ladder on high buildings.

This statement was thus recognized by all the people in the fairyland.

And I don't know how many times it was opened that there was another light curtain outside the ladder. The light curtain was also divided into 99 layers. The name of each elite who entered the ladder would appear on the light screen corresponding to the number of layers. And with each elimination, his name would disappear from the light screen.

Therefore, when the ladder is opened, people outside can clearly see that from the first floor up, there are fewer and fewer names on the light screen, until the last name disappears on the light screen. As long as no one climbs to the 99th floor, the ladder will be closed, waiting for the arrival of the next millennium, the name on the light screen will disappear completely.

It's like a simultaneous broadcast of the progress of the ladder.

Every time the sky ladder is closed, the cleared light curtain will reappear the names of the few people who have visited the 99th floor over the years.

That piece of light curtain is very big, and because of its size, when there are only these names on the light screen, those names will be particularly conspicuous.

The whole ladder is like a pyramid.

No, this is the pyramid.

There are only a few people who can stand on the top.

After that, the elites went to heaven with more enthusiasm.


Of course, those who can see themselves in the ninth act will always be on the ladder of light.

For many people, it's a temptation in itself.

Not to mention, now everyone in the fairyland has recognized that there must be some great adventure on the ninety ninth floor of the ladder. As long as you can climb the ninety ninth floor and pass the test, you can get this great creation.

Over time, up to now, climbing the ladder has become the most grand thing among the younger generation. Every time in those years before the release of the ladder, countless young elites flock to the central part of the fairyland, eager to compete with the best people in the whole fairyland.

How to compete?

Of course, it depends on who can go further in the ladder.

Because of the existence of that light curtain, even if it fails to reach the final ninety-nine level, the names of the most outstanding among these elites will be remembered by those who pay attention to the ladder, thus gaining a great reputation.

In short, climbing the ladder is a good thing for the younger generation.

Speaking of this, xianbao'er's eyes also flashed yearning I've heard my parents talk about the ladder more than once before. When they were young, they also challenged the ladder. Although they didn't get to the last level, among their genius figures in the same period, they also tried to dominate the others.... "

The names of xianhelai and Chu Xuanji have been circulating in the fairyland since then.

And later, they did not feel ashamed of their reputation, step by step to break through the realm of the emperor, and became the famous few people under the emperor.

Xianbao'er is only about 400 years old this year. Since she was born, the ladder has not been opened. Of course, she can't see such a grand event, so don't mention her yearning.

Hearing xianbao'er say this, Xiao Xu also added: "climbing the ladder is a very important event among the young people in the fairyland. However, any young immortal who thinks that he has outstanding talent and strength will go to the central part of the fairyland before the opening of the ladder. There are also many religious sects who will pay attention to the names on the light screen during the opening of the ladder. The process of climbing the ladder is original It plays a screening role. The name on the light screen clearly presents this screening in the eyes of various sects. As long as you recruit students according to the name on the light screen, every time you recruit a disciple, you will earn... "

This can save the sect a lot of searching for disciples.

However, the ladder has only been opened once a thousand years, and the various sects have not complained about it.

I don't know if there is some tacit understanding. The few people who climbed the ninety ninth floor of the ladder finally became the most dazzling existence in the fairyland, but they almost never mentioned anything about the ladder.

Because of this, this time I heard the East emperor mention the ladder, and it obviously meant that Fengzhi and Longyan would go up the ladder. Xianbao'er was so surprised.

At least

It can also be seen that the East emperor is really optimistic about Fengzhi and Longyan.

If not, he would not have mentioned the word "ladder".

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu didn't think much about it, but Xiao Xu was different.


Does this mean that Fengzhi and Longyan have the potential to climb the ninety ninth floor of the ladder?If you think about it again, since the appearance of the ladder, you can count the people who have successfully climbed the ninety ninth floor of the ladder with two palms.

It is impossible for outsiders to know whether the names on the 99th floor of the curtain of light are all cultivated to the realm of emperor, but it is certain that since the appearance of the ladder, every emperor has climbed the ninety ninth floor of the ladder when he was young.

East emperor such abnormal, let Xiao Xu have to think more.

Involuntarily, he thought of the one circulating in the fairyland. It was said that there would be two emperors in the fairyland in recent years. Compare the Eastern Emperor's attitude towards Fengzhi and Longyan

Xiao Xu couldn't help but get a fright.

The emperor has an instinctive feeling for some extremely important things, and every emperor is closely related to the fate of the fairyland. As an emperor, it is not impossible to have a premonition about it.

Xiao Xu felt that he knew a great event unconsciously.

Because of this, when he saw Feng Zhi and Long Yan again, he was shocked.

It's like

What he saw was not two big living people, but two big moving babies.

Feng didn't know what kind of muscle Xiao Xu had made. Her mouth slightly twitched and said, "master Xiao Xu, can you look at me and Long Yan without this kind of eyes? In this way, it will make us think whether you want to take us apart and eat into our stomachs, which is very frightening. "

Although the mouth said fear, but look at the Phoenix to the look where there is a little bit of fear meaning.

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