Fengzhi used to know that the emperor was the highest existence in the fairyland, a great man closely related to the fate of the fairyland, and also knew that each of the remaining emperors had terrible power, but this was the first time that he personally felt this terrible.

She was sure that when she said this before, the East emperor did not use any means at all, that is to say nothing more than usual.

Just ordinary words, can be so moistening things quietly affect other people's emotions, even if people do not feel anything wrong, there is no vigilance, this is where the terrible.

It can be said that the East Emperor didn't need to make a move at all. He only needed to open his mouth and say a word, which would break all the defenses of others and make people become a lamb to be slaughtered in front of him.


Feng couldn't help but take a breath.

She used to think about what kind of strength the emperor had, but now she realized that with her present strength, let alone compete with the emperor, she was afraid that she could not enter the emperor's eyes.

Even when the East emperor speaks, the little power that leaks out can't resist. How can we talk about starting?

Aware of this, Feng Zhi was frustrated, but at the same time, she poured out infinite fighting spirit.

Her current strength is still far from the emperor, but she is still young, and there is still time to catch up. As long as she continues to advance, she will be infinitely close to the realm of emperor.

Feng Zhi then clenched her fist.

At this time, her hands suddenly warm.

It was Long Yan. He stretched out his hand and tightly wrapped one of Fengzhi's hands. It seemed that he was supporting Fengzhi with such a gesture.

Phoenix to a warm heart.

She smiles at Long Yan.

Yes, she still has long Yan. In this long road of practice, they will still walk side by side.

Long Yan returns with a smile.

Although he lost his memory, he could still clearly feel the slightest emotion of Fengzhi. At the same time, he realized how important Fengzhi was to him.

He even looked at Feng to have a little bit of unhappiness are not willing to.

Long Yan thinks so.

When the two people were looking at each other and smiling, the eyes of the East emperor fell on their bodies with great precision. After a glance at the hand held by Fengzhi and Longyan, the East emperor's face seemed to have a faint smile.

However, that smile appears quickly, also disappears quickly, let a person have no time to see clearly already disappeared.

Then, the East emperor looked up at the ground and looked up at him. He sighed: "Xi'er, how did you make yourself like this?"

The eyes of mung bean suddenly became bright.

She is wronged!

She is the adoptive daughter of the emperor. She was bullied to such an extent in her own territory that she didn't even have the strength to fight back. She was so aggrieved that she would cry out, OK?

The East emperor naturally saw Mingxi's grievance, he raised his hand slightly, toward Mingxi there gently.

At the next moment, Mingxi and that old turtle's spiritual consciousness will change back in this way.

Returning to her own body, Mingxi is not used to it. After standing in the same place for a long time, she reaches out and touches her body everywhere to make sure that she is really a human being. Finally, she is relieved.

Then, Mingxi stares at Feng fiercely.

She is full of confidence now, there is east emperor here, no one wants to bully her again!

"Adoptive father!" When Mingxi turned to the East emperor, her expression immediately became pitiful and aggrieved. "These people ran to our east holy palace for no reason. They also made a big fuss about my Xihe palace. Xi'er lost his face. Adoptive father, you should make decisions for Xi'er!"

Feng Zhi and others all got goose bumps.

Does Mingxi forget how ferocious she was before? How could she completely change her painting style when she saw the East emperor.

However, this painting style is not suitable for her.

Is bright if, at this time also in the side secretly rolled a white eye.

Mingxi doesn't care what other people think of her. If dongdijun didn't leave the pass today, she didn't know what to lose from Fengzhi's hand. Now that she's relying on her, she will surely punish Fengzhi and others severely.


It was not enough to calm her anger.

Mingxi originally thought that he had seen with his own eyes how humiliated he was by the love of dongdijun to her and Mingruo. Now she only made such a small request. Dongdijun would certainly not refuse her and would teach Fengzhi and others a good lesson. Even if dongdijun was kind and generous, he would not ask Fengzhi and other people's orders, it would be right to take off the skin.

But the East emperor's reaction was totally unexpected.

"Xi'er..." East emperor slightly wrung eyebrows, full of disapproval, "visitors are guests, how can you treat guests like this?"

Mingxi was already full of excitement because of her imagination about how Fengzhi knelt down in front of her to beg for mercy. Suddenly, when she heard Dong Dijun say this, she didn't react for a moment. When she finally wanted to understand what dongdijun said, her face turned pale.Dongdijun, what does he mean?

Mingxi's eyes were wide open. She couldn't believe it and said, "adoptive father!"

She could not believe that the East emperor, who had always loved her, would reprimand her, and it was still after she was so wronged.

Mingxi couldn't understand why.

The East Emperor didn't see it any more. Instead, he turned to Fengzhi and Longyan and said in a very gentle way: "the two little friends, the little girl is not sensible. I hope the two little friends don't care about her."

Fengzhi and Longyan didn't expect that dongdijun was so kind that he could still talk to them kindly after seeing Mingxi suffer losses in their hands.


Feng to also don't know whether this is their own illusion, she always felt that the tone of the East emperor's speech, with some light courtship.

It's not much, but it's shocking enough.

This is the emperor!

The whole fairyland now only has four emperors!

As an emperor, he has already stood at the top of the pyramid in the fairyland. It can be said that the Eastern Emperor can cause great shock in the celestial world by moving his hand and stamping his foot. Such a big man even called Fengzhi and Longyan "little friends", and said that he hoped they would not care about Mingxi?

For a moment, all the people in the hall who heard this were stunned.

Mingxi looked at the East emperor in disbelief. If she didn't dare to make a mistake, she would have to reach out and touch the forehead of the East emperor to see if he had a fever.

Emperor of course can not have a fever, then, why does the East emperor treat Feng Zhi and Long Yan so kindly?

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