
Fengming took a breath.

This vigorous wind is extremely domineering. After drawing a deep visible bone wound on his body, it is not finished. There is a strange cold force attached to the wound. The strength is like a maggot attached to bones. As soon as he meets the flesh and blood of Fengming, he already wants to get into Fengming's body along with the flesh and blood.

"What the hell is this?"

Feng Ming scolded, but the action was not slow at all. She mobilized the immortal spirit in her body, and expelled the strange force of delusion into his body.

Fortunately, although the strength came a little strange, but in the full drive of Fengming, it did not take long to be loved clean.

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu are similar.

When the force is expelled from his body, the three people are a little surprised.

This is not only a short time, they have been injured under the vigorous wind, but also in the case that they have been prepared for the strength of the vigorous wind.

And just listen to Xiao Xu said, this vigorous wind is more to the top more powerful.


Even on the top of the cliff, how terrible is the vigorous wind?

With their small bodies, they were injured at the foot of the mountain where the vigorous wind just appeared. When they reached the top of the cliff, they were cut into pieces without scoring minutes?

Fengming three people can't help but shiver.

"I'm so scared!" Fengming road.

Feng Zhi flicked a wisp of finger wind on Feng Ming's forehead, which made him have a red mark on his forehead. At the same time, he said, "if you are so careless, believe me or not, I'll throw you out to let you know what meat on the chopping board is..."

The meat on the cutting board, of course, is to be slaughtered.

However, for the Fengming now, it should be Ren Gang wind cutting.

Feng to have spoken, Fengming naturally dare not make a mistake, after spitting out her tongue, she stood aside honestly, just like a quiet quail.

In the matter of life and death, Feng Zhi never allowed him to be careless. If he really didn't have a proper shape, Feng Zhi was afraid that he could do something to throw him out.

After all, in Fengzhi's eyes, it's better to let Fengming learn some lessons now than to suffer a great loss because of such careless behavior.

When Fengzhi taught Fengming a lesson, Xiao Xu didn't speak until Fengming was honest. He said: "the vigorous wind at this level is just the weakest, and the really terrible thing is still on it. If it wasn't for this, there would be no such name as brokenhead cliff. So Fengzhi is right. You can't take it lightly..."

And all the people were upright.

Xiao Xu saw that all the people attached importance to it, and then he continued to take them up.

Just as Xiao Xu said, the higher the spirit cliff, the more terrible the vigorous wind is. With the rising of the people's height, the more intense and destructive the vigorous wind is.

When they arrived at the two-thirds height of the whole mountain, Fengzhi and Longyan could hardly hold on to it. However, Fengming, xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu, who were still in Dixian period, could not hold on.

However, even so, the three were still holding their teeth tightly.

Only because, in this process, Feng Zhi has been speaking in their ears.

"Fengming, if you can't hold on to 100 rest time, I'll make another pot of Shiquan Dabu Soup for you later. Now in the fairyland, the Shiquan Dabu soup made with fairy medicine must have a better effect..."

Feng Ming couldn't help shivering.

God knows that he would rather be thrown into the vigorous wind than drink Fengzhi's Shiquan tonic soup, even if the soup is really tonic.

So, what can he do? Of course, he has to endure a hundred years of death!

For xianbao'er, Fengzhi changed another way of saying.

"Same thing, baby. I'll make a big meal for you to eat alone."

A big meal!

Eat alone!

Xianbao'er's eyes suddenly lit up. She only felt that there was infinite power coming out of her body, so that she could fight those vigorous winds for 300 rounds.

As for practicing ruby

Fengzhi said in a crisp and neat way I have a rotten jade here... "

Rotten bone jade is a precious and rare material for refining utensils. It has always been used to make high-grade immortal utensils.

Lian Hongyu's eyes brightened and nodded fiercely at Feng.

In this way, because of these conditions and threats put forward by Fengzhi, even though the people have been walking upward, even if the vigorous wind they are facing is becoming stronger and denser, Fengming and the three of them are still holding on to their teeth.

The reason why Fengzhi used such a method to support the three Fengming people was that she had already seen that the three Fengming people were actually at the critical point of the present state. They could break through the shackles and enter the next realm only by a proper opportunity.However, although it has reached the critical point, it does not mean that they will break through soon.

If there is no external force, no one knows where the right opportunity is.

Under such circumstances, if there is external force to accelerate the process of breakthrough, it will naturally save Fengming three a lot of time.

In practice, every time you take a quick step, you will leave many people behind, so as to take advantage of the opportunity.

In particular, Fengzhi also wants to let Fengming and Fengming go into the ladder together to compete with all their peers in the fairyland. Before that, it is natural to improve the strength of Fengming as much as possible.

As a result, Feng Zhi's coercion and inducement came into being.

From the results, Fengzhi's strategy is still very successful, at least Fengming three people even if the hard face has become distorted, also never give up.

"Fengzhi, I can't hold on..." Fengming road.

This short sentence has nine words in total, but Fengming said it completely nine times. She could only squeeze out one word each time. You can imagine how he felt now.

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu have no strength to speak at all. If they don't suffer heavy damage under those vigorous winds, they have spent all their mental energy. If they dare to speak, they really don't know how to die.

Two people can only spare time very quickly very shallow a nod, express support Fengming's view.

To this, Feng Zhi is such a response.

"Kung Fu, you still have time to talk, and I can still hold your head." Feng Zhi Dao.


Xianbao er

Practicing Ruby

If I had known that they would not say or do anything.

But what can they do?

Of course, I heard from Feng and continued to support.

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