No comparison, no harm.

Xiao Xu is also known as a genius, step by step to the present, in his way of practice, he surpassed too many people called genius, and finally became the best among the heavenly kings.

Although he failed to reach the realm of the Lord of God, Xiao Xu had always thought that he was powerful, especially after he lost his body in the Chatian gorge, he could return to the realm of emperor in tens of thousands of years.

This is Xiao Xu's complacency.

But now, compared with Feng Zhi, he found that he could not find any sense of superiority.

In terms of talent, Fengzhi was already a big Luo Jinxian when she was only over 1000 years old. But when she was more than 1000 years old, she seemed to be in her infancy?

What's more, Fengzhi is still a man recognized by the East emperor, and the height he can achieve in the future is beyond the reach of the Emperor himself.

If Fengzhi only has such a high talent in cultivation, it's OK. Xiao Xu can't admit that he is inferior to others, but Fengzhi is so good at refining pills

This is really a blow to people's self-confidence.

However, after a while, Xiao Xu was relieved and only felt happy.

There is such a powerful Dan master in my team, which means that as long as you can get the elixir for refining pills, you can get the pills you want. This is a good thing that many immortals can't ask for. Naturally, it's worth being happy.

Xiao Xudu has already begun to plan for happiness. He has what materials he has in his hand and can refine the pills he has always wanted, but because he can't find a suitable Dan master, he can only shelve the pills.

Feng Zhi has no opinion about this.

Since she is her own, she certainly will not be stingy to help Xiao Xu refine pills.


Compared with the strange and inexplicable attitude of Xiao Xu before, now Xiao Xu undoubtedly makes Feng Zhi feel relaxed.

Not only Xiao Xu, but also xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu also wrote out a long list of pills they wanted.

This makes Feng Zhi couldn't help but shoot them on their heads one by one.

"Do you think I'm tired?" Feng Zhi Dao.

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu both spat out their tongues. Neither of them felt embarrassed.

You're welcome, of course.

In the same way, if Fengzhi had any need, they would not refuse as long as they could do it. For example, when she practiced Hongyu, she made her own immortal utensils for Fengzhi.

In any case, after such a visit, the atmosphere between the party was more relaxed and harmonious.

It is also in such an atmosphere that Feng Zhi and others arrive at the cliff mentioned by Xiao Xu.

As an immortal, flying is the most basic skill, so if it is an ordinary mountain or cliff, no matter how high it is, it has no significance for the immortal.

But this cliff is different.

This cliff is well-known in the vicinity, because it is not only ten thousand feet high, but also from the foot of the mountain to the mountainside a hundred meters later, the vigorous wind begins to blow. The more upward, the stronger the vigorous wind.

At the top of the cliff, when the vigorous wind blows, it will bring a very sad sound. Not to mention the terrible vigorous wind that can instantly split the immortal body of Daluo Jinxian into pieces, the sound of the vigorous wind blowing over it is already a kind of extremely powerful sound attack.

In short, if the strength of this cliff is not above Xianjun, it is absolutely dare not set foot in it easily.

In addition to Xiao Xu, Fengzhi and Longyan are the most powerful among Fengzhi and Longyan, but now they are only the strength of the early stage of Dalao Jinxian.

Fengming took a look at Fengzhi and Longyan, then looked up at the cliff which seemed to be towering in the clouds. She couldn't help asking, "Fengzhi, Longyan, are you sure you can go up there?"

Only so asked, Fengming could not help rubbing her arm.

He seemed to have felt the pain brought by the vigorous wind in advance.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan looked at each other and both shook their heads.

They are very clear, with their strength now, as well as the strength of their immortal body, really can not withstand such a fierce vigorous wind.

Even Fengzhi and Longyan think it's over, and Fengming doesn't dare to think about it.

Xiao Xu said: "you can't be careless. The cliff is called duanhun cliff, which has a certain popularity in the eastern part of the fairyland. The source of its popularity is that many talented people have always conquered the cliff if they think they can be below the level of the Immortal King. Of course, you can know those talented people only from the word" broken soul " The final result... "

Broken soul cliff.

There are so many talented people here who can't be counted.

However, the more so, the more people want to prove that they are better than their predecessors by challenging this cliff.

As a result

It's just another soul breaking man on the cliff.

Listening to Xiao Xu, when Feng Zhi and others look up at the cliff again, they seem to be able to see the unwilling souls of talented people standing on the top of the cliff.Seeing Feng Zhi and others like this, Xiao Xu said again, "what's more, the most dangerous thing about the cliff is not the sound of the vigorous wind and the vigorous wind..."

Hearing this, xianbao'er couldn't help but ask curiously, "master Xiao Xu, it's not Gang Feng and voice, what is that?"

Others are also looking at Xiao Xu.

But Xiao Xu didn't answer. He just laughed and said, "you'll know it by yourself later."

Although Xiao Xu said it lightly, but I don't know why, people feel a little frightened.

"Well, let's go up and have a look." Xiao Xu waved his sleeve, then took Feng Zhi and others straight up.

Although he took Fengzhi and others with him, Xiao Xu didn't stop the vigorous wind from the broken soul cliff for them when they could still bear it. As an immortal, if he had been protected behind him all the time, he could only grow a timid temperament. When it came to fighting with outsiders, he was afraid that he would die.

It is also because of this, Phoenix to a few people also really feel the spirit of the cliff on the spirit of the spirit of the gang wind is how terrible.

Wind, originally should be invisible.

But when the wind is strong to a certain extent, for example, the vigorous wind that Fengzhi and others are facing now has already taken shape.

After flying up less than 100 meters, people saw a strong wind blowing towards them like a knife. The vigorous wind was very dense and felt like fighting.

Even if Fengzhi had already been prepared for Xiao Xu's words, Fengming, xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu failed to hide all the vigorous winds, so a small number of fish that escaped from the net were cut directly on their bodies. While cutting their clothes, they left several deep visible wounds on their bodies.

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