After a while, Mingxi followed Mingbo into the main hall.

As the core of the whole Dongsheng palace, the main hall is also the living place of the East emperor. Even Mingxi and Mingruo, the two little princesses of Dongsheng palace, can't go in and out at will if they don't get the nod of the East emperor.

Seeing Mingxi, the East emperor nodded to Mingbo.

Mingbo then understood, quietly retreated down, and closed the door.

"Xi'er..." East emperor opens a way, "you come to see a father, can have what matter?"

Mingxi's eyes are red.

She didn't believe that dongdijun didn't know what she was coming to do. She knew what she was thinking, but she asked such a question. It can be seen that the East Emperor didn't care about her mood at all.

This makes Mingxi feel more aggrieved.

She has been loved by the East emperor for so many years since she came to Dongsheng palace. How could she have been wronged like this?

"Adoptive father, why do you always protect Feng to that little girl..." Mingxi clenched her teeth and managed to press down the word "bitch" that was about to be exported.

It's not that she doesn't want to say it, but before she can say it, she knows it from the eyes of the East emperor, who does not allow her to say these two words.

This feeling full of grievances Mingxi, understand the East emperor this silent condemnation, feel more aggrieved at the same time, the heart even produced a burst of anger.

She is the princess of Dongsheng palace!

She should be held in the palm of everyone's hand, including the East emperor. Why did Fengzhi, even the East emperor who loved her in the past, only cared about Fengzhi?

What's more, there is Long Yan.

From the beginning to the end, even if he lost his memory, even though he was infused with the cognition that "the person you like is Mingxi", Long Yan never put Mingxi in his heart.

For Mingxi, this is something she can't stand.

Until now, Mingxi still remembers that when Long Yan said "I have never been loyal to you, how can I betray you?" under the gaze of the public, she was in a state of confusion.

She also identified that the root of her confusion was Fengzhi!

If it had not been for Fengzhi, would Longyan have been so dismissive of her?

If you hadn't been for Feng Zhi, she just had to throw a coquetry at the East emperor. The East emperor would have come forward in person, so long Yan would not dare to resist. In this way, would not long Yan become her?

Fengzhi, everything is because of Fengzhi!

Rongfeng's favorite people are all over there!

Mingxi only think like this, is full of unwilling.


In front of her is the East emperor, she is very clear that, no matter how, she can not be angry with the East emperor.

Only because, she now has everything, is the East emperor to give.

Although the heart think clearly, but since the heart has been unwilling and resentful, where is so easy to calm down?

Mingxi tightly pursed her lips and looked at the East emperor, her eyes gradually turned red.

But when the East emperor was helpless and impatient, I didn't know if she felt those unwilling and resentful feelings in Mingxi's heart, and the mysterious voice that she had heard last time sounded in her ears.

"Little girl, why, now I know I'm not reconciled?"

It was her last mysterious deal.

Suddenly heard this voice, but also in the eyes of the East emperor heard, Mingxi can not help but be surprised.

She couldn't help looking at the East emperor.

However, the East emperor did not have any color, obviously did not hear that voice at all.

This makes Mingxi even more shocked.

In front of her is the real emperor. Even if the East emperor is the youngest among the four existing emperors, and the one who has been emperor for the shortest time, he is the emperor, standing at the top of the pyramid in the fairyland. This voice can transmit to her under the emperor's eyes, and can not disturb the East emperor. What's it like Can people do this?

Mingxi couldn't help but move her heart.

East emperor is not willing to take Fengzhi and others for her sake, but she can't do it herself to make Fengzhi and others unlucky. So, can this mysterious person who can talk to her under the eyes of dongdijun, can he do this?

Ming Xi then slightly lowered her head, do not let the East emperor find her strange.

Subconsciously, she felt that the existence of this mysterious man had better not let the East emperor know.

"Who are you?" She said in her heart.

In fact, she didn't know whether the mysterious man could receive her words. She just tried.

It turned out that the mysterious man was able to communicate with her in this way.

"Ha ha ha ha..." The mysterious man let out a series of low laughter. After laughing, he said, "little girl, who am I? You don't need to care. In short, you promised to trade with me, and I have realized your wish. Now, it's your turn to finish what you need to do..."After hearing this, Mingxi felt a foreboding in her heart.

However, this anomaly was quickly masked by anger.

The mysterious man didn't mention the deal. As soon as he mentioned it, Mingxi immediately remembered the indifference of Long Yan when he said "what betrayal.".

She tightly clenched her fists under her sleeves and roared in her heart: "trading, are you still willing to say trade? Our deal is that you helped me get Longyan. Now, where is Longyan? "

For this mysterious man, Mingxi is not without complaints.

If he didn't do well enough, how could Long Yan despise her under such circumstances?

Hearing Mingxi say this, the mysterious man snorted: "little girl, it's not a good habit to blame others for everything. If you can't keep the people in your hands, can you blame me?"

It's so clear.

There's nothing wrong with that.

However, even though she knew that the mysterious man was right, Mingxi still refused to admit that the reason was that she didn't have the charm to attract Long Yan.

Therefore, she snorted, and said in a very arrogant way: "I don't care. You have to give Longyan to me again, and this time you have to clean his memory more thoroughly, otherwise..."

"Otherwise" for a long time, Mingxi couldn't find anything to threaten each other.

After a while, she had an idea and said, "otherwise, I will not perform the transaction."

Judging from the degree of the mysterious man's enthusiasm for the transaction between them, this transaction must be extremely important to him, which means that for the mysterious person, Mingxi's weight is very heavy.

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