but just looking at Fengzhi's face at such a close distance, the familiarity and closeness in his heart let Long Yan know that he must have been very close to Feng before, and they must be more intimate than brothers and sisters.

This is love.

He thought.

In Mingxi's place before, although every time I saw Mingxi, it seemed that someone was filling his mind with the recognition that "Mingxi is the person I love", no matter how he looked at Mingxi, he always felt that something was missing.

But now, looking at Fengzhi, he easily accepted that Fengzhi was his lover.

Long Yan thought, even if he could not recover his memory in his whole life, he could look at Feng like this for a lifetime, right?

Therefore, when hearing Mingxi's reluctant questions, Long Yan managed to move his eyes away from Feng Zhi's face. He glanced at Mingxi lazily and quickly returned to Feng Zhi. At the same time, he said, "I didn't betray you. I've never been loyal to you. In this case, how can I betray you?"

Feng Zhi whistled when he heard the speech.

She suddenly found that although Long Yan has temporarily lost his memory, his mouth is obviously more poisonous than before.

It's probably

After losing memory, on the contrary, let go of yourself?

"That's a good thing to say." Feng Zhi adds fuel and vinegar to the side.

Mingxi tightly covers her chest.

She never thought that she would hear such an answer from Long Yan's mouth.

Compared with Long Yan's answer, what she did and thought before was like a big joke.

It turned out that she was the only one who got involved in the play from the beginning to the end. She thought that Long Yan was just a spectator, watching her hard performance with a pair of cold eyes.

Mingxi can't describe her heartache now.

Although I have only known Long Yan for a long time, I like a person, which has nothing to do with the length of time. Once I put a person in my heart and left a brand, it's not easy to forget?

Mingxi can only forcefully press back the sweetness in her throat.

All this is her own choice, so no matter what the consequences, of course, can only be borne by her own.

It's just

She hates it!

For the first time in her life, she liked someone so much that she couldn't get him a straight eye, but Fengzhi easily grabbed all the sight of Longyan.

This contrast makes Mingxi feel that she is a pitiful person.


Mingxi raised her head and shrieked.

Seeing Mingxi like this, Fengzhi not only did not have any sympathy, but also continued to add fuel to the fire: "Oh, ah, this man is probably crazy, but, is it? If you don't get the husband who robbed others, you will be mad with anger? "

Others couldn't help but look at Mingxi with some pity.

Look, why can't she think of provoking Fengzhi?

If Feng Zhi is a good provocation, how can so many people fall at her feet?

It's hard to buy a thousand dollars. If I had known that this would happen, I don't know if Mingxi would be in a daze and make a deal with others to get Long Yan's business.

Under the people's gaze, Mingxi could no longer resist the resentment and resentment in her heart. She stretched out her palms and closed it suddenly. The originally open door of the hall was immediately closed, and even the light was much dimmed in this moment.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, hell has no door, you have to break in, since you must come to look for bad luck, then don't go!" It's clear and gloomy.

After that, she clapped her hands.

The clear applause rings in this hall, which makes people feel a little cold inexplicably.

Then, they saw a series of people coming out from the back hall.

These people are all men, and they are also very good-looking men. As soon as they show up, they can't wait to see clearly. There is a feeling that if they look at them clearly, they will be satisfied.However, Mingxi was staring at Fengzhi and Longyan with resentment at this time. How could she spare time to see these people? Therefore, these people could only be disappointed.

These men are all ministers of Mingxi's skirt.

Mingxi was born bright and gorgeous, and has the characteristics of red line. She did not know how much she took advantage of the cutting off of men. Over the years, her Xihe palace has collected a lot of men, and there are all kinds of them.

It's like collecting stamps.

These men are not only good-looking, but also have good strength. After following Mingxi, they have got a lot of resources in Mingxi's hands, and they have made great progress.

Speaking of, these people can be both thugs and warm beds, which can be said to be multifunctional.

If you can use these men, you can see how angry Mingxi is now.

Before that, in order not to make Long Yan have any bad impression on herself, Mingxi banned her ministers from appearing in front of Long Yan. For this reason, these men secretly do not know how jealous Longyan can get Mingxi's favor.

"I will let these people die without a burial place!" Bright bright red, a double eye Yin voice path.

Her courtiers in her skirts were surprised at first, then delighted and gloated.

They said, how could Mingxi favor that dragon Yan alone? Now it's OK. If Long Yan makes Mingxi angry, they don't need to regard Long Yan as their biggest enemy.

Therefore, all the men responded in unison: "Mingxi, you can look at ours!"

The words just finish, these men then with a certain specific law will Feng Zhi and others surrounded in the middle.

Xiao Xu snorted coldly at this time. He was a strong emperor. For him, as long as he was under the emperor, all the people were ants. Among these men, the most powerful was just the later period of Da Luo Jinxian. Naturally, Xiao Xu would not pay attention to him.

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