Mingxi is a person who can make good use of her own advantages. Since it is very important for mysterious people to find her own existence, she must be of great value in the eyes of mysterious people.

Under such circumstances, if she didn't know how to use her own value to achieve her goal, she would have lived in vain for so long.

Mingxi originally thought that as long as the mysterious man still wanted to complete the transaction with himself, he would meet his requirements, but she was wrong.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Once again, the mysterious man let out a series of laughter.

But this time, she was so cold.

She faintly felt that she was afraid to kick the iron plate this time.

"Little girl, when things are up to now, do you think it's possible for you to say 'no' The voice of the mysterious man was very gloomy, and there was a chill that could not be suppressed. "As early as the moment you agreed to trade, you could not help it..."

Then there was another gloomy smile.

Mingxi was a little scared at this time.

It was only now that she realized how wrong she was to trade so easily.

Her request, the mysterious man has indeed done it.


What does the mysterious man want her to do?

And the most important thing is, if she can't meet the requirements of the mysterious man, what kind of price will she pay?

Thinking of those consequences, Mingxi can't bear it.

She regretted her carelessness.

At that time, she just wanted to get Longyan no matter what. So when she heard that someone could do it, she had nothing to think about. But now think carefully, if the other party wanted her life, did she give it directly?

Fortunately, there is still room for recovery.

Mingxi looks up at the East emperor.

There is no doubt that the most correct way to do this is to inform the emperor of his existence.

We can see from the mysterious man's sneaky way that he was afraid that his existence would be known by the East emperor, otherwise he would not trade with himself in such a circuitous way.

So, as long as the East emperor knows the existence of the mysterious man, can he not perform any unknown transaction?

The East emperor is the emperor. In front of him, no matter what kind of evil, I think it is impossible to make waves?

This thought, Mingxi no longer any hesitation, she opened her mouth, will open her mouth.

But at this time, Mingxi suddenly found that she could not control her body at all. It was as if her body was completely separated from her soul. It was impossible to move her fingers, let alone open her mouth.

A kind of unspeakable panic surged into Mingxi's mind.


The mysterious man, what does he want to do?

I was surprised and angry.

However, she can't do anything now. She can only look at her body like this.

It's a little weird, but it's true.

She saw that her fingers moved first, and then it was as if the whole person was waking up, blinking, looking up

Mingxi is like seeing another self.

The "self" looked at the East emperor and said, "Your Majesty..."

This address let the East emperor slightly wrung eyebrows.

Mingxi and Mingruo are dongdijun's daughters who have loved for so many years. Even though Mingxi's recent affairs are somewhat abnormal due to Fengzhi and Longyan, dongdijun is still completely relaxed in front of her.

But now

Dongdijun felt that Mingxi's situation seemed to be wrong.

When there is no outsider, Mingxi and Mingruo always call him "adoptive father". How ever did they call him "emperor" so unfamiliar?

Is Mingxi still angry because he didn't stand by her side in the matter of Fengzhi and Longyan, or something

Before the East emperor had time to think about it, he saw that "Mingxi" came to his side. He looked up at him first, and then showed a very strange smile on his face.

"Xi'er, you..."

Just say such a few words, the eyes of East emperor Jun can't help but gape.

He slowly lowered his head and saw that Mingxi suddenly stretched out and stabbed the hand in his body.

"You, you are not..."

The Eastern Emperor's face turned pale in an instant.

He is an emperor. He has the strength to make the celestial world shake three times with one stamp of his foot, but he also has a weakness that no one else knows except himself.

But now, one of his weaknesses has been gently stabbed by Mingxi.

Mingming, Mingxi's stab didn't even use any strength, but it just made the East emperor have the tearing pain that the gods and spirits have to separate at this moment.Dongdijun didn't even have time to think about who was Mingxi and why he knew his only weakness. He held up his hand and held his head tightly. From there, it seemed that he would divide his head into two parts. Even if the East emperor had strong willpower, it was still a little unbearable.

And Mingxi, she was terrified to see "I" made such a treacherous thing, can not help but scream.


Then, Mingxi suddenly found herself in control of her body again.

She took back the hand holding a dagger, and she was only frightened. She didn't even know why it had become this way.


Mingxi throws the dagger on the ground in a hurry.

She looked at the dagger on the ground as if she were looking at some monster.

As an emperor, even if there is a weakness in the East emperor, that weakness is only relative to other places in the East emperor. The so-called "weak" is only for the existence at the same level as the East emperor.

As for others

Even the strongest among the emperors, don't try to use this weakness to hurt the East emperor.

The emperor is different from any other level.

But now, she is so easy to hurt the East emperor, but also obviously to the East emperor harm is great, let the East emperor can not bear such pain.


The only thing Mingxi can think of is that there is something wrong with the dagger in her hand.

But here comes the question.

Mingxi can't remember why she has such a short sword on her body.

Is it that she can't remember, or

She didn't even know about it?

Thinking of the sudden loss of control of her body, Mingxi couldn't help but be shocked.

As early as the moment you agreed to the deal, you had to

The words of the mysterious man suddenly came to her mind.

Is it true that the mysterious man has borrowed her body and done a lot of things when she doesn't know?

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