Without the figure of the East emperor, Ming Xi's previous passive pressure of those unwilling and resentment, and again flooded into the heart.

She did not expect that the high-ranking East emperor would treat Fengzhi and Longyan so differently. Even though she and Mingruo were fond of them, they had a sense of distance, which was totally different from that of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Dongdijun's attitude even makes Mingxi feel that he treats Fengzhi and Longyan as people of the same level.


Is that possible?

Mingxi thinks this is absolutely impossible.

Glared at Feng Zhi and Long Yan, she bit her teeth and said, "today's business, I must ask you to pay the price!"

Now Mingxi, but a little bit of the former enchantment is gone, she completely put her body's flash point to toss away, let people really don't know how she thinks.

Feng Zhi raised her eyebrows and said, "Oh, you are fierce. I'm so afraid..."

This will be Mingxi gas inverted.

When saying this kind of words, Feng Zhi can be a little distracted?

Seeing Mingxi, she was so angry that she couldn't even say anything. Feng Zhi's red lips were very happy. Then she ignored Mingxi and left with Mingbo, who was ordered by the East emperor to prepare a place for them.

The reason why the emperor and the East Phoenix dared to treat the emperor and the emperor was not to treat the emperor and the emperor in the next place.

In Dongsheng palace, the East emperor is the only will.

After settling down, when the people of the East holy palace retreated, Feng Zhi and his party got together.

Xiao Xu took a look at Feng Zhi and Long Yan. Up to now, the surprise in his eyes hasn't been able to retreat. "Fengzhi, what did you do to make the East emperor surrender so frugal?"

Feng turned her eyes.

What did she do? She didn't do anything well at all. Who knows why dongdijun treated her so differently? She was sure that she had never seen dongdijun before. Even when they had a conflict with Mingruo, dongdijun did not show up when he took Mingruo away.

Xiao Xu didn't think Feng Zhi would know the answer, so it was no surprise that she got a white eye from Feng Zhi.

However, after this, Xiao Xu's attitude towards Fengzhi and Longyan has changed.

Before that, the reason why Xiao Xu didn't put on any driver when he got along with Fengzhi was that he wanted to walk in the fairyland, at least now he had to depend on Fengzhi's Zhihai.

Otherwise, Xiao Xu is an outstanding one among the heavenly kings. How could he be so kind to a group of younger generations?

Although the emperor is not as supreme as the emperor, they are also extremely proud.

But now

After seeing the East emperor's attitude towards Fengzhi and Longyan, Xiao Xu feels that he also needs to change his attitude.

Xiao Xu doesn't think that dongdijun is a person who can be so kind when he sees a better younger generation. There are more outstanding descendants in the fairyland. If everyone can get the attitude of dongdijun, he is afraid that these people will be too busy all year round.

Therefore, it must be something on Fengzhi and Longyan that makes dongdijun feel worthy of making friends with.

Although Xiao Xu doesn't know what the East emperor saw from Fengzhi and Longyan, he knows that following the emperor's steps is not wrong.

Anyway, his acquaintance with fengzhilongyan was still before dongdijun. We all got along very well during this period. He just wanted to make everyone get along more happily.

Therefore, now Xiao Xu treats Fengzhi and Longyan as equals.

Why the East emperor is such an attitude, people do not understand, so simply do not think about it.

Fengming thought of Mingxi's wonderful face before, and couldn't help but smile with some unkindness: "Oh, you just saw it. I'm afraid that Mingxi would like to bite Feng, but she can only watch helplessly. Tut Tut, it's estimated that she was so angry that she exploded in situ?"

While talking, Fengming also pointed to the Phoenix and gave a thumbs up.

The skill of Feng Zhixie has never let people down.

Around this topic, the people discussed for a long time.

They are not gossipy people, but who called Mingxi's style is really a little intolerable?

Finally, I talked about the next trip.

"Master Xiao Xu, what's the special feature of the East holy lake?" Feng Zhi asked.

Listen to her mention this, Xiao Xu can come spirit.

"Of course, it has its own characteristics." Xiao Xu said, "why is this also the residence of the emperor? If there is no special feature, how can it match the identity of the East emperor? Dongsheng lake is a famous water area in the fairyland. Although it is called" Lake ", it is not inferior to the sea in people's cognition. Dongsheng lake and its surrounding scenery are related to water. Not only is the scenery extremely beautiful, but also each has its own characteristics The most famous one is yunmengze in the east of Dongsheng Lake... "Although it has been a long time since I came to Dongsheng lake last time, Xiao Xu still has a good idea.

Listening to Xiao Xu's introduction, although people have not started to play around Dongsheng lake, they have already begun to look forward to these beautiful sceneries.

After an appointment for a night's rest, they will go out to play early tomorrow morning, and the party will return to their own rooms.

I don't know if I forgot, or I didn't think it was necessary. In a word, when people left Fengzhi's room, they didn't call Longyan.


Finally, the room is left with Feng Zhi and Long Yan looking at each other.

Fengzhi and Longyan are husband and wife. If they were in the past, they would certainly live in the same room, which is a matter of course.

But now, Long Yan Ming has lost his memory!

Although for Fengzhi, she and Longyan are the most intimate husband and wife from the beginning to the end, for long Yanlai, Fengzhi is just a stranger who has just met. Even if he has a sense of familiarity with Fengzhi, he has to let him sleep with Fengzhi all at once. Isn't it some

Well, too fast?

Long Yan blinked at Feng, and then his golden eyes. Don't mention how innocent he is.

Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

In her opinion, Long Yan's present appearance really gives people a feeling of contrast.

This makes her want to bully Long Yan.

I want to do it!

Long Yan was originally sitting on a chair. The chair will be able to put him down. One hand is on the arm, the other is on the knee.

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