What's going on in Dongsheng palace is unknown to Fengzhi and others.

After listening to xianbao'er's popularization of the sky ladder and the significance of the ninety ninth floor of the ladder, Feng zhidang even decided to join in the fun!

Think about it, a light tower, gathering all the elites of the young generation of fairyland.

So many elites are fighting with each other by means of the ladder. Just thinking about it, people feel excited.

In Fengzhi's line of business, except Xiao Xu, the old God, other people are absolute genius among their peers. Therefore, when the ladder is opened, they can also use the ladder to see what kind of gap they have between themselves and their peers.

Of course, Fengzhi didn't think that she was worse than any of her peers.

She is full of confidence.

"Think about it, isn't it exciting to be able to step on all your peers under your feet?" Phoenix to such a way.

If other people say such words, xianbao'er will definitely say "arrogant", but the person who said this is Fengzhi, but they don't think there is anything wrong with this.

After all, since she met Feng Zhi, Feng Zhi has proved to them how outstanding her talent and strength are.

However, Fengming likes to spoil people.

Looking at Feng Zhi, who was eager to try and excited, he reminded him, "Fengzhi, don't forget that you've only been injured for a long time, and it will take 100 years for you to recover completely. You can't do anything with others in these 100 years."

Phoenix to a suffocation.

She slightly narrowed her eyes and looked at Fengming, biting her teeth: "Fengming, do you believe it or not, even if I don't start with you, I can let you know the end of cheap mouth?"

Fengming immediately shut up.

Of course he does.

Don't say that Feng Zhi has long Yan around him. Even if there is no Long Yan, Feng Zhi wants to fight him. Does he dare to fight against Feng Zhi if he can't fight with him?

There is no resistance.

After being bullied by Fengzhi for more than 1000 years, Fengming has been used to it.

Realizing that he had such a terrible idea, Fengming was shocked in the heart. He would not be cultivated into a shaking m by Feng Zhi?

Feng Zhi didn't dare to talk to her anymore. She waved her hand and announced, "well, it's still more than ten years before the sky ladder is opened. We still have plenty of time. For the next journey, we'll go straight to the central part of the fairyland. I don't choose any scenery we can see along the way."

Hearing the last sentence, the other people couldn't help but gasp.

You don't pick yet?

I don't know who can be called "pick".

When others rolled their eyes, Long Yan stroked Feng Zhi's hair and said in a warm voice, "yes, Fengzhi, you'd better feed yourself."

Fengming didn't feel that there was anything wrong at first, but after a long time, they began to react. They were all staring at Longyan, as if there were flowers on his face.

"You, you, you..." Feng Ming pointed to the dragon and couldn't speak for a long time, "have you recovered your memory?"

After losing his memory, Long Yan didn't resist Fengzhi and believed from the bottom of his heart that Fengzhi was his lover, but he had no previous memory. When he got along with Fengzhi, Long Yan didn't have any intimate actions.

But now, Long Yan reached out and stroked Feng to his hair. It was as if he had done it thousands of times before.

Long Yan, who has lost his memory, can't be so skilled.

Well, there's only one possibility.

Long Yan recovered his memory.

See Feng Ming so surprised, Feng to turn a white eye: "is not to restore memory, what a matter?"

Then, Feng to just react to come over again, some strange look at people: "say, did I not tell you this matter?"

They all turned their eyes at Feng.

Would they have been so surprised if she had told them?

People's expression let Feng to know the answer, she reached out and scratched her head, "OK, that's what I forgot."

People can't help but feel "ha ha".

Forget it, she's so hearty!

Knowing that Long Yan has recovered his memory, everyone's heart is also followed by a song.

Before long Yan lost his memory, although there was nothing against him to get along with them, there was always something wrong with them. Now Long Yan can be regarded as thinking of the past, and they are really relaxed.

Just like Fengzhi, after knowing that Long Yan has recovered his memory, people are also very concerned about who took him and sent him to Mingxi.

However, Long Yan couldn't say why this matter happened, and the people had to give up.

In order to celebrate Long Yan's recovery of memory, xianbao'er took the opportunity to pester Fengzhi to make a big meal.

After eating and drinking, they also adjusted their route and headed for the central part of the fairyland.As a living map among the people, Xiao Xu has already planned their next journey for a long time We are still a long way from the central part of the fairyland. Fortunately, we are not in a hurry. We can catch up with the time for a few years. The rest ten years or so, we can have a good rest in the central part of the fairyland. Moreover, Fengzhi's body still has hidden worries. We can use this time to see if there is any way to make it Fengzhi's body recovered in advance... "

It's very thoughtful.

After listening to Xiao Xu's words, Feng turned her head and looked at him without blinking. Xiao Xu felt a little fluffy in her heart.

"What, what's the matter?" Xiao Xu couldn't help saying.

Because of the hair in his heart, Xiao Xu had some lack of confidence when he spoke.

Feng then rolled her eyes.

This person, she didn't say a word, how to frighten him into this way, the king of heaven was scared by her, it's really funny.

After looking at Xiao Xu for a while, Feng Zhicai said, "elder Xiao Xu, I find that you have changed a lot recently. Not only have you planned your route more strictly, but you have also paid special attention to me. I'm flattered."

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, long Yanwei squints his eyes and looks at Xiao Xu.

Xiao Xu almost jumped.

Ah, this little ancestor. If she said this again, it is estimated that Long Yan will come up and tear him. Isn't this pushing him into the fire pit?

Fengzhi and Longyan, both of whom are the favored children of heaven, can not afford to offend Xiao Xu!

At the same time, Xiao Xu also knew that it was his attitude that caused Feng Zhi's alertness.

The so-called "see through and don't tell the truth", especially when he sees through such a big event, if something happens because he says it, the way of heaven can't let him off first.

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