Since she couldn't think of it, Feng finally gave up.

Long Yan went on: "when I got to Mingxi, the man didn't know what method he used, which made me lose my memory, and seemed to have poured some strange things into my mind..."

At that time, every time he saw Mingxi, he first had an irrepressible disgust, but at the same time, he had a strange cognition that "this is the person you like".

Feng to smell speech raised eyebrows.

She is now a little curious, that person inexplicably seized Feng Zhi and sent it to Mingxi. What are the reasons for this?

In other words, what value does Mingxi have in her body that makes that person willing to spend so much time.

"He and Mingxi seem to have made a deal," Long Yan said.

And he was part of that deal.

This cognition makes Long Yan can't help frowning.

Then, he suddenly thought of one thing and said: "by the way, although I don't know the identity of that person, I always feel that his attitude towards me is a little strange. Although he arrested me and sent me to Mingxi, I lost my memory, but in the process, he seemed to be cautious about me, as if he was afraid of hurting me..."

This is a little strange.

According to the law, since the capture of Long Yan to Mingxi is just a transaction made by that person and Mingxi, that person should not be so careful. On the contrary, if he shows contempt for Long Yan, it is more in line with his identity.

Fengzhi also suddenly remembered that when the man coagulated out a huge hand to capture Feng, Fengzhi and Xiao Xu fought for their lives to stop it. That is to say, at that time, the giant hand was about to shoot her, but suddenly stopped before it really hit her, which made Fengzhi not hurt.

Then contact the man's attitude towards Long Yan

So, the man is actually worrying about what, so dare not, or say is not willing to hurt Fengzhi and Longyan?

Feng to only feel a fog in front of her eyes, completely can't see this matter clearly.

She is not the kind of person who can get the best of things. Since she knows that it is impossible to guess the truth of the matter with the information she knows now, Fengzhi simply doesn't think about it any more and has a rest with Long Yan.

The next morning, Feng Zhi, who had a good night's sleep, got up early.

As a guest in the East holy palace, they can't sleep for a day. What's that like?

Of course, in fact, dongdijun didn't have so much spare time to pay attention to whether they had slept in. Since the day when dongdijun left the pass, Fengzhi and others had never seen him again.

This is not surprising. It would be strange if you were an emperor and could be as free as them all day.

As the housekeeper of the whole Dongsheng palace, Mingbo can be said to have done everything. With Fengzhi and other talents together, Mingbo has ordered people to prepare their meals. Moreover, they are rare fairy food which is good for the immortal, and the most important thing is that it is extremely delicious.

At least, xianbao'er is satisfied with the food.

When Fengzhi several people were eating, Mingbo had been waiting beside him. Until all the people had finished eating, he bowed down slightly toward Fengzhi and said, "some distinguished guests, the emperor wants to see you."

East emperor wants to see them, Feng to a few people naturally can't refuse.

So, following Mingbo, they went to the main hall of the East holy palace.

The main hall of Dongsheng palace is the center of the whole building complex, and its momentum is the most magnificent among all the palaces. If it had not been used to this momentum these days, Fengzhi and others would have been shocked.

At the sight of Feng Zhi and others, a smile appeared on the East emperor's face. He said, "how many little friends are used to living in the East holy palace?"

Everyone was silent, waiting for Feng Zhi to speak.

Although the words "several little friends" were used by the East emperor when he spoke, they all knew that only Fengzhi and Longyan were the only ones who could call them "little friends". Other people, even Xiao Xu, were not regarded as such by the East emperor.

Now that they know this, others certainly don't have to put gold on their faces.

After all, they are facing emperors.

Feng to the face also raised a smile: "thank you for your concern, the East holy palace is very hospitable, we live here very used to."

"That's good." East emperor road.

"I don't know if the emperor called the younger generation to come here..." Feng Zhi has some questions.

Several emperors guarding the fairyland, there are many things that need to be dealt with. If it's OK, the East emperor will never set aside the time to see them.

However, Fengzhi was wrong this time.

Listening to Feng Zhi's question, the East emperor said with a gentle smile, "there's nothing wrong with it. I just want to ask if some of my friends are used to living. Since they are used to living, we might as well stay in the East holy palace for a longer period of time."Don't talk about Xiao Xu. Feng Zhi and Long Yan are all puzzled.

They had never known the East emperor before, and with their current strength, in the eyes of the emperor's existence, maybe even ants were not counted.


Why did the emperor pay so much attention to them?

This comes from the gaze of a big man, so that Feng Zhi, who has always been fearless, feels flattered.

Of course, dongdijun can see what Fengzhi and Longyan are thinking, but he will not explain.

Now people can't understand it. In the future, they will understand.

Fengzhi, though she didn't know why dongdijun valued her and Longyan so much, she didn't rush to dongdijun to hold her thighs. She knew very well that she had no strength. She just hugged people's thighs, and she could not get any good results in the end.

Instead, she would rather try to improve her strength.

In this way, one day, she and Long Yan will stand at the same height as the East emperor.

At that time, no matter how the East emperor treated her and Longyan, they would never be so frightened as they are now.

Therefore, after looking at each other, Fengzhi and Longyan bowed to the East emperor again and said, "thank you for your love. However, if you want to go to other places, you won't disturb the emperor's cultivation. This time, you are also here to say goodbye to the emperor."

The East emperor raised his eyebrows.

"In this case, you will no longer be forced to keep you. If you come to the eastern part of the fairyland in the future, even if you come to the East holy palace, I will order you to go down." He said.

Feng Zhi answered "yes".

In any case, this is from the emperor's good will, if she refuses, it will be ungrateful.

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