For a moment, everyone felt a series of question marks in their heads.

Dongdijun didn't see people's doubts, but he naturally would not solve their doubts. He only nodded to Fengzhi and Longyan.

Feng to in Zheng Leng after also quickly sober up.

It seems that the emperor's imposing force is enough to let the emperor's spirit out of his mind at any time, but even if the emperor's power is not enough to let him down at any time.

Taking a deep breath, Fengzhi tried to calm herself down, and then returned to the East emperor with a smile. Her monotonous speech was as flat as a straight line without any waves because of her efforts to control it The emperor joked. We were just playing a little joke with Mingxi. Naturally, there was nothing to worry about. "

Mingxi, the people on this side heard Fengzhi talking to the East emperor like this, and their eyes were all staring out.


Feng to her really have a face, even with such an equal posture to speak with the emperor!

How dare she!

This is the emperor!

For other people, even Mingxi and Mingruo, who have been the adoptive daughters of dongdijun for so many years, are still inevitably awed by the momentum of dongdijun when they get along with him. It's good to be able to talk with dongdijun on the most natural side.

But Fengzhi, she did.

For a while, Mingxi and others are angry and have a kind of inexplicable admiration.

As for the tone of Fengzhi, dongdijun didn't have any accident, and he didn't have any anger at all. Even when he looked at Fengzhi, there was a kind of "should have been like this" in his eyes.

It was even more shocking.

In the end, why did the East emperor treat Feng Zhi and Long Yan so differently?

No one can find the answer.

So, to the end, people can only wooden face to see the Phoenix in front of the East emperor.

In fact, Feng Zhi's doubts and surprise are no less than anyone else.

East emperor is how to treat people leniently, he is also a high-ranking emperor, how can he see a younger generation so kind-hearted?


That is, what does she and Long Yan have that makes Dong Dijun feel that he needs to be courted?

But it doesn't make sense. No matter how Fengzhi thinks, he can't think out what he and Longyan have that are worth the dongdijun's compromise.

After thinking for a while, she didn't come up with an answer, so she didn't think about it at all.

Forget it, as the East emperor is so kind to people.

Feng to very single think so.

With such an idea, Fengzhi became more relaxed when she talked to the East emperor again. She even asked about the closure of the East Emperor: " Was the emperor in seclusion before, but what did you gain? "

The East emperor laughed.

The little girl really surprised him. If anyone of her age in the fairyland, even the son of the southern emperor who grew up in front of the emperor, could not say that he could be so indifferent in front of him

He nodded. "It's closing up, harvesting Not bad. "

With such words in his mouth, a faint haze flashed through his heart.

The reason why he was promoted to the emperor was that he had been able to seek for a chance. Therefore, compared with the other emperors who were promoted with their own efforts, the foundation of the Eastern Emperor was the weakest among them.

The weak foundation is extremely fatal to any immortal, not to mention the emperor.

The previous years were fine, but in recent years, the East emperor always had a growing sense of urgency. He always felt that if he did not solve the problem of weak foundation, something would happen in the future.

Dongdijun naturally believes in his intuition, so in recent years, while looking for ways to eliminate the hidden dangers of promotion, he often closed the door, hoping to make his strength further, so as to suppress the instability of the foundation.

However, it is a pity that up to now, no feasible method has been found.

For a while, the East emperor felt heavy again.

Feng blinked her eyes.

If dongdijun didn't want other people to know what he really thought, it would be impossible for other people to know. Fengzhi is certainly the same.

Hearing the word "fair" from the East emperor, Feng said, "congratulations to the Emperor..."

In fact, Feng is still a little embarrassed.

Although the emperor in front of her did not like other people's advice, but she and the East emperor in the end did not have what common topic, so dry said a few words, Fengzhi again racked his brain and did not know what to say.

She then directed East emperor "ha ha" smirk two times.East emperor's heart was originally some heavy, but in the sight of Feng to such a fool, the mood also can't help but become relaxed.

Then, the emperor was slightly stunned.

As an emperor, every change of his mood has a different implication. Now, he is so relaxed because of the arrival of the Phoenix. Does this indicate that his troubles may be solved because of the arrival of the Phoenix?

Do not have to think about it, the East emperor accepted this idea.

After all, he knows that the little girl and the little boy in front of him are

With his mind turning, the East emperor stopped thinking about those troubles. Because he was in a good mood, when he talked to Feng Zhi again, he even brought some lightness in his voice, which also made the people who heard his voice become relaxed.

"Feng Zhi Xiao you, if you have nothing to do, you can stay in Dongsheng palace for a long time. There are some good places around Dongsheng lake. Xiao Xu must know this most clearly." East emperor road.

Feng Zhi takes a look at Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu nodded.

He had been to Dongsheng lake at the beginning, and he also met Mingxi's elders on the Bank of Dongsheng lake. At that time, Mingxi asked, "I still remember Feng ER Niang by Dongsheng Lake".

Xiao Xu is really familiar with the situation around Dongsheng lake. At least, it is no problem to take Feng to them for a walk around.

As for Feng, he nodded and said, "in this case, the younger generation will harass the emperor."

The East emperor pinched his beard and smile.

Feng Zhi and his party's journey for the next period of time was determined in this way.

Although dongdijun has passed the pass, it doesn't mean that he has nothing to do. He doesn't know whether he understands that his existence is a great pressure for everyone. Dongdijun doesn't stay much. After a few words with Fengzhi, he tells Mingbo to prepare the residence for Fengzhi and others and leave here.

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