Xiao Xu's face is very strange.

He didn't want to take Fengzhi and Longyan apart and eat them into their stomachs. He just thought about what kind of posture he would take to hold his thighs, so as to be less deliberate.

How can he be the best among the heavenly kings? He had a great reputation in the fairyland tens of thousands of years ago, but now he is always thinking about how to hold a pair of younger generation's thighs.

If this is known by others, I'm afraid I'll laugh off my big teeth?

However, Xiao Xu did not care at all.

Other people think this way because they can't guess where Fengzhi and Longyan will go in the future. If they do, believe him, those people will definitely want to hold Fengzhi and Longyan's thighs more than he does.

Xiao Xu is now a little lucky to be lucky enough to get to know Fengzhi and Longyan in places like Shatian gorge, and even to be bound with Fengzhi.

Before that, Xiao Xu was not willing to live in accordance with Fengzhi. He always thought that if he thought of a way to separate from Fengzhi's sea of knowledge, he would not hesitate to do it.

But now

The ready-made gold thigh was in front of his eyes. If he didn't know how to hold it, he would be really cute.

Therefore, even if there is a way to separate Xiao Xu from Fengzhi's Zhihai, he will not do it!

The future Emperor!

As long as he always follows Fengzhi and Longyan, and when they become real emperors, he, an old friend who met when he was young, must have different weight in the eyes of Fengzhi and Longyan.

Don't think Xiao Xu's act of holding his thighs in advance is inappropriate. You should know that the population of the fairyland is more than hundreds of millions. Among so many people, the emperor is only four now.

If you compare this ratio, you can see how difficult it is to be an emperor.

Xiao Xu knows that although he is also the best among his peers, he has exhausted his whole life for fear that the highest place he can reach is the peak of the emperor. Under such circumstances, what's strange about holding the thighs of the future emperor?

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, Xiao Xu smiles at her very kindly.

This smile, also successfully let Feng Zhi couldn't help shivering, and then took a look at him like an idiot.

Xiao Xu is so suffocating.

He felt that he should treat Fengzhi and Longyan in the same way as before.

Although these two people are the future emperors, they are still two big Luo Jinxian, aren't they?

If you don't take advantage of the fact that they have not become emperors, how can they still be bullied by him when they become emperors?

Therefore, Xiao Xu changed the previous cordiality, raised his hand to pop up a wisp of finger wind to hit Feng Zhi's forehead.

Long Yan then slightly narrowed a gold eyes to see Xiao Xu.

Bullying his daughter-in-law in his face, Xiao xumo didn't treat him as a dead man?

Xiao Xu rolled his eyes.

Well, this is also a short protector. In order not to be worn by Long Yan in the future, he should be honest and how to come.


According to Xiao Xu's understanding of Fengzhi and Longyan during this period of time, they are not people who don't care about their old love. As long as they treat them sincerely, they will never let their own people suffer.

Such a thought, Xiao Xu will also put all the heart down, the whole person has become unprecedented relaxed.

Xiao Xu's change, Feng Zhi of course is to see in the eye.

She didn't know what made Xiao Xu change like this, but for Fengzhi, since Xiao Xu was already one of his own, he could get along with himself and others with such a relaxed attitude, which was of course the best.

Therefore, Feng to also just as do not know.


Fengzhi and others, who were discussing the ladder, did not know that they had just left Dongsheng palace when they were discussing it most warmly. There was also a conversation between dongdijun and Mingxi.

Almost Fengzhi and others had just left the East Palace, and Mingxi's back foot went outside the main hall to see the East emperor.

Informed by Mingbo, he remembered that Mingxi, who had not given up looking for Fengzhi and others, sighed a little.

He is the emperor, but he does treat Mingxi and Mingruo as their daughters.

At first, they would like to kill a little bit of their own strength, because they would like to do a little bit to improve their strength, because the only thing they want to do is to improve their strength.

Therefore, even if the East emperor is benevolent, his guilt for Mingxi and Mingruo is very limited.

After all

It is true that Mingxi and Mingruo's talents are not bad, but the reason why the East emperor chose them was not because of their talent, but because they were in good luck with the East emperor.With the talent of Mingxi and Mingruo, even if there is no East emperor, whether they can become emperor in the future is a big problem.

Under such circumstances, the East emperor cut off their potential and made them stay in the realm of Xianjun all their life. In fact, it was not a loss for Mingxi and Mingruo.

Not to mention, the East emperor also brought them under their own wings, giving them the honor they had never thought of before.

People have feelings, so are fairies.

If at first it was just out of guilt, then after so many years of getting along with each other, the love of dongdijun to Mingxi and Mingruo is not adulterated at all.

In Fengzhi and Longyan, the East emperor felt the luck that was closely related to the whole fairyland. As an emperor, the East emperor naturally understood what it meant.

Such people

Even as an emperor, he did not dare to move them at all.

Just because, moving them, it means that they are fighting against the Qi Yun of the whole fairyland. Naturally, they will also be opposed by the Qi Yun of the fairyland. Even the emperor can't stand such anti preference.

What are the emperors, not to mention.

To prevent Mingxi from becoming enemies with Fengzhi and Longyan is also a kind of protection for Mingxi.

However, Mingxi is ungrateful at all. She not only fails to understand the protection of dongdijun, but also thinks that dongdijun is turning away from her elbow and helping outsiders to suppress her.

Thinking of this, the East emperor shook his head again.

"Let her in." He told Mingbo.

What is Mingxi's temperament? Dongdijun can't understand it any more. He knows that if he doesn't see her, he is afraid to wait outside all the time, so he simply let Mingbo bring her in.

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