So, after a long while, Long Yan only uttered a dry word.

"Fengzhi, don't be upset..."

Feng Zhi was amused by Long Yan's appearance.

Of course, she won't be happy because of this, but only in front of Long Yan can she act like this in front of her lover. As a woman, she can act like this only in front of her lover. Where can she want to get Long Yan? Even if she loses her memory, she has the instinct of not wanting to make Feng sad from the beginning to the end.

This let Feng to's eyes flash a little soft.

She said, "I'm not upset. I'm kidding you."

So they looked at each other again.

For a while, Feng Zhi also felt that she was a little silly now. She took a deep breath and said, "OK, don't tease you. Let's have a rest."

Finish foot a bit, already and clothes lie on the bed.

Then, when Long Yan looks over, Feng Zhi is very naughty and winks at him.

Long Yan couldn't help but also dyed some faint smile in his eyes. At the same time, the strange feeling in his heart was quickly suppressed, instead of the impulse to touch Fengzhi.

Without any hesitation, he took Feng to his arms directly.

Then, he patted on Feng Zhi's back, as if he were coaxing a child. Long Yan said, "dear, let's go to bed."

Feng to hook lips, did not speak again.

So they hugged and fell asleep.

The next morning, when Fengzhi and Longyan open their eyes together, what comes into view is the enlarged face of each other. Just knowing that the other is right beside them, Fengzhi and Longyan can't help but smile happily.

Feng Zhi stretched out and broke free from Longyan's arms.

"Let's go. They are all waiting for us." Feng Zhi Dao.

Long Yan also nodded.

Feng to direct condensation out of two balls of water, after washing quickly, this opened the door and went out.

As soon as I went out, I saw other people waiting outside their room.

Seeing Feng Zhi and the dragon coming out, Fengming blinked at them, and looked like a cheap person who wanted to beat him Oh, you came out. I was still thinking about how you would like to... "


Words have not finished, on the back of the head again by Feng to a slap.

Fenglai and xianbao'er practice red jade beside them, and look at Fengming with some ironic eyes.

Tut Tut, they have suffered so many losses in Fengzhi's hand. How can this person not know how to have a long memory?

With a blink of an eye, Feng Lai didn't see Feng Ming at all and didn't hear what he said before. He said, "Fengzhi, Longyan, let's go."

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

The party left the palace.

Xiao Xu is really a good tour guide. He has a profound understanding of every place he has been to, including the Dongsheng lake and its surrounding areas. When he took him to visit the Dongsheng lake and its surrounding areas, Fengzhi and several other people found it particularly enjoyable.

In this process, Long Yan's memory has not been restored.

In fact, until now, people do not know how long Yan lost his memory.

Among all the known means, there are many ways to make people lose their memory, but few of them have not suffered any damage at the same time.

Xiao Xu carefully explored the situation of Long Yan, and finally came to a conclusion that the man who erased his memory must be a real great power.

In fact, if you don't know what kind of person dongdijun is, I'm afraid Xiao Xu would think it was the East emperor who did it.

With such a conclusion, Feng Zhidao is not in a hurry to let Long Yan recover his memory.

No matter whether Long Yan recovers his memory or not, to Fengzhi, he is still Long Yan. In this case, it seems that it is not very important whether there is a previous memory.

However, Long Yan himself is somewhat lost.

He looked at Fengzhi and said, "Fengzhi, I think about it. I don't want to forget the good things between us before."

Fengming can't help but jump out to find a sense of existence.

He shook his goose bumps all over his body and couldn't help saying, "Hey, have you noticed that after Long Yan lost his memory, other changes are not obvious for the time being, but his mouth must have become sweet!"

Listen, what don't want to forget our past between those beautiful, ordinary people can not say such love words.

Probably, also got the edification of Feng Zhi, now thick and thin hair?

Fengzhi ignored Fengming this time.

Hum, she's in a good mood now.

"Well, well, if you think about it, remember it." Feng Zhi looks at Long Yan gently.

Others are helpless.

These two people, a greasy up really did not end.Of course, there is a lesson for Fengming, but no one will disturb Fengzhi and Longyan at this time.

Finally, when Feng Zhi recovered to her normal appearance, Xiao Xu said: "now we are not as good as I am in the surrounding areas of Dongsheng lake. Only yunmengze, the most famous lake in Dongsheng lake, has not gone. Our destination today is yunlinze. Do you have any questions?"

Of course not.

Xiao Xu then took them out.

While walking, he also talked with the people about the cloud dream Ze.

In terms of scenery, the most beautiful lake and its surrounding area is yunmengze. Yunmengze is located in the east of Dongsheng lake. It is a part of Dongsheng lake. It belongs to the area of yunmengze. It is the best water quality in the whole Dongsheng lake. It seems that there is some invisible boundary here, which separates a paradise from the rest of the world.

As clear as the transparent water reflects the clouds in the sky, when people come here and see the same color of water and sky, it is easy to doubt whether they are in the fairyland.

This is the origin of the name yunmengze.

Just listen to Xiao Xu's introduction, people can't wait to see the beautiful scenery of yunmengze.

In fact, when they really arrived at yunmengze and felt the shock which could not be described in words, they all felt that their trip was worthy of the beautiful scenery.

When Fengzhi patted her waist, her black soft sword flew out like a swimming fish and floated on the water after a distance. Then she stepped on the soft sword gently. In the landscape of the same color of water and sky, Fengzhi was like the goddess in the legend.

"Long Yan..." Phoenix to smile like flowers to look back to the Dragon Yan called.

Long Yan responds and looks at the past.

The first thing that comes into view is Feng Zhi's smile.

At that moment, Long Yan only felt that something broke in his ear, and seemed to break free of some kind of bondage. The whole person felt relaxed from the inside to the outside.

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