Feng to the first time aware of the situation there, she looked at Longyan, "Longyan, what do you think of?"

Long Yan blinked his eyes and shook his head: "No."


Feng to some doubts.

However, she did not doubt Long Yan's words after all, so she ignored the matter and began to talk with him about the places they had gone through and the scenery they had seen together.

This is a new hobby developed by Feng Zhi during this period.

Long Yan lost their previous memories, but she did not. Now think about it. Take these memories out and review them again. You can also see if you can stimulate Long Yan's memory. Isn't it the best of both worlds?

At this moment, Fengzhi just talked about what happened when they were in Liyue lake.

“…… You can't remember now. The scenery of Liyue Lake under the moonlight is really beautiful. The calm water reflects the bright moonlight, and the little light gives people a dreamlike feeling... "

Speaking of this, Feng Zhi suddenly remembered that when she was in Liyue lake, she also recorded the scenery of Liyue Lake under the moon color with dark light technique. At that time, she just wanted to take back the Phoenix House to show other people who could not see the beautiful scenery. Now it is just right.

She then put the divine consciousness into the space, because it had been thousands of years since then. Fengzhi found the spirit stone of Liyue lake which recorded the moonlight for a long time.

Seeing the spirit stone, everyone felt some emotion.

At the beginning, they were still in the basaltic continent, and did not expect that they would rise that day.

In retrospect, it was as if everything had happened yesterday.

The aura in the spirit stone is not at the same level as the immortal Qi possessed by Fengzhi and others. If Fengzhi wants to open the dark light technique in the spirit stone, he still needs to use his own immortal Qi to simulate a relatively low level of aura.

After a while, the light on the spirit stone flashed, and a projection fell on the air in front of the people.

Then, once Fengzhi and others have been to Liyue lake, then appeared in the light curtain.

Just as Fengzhi said, Liyue Lake under the moonlight gives people a dreamlike beauty. Even after they come to the fairyland, they have seen all kinds of scenery, but they can't say that these landscapes will definitely suppress Liyue lake.

It can only be said that each has its own merits.

Seeing the image left more than a thousand years ago, the Phoenix came to the Phoenix, and the Feng Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

They have only been in the fairyland for more than 100 years, but now when they think about what happened on the Xuanwu continent, it seems like thousands of years ago. Especially now, looking at the past, Fengzhi and several people begin to miss those people who are still on the Xuanwu continent.

The serious Phoenix Sky Dome, Feng Liancheng and long Qingyu, who are particularly concerned about the three brothers and sisters, several elders of the family, and the companions and disciples of the five element sect who are running around with them

Feng Zhi sighed slightly I don't know when Mo Li and Feng Yue will be able to fly. "

Feng Lai and Feng Ming's eyes also flash in memory.

And the little friends of Feng's family.

Although it is not true, the talent of the Phoenix family's companions is not bad at all. It is estimated that several people can fly to the fairyland with Mo Lifeng Yue.

When these people are all flying up, Fengzhi's five element sect, which has always been on her mind, can be established in the fairyland.

At that time, they had roots in the fairyland.

Fengzhi several people also did not have too much emotion what, but took a deep breath: "well, we don't need to think about it. I think they are also working towards the ascent on the Xuanwu continent. Before long, we will meet again in the fairyland."

Feng Lai and Feng Ming nodded.

In fact, people who cultivate immortals are not so sentimental. Fengzhi and they are of course the same. This time, they just suddenly see themselves more than a thousand years ago, and then they think of their companions on the Xuanwu continent.

And Long Yan, looking at himself and others on the screen of xuanguangshu, and listening to Feng Zhi's three people talking about things on the Xuanwu continent, his eyes also flashed faint thoughts.

However, he soon put this strange color down, and was not noticed by Feng to several people.

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu are also very interested in the experience of Fengzhi and others in the lower world. Xiao Xu is also very interested in xuanguangshu.

Xianbao'er looks at the people around Feng Lai in the picture, and some of them are looking at women of the same age as Fengzhi and others. She blinks and asks, "sister Fengzhi, these When you were in the lower bound Family members? "

When talking, xianbao'er looks at Fengzhi with eyes wide open. Although it is a question, it is clear that he is expressing the meaning of "say yes quickly" with Fengzhi.

This let Feng to some can not suppress the smile of lips.

She blinked her eyes and said, "Oh, what do you mean? In addition to the company of our family, there are also some younger sisters we met when we were traveling outside. Here are the ones around Fenglai. Fenglai also received the hydrangea thrown by one of them. She was almost taken to be the husband of others..."Then, Feng to see, as she went on, xianbao'er's eyes also began to have a little bit of crystal.


There is such a moment thinking of brother Keng's sister, I don't know whether it is lucky or unfortunate.

Glancing at the Phoenix, Feng came to pull xianbao'er over and gently embraced him in his arms. He comforted him and said, "baby, don't listen to Feng's nonsense. It's nothing."

"Really?" Xianbao'er looks at Feng Lai with tears in her eyes. If she denies it, she will cry to him.

Feng came and nodded: "of course it is true."

Hearing this, xianbao'er's tears disappeared in an instant. She held Feng Lai's arm and said with a smile, "I knew it was all Fengzhi's nonsense."

He made a face at Feng Zhi.


He had an ominous premonition that his little daughter-in-law was ruined by Feng Zhi.

Feng Zhi also stretched out his hand to flick on xianbao'er's forehead, "little girl, you are also learning to be bad now!"

Xianbao'er winked at Feng Zhi: "Sister Feng, didn't I follow you?"

Feng to a will xianbaoer pushed to the Phoenix there, "Fenglai, take care of your treasure ah, or if I bully her cry, you can not heartache."

Xianbao'er buried her head in Feng Lai's arms.

Under the influence of Feng Zhi, she can show her love with Feng in front of others.

When they saw this, they all laughed.

Feng Zhizheng was smiling, and was suddenly pulled by the Dragon Yan nearby.

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