To understand this, Xiao Xu also decided to let it go.

He'd better get along with Fengzhi and others as before, so that everyone would be more comfortable. As for the future, Xiao Xu believes that Fengzhi and Longyan have a heart and can feel how he treats Fengzhi and Longyan.

At this thought, Xiao Xu relaxed.

Even, he felt that his mood cultivation had been improved.

This makes Xiao Xu very surprised.

You should know that when their strength reaches their level, every slight improvement will take a lot of time and energy, especially in the cultivation of mood. There is no shortcut to take. It can only be improved with people's experience. Xiao Xu has not experienced such a promotion for a long time.

For a moment, Xiao Xu is more convinced that his idea is right.

He then white phoenix to one eye: "Phoenix to, you now can not do a little younger generation appearance!"

Feng Zhi smiles.

She didn't know why Xiao Xu had such a vague and awe like feeling towards her and Long Yan before, but fortunately, he adjusted quickly.

For Fengzhi, she doesn't want to be looked at by such an old man as Xiao Xu from time to time. Isn't it good for us to get along easily?

With this episode, people will follow Xiao Xu's plan to set out.

When Xiao Xu visited the fairyland at the beginning, he really went through many places. Although it can't be said that he had traveled all over the fairyland, he loved the scenery in the eastern part of the fairyland at that time, so at least most of the eastern part of the fairyland had passed through.

Tens of thousands of years have passed since then. When Xiao Xu revisited his hometown, he still remembered the situation in the eastern part of the fairyland.

"Let's go to a place first..." Xiao Xu said, "that place is a cliff, on which the vigorous wind blows through the bone all the time. At the beginning, I found out by accident that there is a cave on the cliff of that cliff, and there is a Wang Xianquan in the cave. There are several immortal grass growing in the spring. However, when I found the cave, those plants of xianjiancao were not mature, so I was just interested in that I made a mark and left. I wanted to wait for the Xianjian grass to mature and then come back to pick it, but I didn't expect... "

In order to meet the fairy in Caixia, she didn't expect to meet the fairy.

When Xiao Xu thinks of these past events, he can't help shaking his head and feeling.

However, this feeling is only a moment.

As an immortal, he has already cultivated to the realm of heavenly king. Naturally, Xiao Xu is not sentimental. On the contrary, his temperament is extremely free and easy. Otherwise, he only said that no one lived alone in the rift valley for tens of thousands of years, and most people would have been crazy. However, Xiao Xu not only did not go mad, but also practiced again from scratch 。

After leaving Caixia fairy behind, Xiao Xu said again: "xianjiancao has a great effect on Xianjun and the people below. Even if the emperor takes it, it has a certain effect. As long as such a good thing is to let out a little wind, it is designated to attract everyone's competition. This time, it's cheaper for you."

Feng Zhi laughs at his words.

She knows what xianjiancao is when she is familiar with the strange treasures of fairyland.

If xianjiancao is combined with other kinds of fairy medicines to make coagulant fairy pill, it can enhance the effect of Xianying after taking it. For immortal, Xianying is especially important, and the only pill that can directly affect Xianying is Ning Xiandan, which shows how precious it is.

What's more, it can also play a certain role on the emperor.

Xiao Xu is not wrong at all. If the news of xianjiancao is spread out, I'm afraid that under the cliff he said, let alone the terrible vigorous wind, even if there is something fierce in it, it will definitely make all the immortals rush there.

"Since master Xiao Xu is so generous, we certainly can't refuse. Thank you for your kindness..." Phoenix to a point is not polite, "master, you can rest assured, until refining out of the coagulation elixir, your part of the designation is indispensable."

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, Xiao Xu is a little surprised.

It means "Phoenix to Phoenix"

"Can you refine ningxiandan?" Xiao Xu's tone couldn't help rising.

It's true that Ning Xian Dan is extremely precious, but what is more precious than Ning Xian Dan is the Dan master who can refine Ning Xian Dan.

Ning Xian Dan is a high-quality elixir. Because of its special features, if you want to refine it, you must have at least one level of divinity beyond your own strength.

If other conditions are OK, but if you want to have a level of divine consciousness beyond yourself, it can brush down most of the Dan masters.

Therefore, if xianjiancao can make all the immortals snatch their heads and blood, then a alchemist who can refine the coagulant immortal elixir is that all the immortals will strive to win over.

After allSuch Dan masters are rare in the whole fairyland.

Now, there is one in front of Xiao Xu.

Feng to smell speech with two fingers poked his cheek, smile to nod: "I can ah!"

Ever since she came into contact with alchemy, Fengzhi knew that she had incomparable talent in alchemy, which even exceeded her talent in cultivation.

Other Dan masters practiced hard time and again, only once or twice out of ten times could refine the pill successfully. However, for Fengzhi, as long as she refined a certain pill once, there would be no success rate.

Because, she won't fail again.

It can only be said that some people are naturally suitable for a certain profession.

For example, Fengzhi is suitable to be a Dan master.

If this is known by other Dan masters who are tortured to death by the success rate of pills, they will probably have a three character Sutra to say.

Feng never talks empty words.

People who have been with her for a while know this.

Therefore, Xiao Xu has no doubt about the authenticity of Fengzhi's words.

He then took a look at the strange looking Feng Zhi.

However, at the age of more than 1000 years old, it is only more than 100 years since he rose from the lower world to the fairyland. He has reached such a level in his practice that other people who claim to be genius can't catch up with him. Now he even tells him that Fengzhi is actually an extremely powerful Dan master?

Xiao Xu felt that he probably needed to calm down.

The more he got along with Feng Zhi, the more he felt that he was worthless, swollen or broken?

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