There is no way this chair will squeeze another person.

Feng Zhi's eyes turned slightly. She came to Longyan's two steps. When Long Yan looked up and looked at her suspiciously, he sat down on his legs without any hesitation.

The warm body temperature spread to Feng Zhi's skin through their clothes.

It was the first time that Fengzhi felt so relaxed after discovering Long Yan's disappearance. It was not long before her disappearance, but maybe she and longyanda had never separated since they met. So at this time, when she felt the warmth of Longyan, Fengzhi felt the vicissitudes of life in her heart.

Feng Zhi originally just wanted to tease Long Yan, but unconsciously she put the whole person in Long Yan's arms, with her hands around her neck and her head gently resting on her shoulder.

Then, Feng Zhi sends out a satisfied sigh.

"Long Yan..."

She whispered.

At the moment of Feng Zhi's coming, Long Yan's whole body suddenly froze.

As Fengzhi thought, Long Yan lost his memory after all. Even if he had guessed, he must have a very close relationship with Fengzhi. However, before he could recover his memory, it was difficult for him to let him have skin affinity with Fengzhi so soon.


In the real contact with Fengzhi's body, the original point of confusion in Longyan's mind was unconsciously dissipated, and then only familiarity and satisfaction flooded into his heart.

As if, he and Feng to, should have been so.

After a little hesitation, Long Yan gently raised his hand, then put it on Feng Zhi's waist, and then exerted a little force.

The two hugged each other.

They did not speak, only quietly enjoying the warmth at the moment.

After a long time, Feng Zhi had a slight smile Long Yan, I thought you would be so shy that you didn't know where to put your hands and feet! "

She just wants to see Long Yan at a loss, so she wants to tease him.

Where can you think that, even if he lost his memory, the deep sense of familiarity still made Longyan have no strangeness and resistance to Fengzhi's touch.

After hearing the speech, Long Yan also said with a low smile: "didn't you say that we are husband and wife. Since we are husband and wife, isn't it natural for us to be like this now? Where do we need to be nervous?"

Feng to rare by Long Yan choked speechless.

It's true to say so, but how can it be so unpleasant?


In the case of Long Yan's amnesia, even if it was not for her, but for any other woman, Longyan would be like this?

Feng Zhi feels filled with heart because of this idea.

She even glared at Long Yan unhappily.

Just looking at her expression, Long Yan can guess what she is thinking without any hindrance. It is clear that there is no Fengzhi in his memory. However, he is so familiar with everything about Fengzhi, and even becomes an instinct. For the present Longyan, this is actually very wonderful.

Of course, no matter how wonderful, he still had to think of a way to pacify Feng.

With a slight effort of his arm around Feng Zhi's waist, Long Yan has already completely embraced Feng Zhi into his arms. He gently rubs his chin between his hair. In Feng Zhi's ears, he hears his deep and magnetic voice.

"Fool..." Long Yan said, "no one else, only you."

Even if he lost his memory, he couldn't tolerate others.

Like Mingxi.

He tried his best to make people bring Long Yan to her, but he still lost his memory and was infused with the cognition of "I like being bright". But what was the final result?

Long Yan did not look at her any more.

Under such circumstances, Feng Zhi, who is completely unfamiliar to Long Yan, has never put other people in his eyes since he appeared in his eyes.

Feng to nature can also feel the idea of Long Yan.

In fact, she didn't think she could be a real dragon in front of her.

Well, she enjoys being coaxed by Long Yan.

"Well, that's about it." Feng to some arrogant Jiao tunnel.

She can only be arrogant in front of Long Yan.

So long Yan chuckled.

He felt that before he lost his memory, he must have loved Feng Zhi very much.

Because, just looking at Feng to, looking at her smile, looking at her jealous arrogance, his heart has been full of satisfaction, as if this has been the world.

So, how could he not love her?

"Fengzhi..." Long Yan sighed softly, "I must love you very much."Feng to smell speech lip corner cannot help but lift up, "that of course!"

Then they looked at each other and laughed.

Then, the topic goes back to the beginning.

Fengzhi stood up from Long Yan's legs, first looked at the situation in the room, then gave him a very narrow smile: "Long Yan, look, the people under the East emperor only arranged a room for us. To me, of course, it's not bad. We are husband and wife. It's a matter of course for you to live in one room."

While talking, Feng Zhi also looked at Long Yan with a bantering look.

Long Yan was seen by her full of black lines.

But there is nothing wrong with what Fengzhi said. As long as he thinks of sleeping with Feng Zhi, he doesn't know why. His blood seems to be boiling all over his body.

At the same time, his eyes began to become hot and aggressive.

It's like

In his eyes, Feng Zhi is a delicious dish waiting for him to open his mouth.

Long Yan managed to control his emotions.

Although he accepted the fact that he and Fengzhi were husband and wife without any resistance, he still did not have Fengzhi in his memory. If there was any intimate relationship between them, even if there was nothing wrong, it would always make Longyan feel strange.

It's like, this will be wronged Fengzhi the same.

Therefore, Long Yan tightly pursed his lips. After a deep look at Feng Zhi, he stood up with great willpower and stepped back several steps until he was far away from Feng. Finally, he was a little relieved.


He put on this appearance, how to let people think that she is what can not touch the virus bacteria?

This makes Feng Zhi inexplicably a little unhappy.

Long Yan can't help but want to talk to Fengzhi again. However, even before he lost his memory, Long Yan didn't know much about it, let alone now.

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