See Phoenix to should come down, East emperor gentleman's face then more some smile.

Just as Feng Zhi and his party were about to leave, Dong Dijun suddenly remembered something. After a pause, he said, "by the way, the ladder will open in more than ten years. You are all the best of the generation. You can have a try. Maybe you will have a great harvest..."


Fengzhi and longyanfeng come to Fengming. It's the first time that I hear this word. When I smell it, I am stunned.

Xianbao'er and Xiao Xu, who were practicing Hongyu Xiaoxu, were not the first time to hear this word, but they were all very surprised to understand the meaning of dongdijun.

Feng to see Xiao Xu three people's surprise, first put the matter in the bottom of my heart, but the face of the East emperor nodded, said: "thank you for reminding me, younger generation know."

The East emperor nodded.

Then, the party again said goodbye to the East emperor, which left the main hall.

Walking in the East holy palace, Fengming looked at Feng Zhi: "that We're leaving now? "

Feng Zhi nods.

Although it was a temporary decision, she had already resigned in the East emperor, so it was impossible for her to stay in the East holy palace.

"If you have anything to say, let's get out of here." Feng Zhi Dao.

All of them had no opinion, so they packed up their own things and were sent out of the East holy palace by Mingbo.

Left the East Palace, all the way to fly on the road, until they found the next foothold, only to continue the previous words.

Feng Zhi looks at Xiao Xu's three people, and looks puzzled: "Xiao Xu's elder, bao'er, ruby, what's the ladder?"

It's a long story.

Xianbao'er said: "Fengzhi sister, for the younger generation of Xianjie, is an incomparable event..."

The sky ladder is not a ladder leading to the sky, but a saying.

Although there are four parts of the fairyland, they are not called the four parts of the fairyland.

Because it is the intersection of the four fairylands, the central region can be said to have gathered the elite of the four fairylands.

Since they were elites, of course, no one would accept anyone. Therefore, at the beginning, there were a lot of disputes among these elites every day in the central region. Of course, it was difficult for the elites to control their sense of propriety when they fought with each other. Therefore, the deaths and injuries among these elites were particularly serious during that period.

Under such circumstances, the elders of the fairyland thought that if it continued, these elite descendants would lose too much, which would be an unacceptable disaster for the whole fairyland. So a group of fairyland bigwigs gathered together to discuss how to calm down the struggle among the young elites.

To calm down, of course, it's impossible.

Five fingers together still have to contend for a long time, let alone so many young elites who are naturally arrogant. Each of these people is the favored son of heaven. Everyone thinks that he is better than others. The only way to prove that he is stronger than others is to fight a fight. Therefore, if there are so many elites in the central region gathered together, it is impossible to calm down this situation fight.

At this time, the central part of fairyland also experienced a change.

After the change in the southern part of fairyland, there was a Chatian gorge, but the central region experienced this change. The earth did not split, but there was a light tower above it.

This light tower has a total of 99 floors, standing in the center of the fairyland. No matter where in the central part of the fairyland, you can see the lighttower for the first time as long as you look up.

At first, the immortals didn't know what the lighthouse was and what it was used for. Until a thousand years later, the lighthouse was opened for the first time.

Many young elites try to enter the lighthouse. They find that each layer of the lighthouse can be regarded as an independent world. In this independent world, they need to complete the test given by the lighthouse before they can go to the next level. The difficulty of each layer is also pushed forward.

When the lighthouse first opened, no one reached the last level.

This makes the elites extremely angry. They all think that this is because they have no preparation for the light tower opening. If they have psychological preparation in advance, it must be more than such achievements.

This kind of resentment has lasted for thousands of years, until the light tower opened for the second time, it can be regarded as a chance for all the elites to exert themselves.

It's just

Most of the elites were defeated in the lighthouse again, and even the farthest among them was just up to the 136th floor.

At this time, the elite really realized that the sudden appearance of the light tower is not anyone can conquer.

Of course, it also attracted the elite who boasted of their amazing talent to conquer the lighthouse.

As a result, when the next millennium came, the lighthouse was opened again, and more elites poured into the central region from all parts of the fairyland, and then entered the lighthouse.

Again and again, when the light tower is opened, the central part of the fairyland will always become the busiest place in the whole fairyland.But when you think about the wonderful means of the whole generation, most of them are the best for the same purpose.

However, it is not so easy to conquer the light tower. Although generations of young elites have regarded the ninety-nine floor as their goal, it has been hundreds of thousands of years since the light tower appeared. Only a few people can finally climb the ninety-nine floor of the light tower, and all of them have become fairyland in the end A handful of big people, whose names are enough to frighten a large number of people.

For example, the four emperors in the fairyland have all climbed the ninety ninth floor of the light tower.

Apart from these few people, no one knows what the ninety ninth floor of the lighthouse actually has.

Even, whether those who climb the ninety-nine storey lighthouse have any special adventure here, so that everything can go smoothly in their later practice, has become a matter of speculation by others.

Of course, people who have actually climbed the ninety-nine story lighthouse will not appear to explain it.

In short, the light tower opened again and again, and gradually had a new name.


The name is very vivid.

Generation after generation of elite, in order to be able to climb the ninety ninth layer of light tower and constantly challenge, only a very small number of people can finally stand on the end, this is not like climbing a ladder?

On the way up the ladder, some cry, some laugh, some are crazy and some are crazy. As long as you go to the ladder once every thousand years, you will experience all the emotions in this world.

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