After Xiao Xu sighed with emotion, he took Feng Zhi and Long Yan all the way up to the top of the broken soul cliff.

Compared with the lower part, the vigorous wind on the top of the cliff is really terrible. Each vigorous wind is at least three feet long. It is like a sharp blade, rushing towards Fengzhi and Longyan. It has the momentum of not breaking Fengzhi and Longyan into meat and mud.

Fengzhi and Longyan don't even have the ability to breathe. They can only use all their mind to deal with the vigorous wind. Even so, these vigorous winds are still very reluctant for them who are only in the early days of the Da Luo Jinxian. However, after a few more breaths, they have reached the limit.

Fengzhi has never been a strong supporter.

"Master Xiao Xu!" She said.

Xiao Xu, meeting his will, put a layer of boundary on Feng Zhi and Long Yan's body to protect them.


Listening to the jingling sound of the vigorous wind playing on the surface of the border, and then looking at the continuous ripples of light on the boundary, Feng Zhi couldn't help but breathe out.

This cliff is really terrible!

She remembered that Xiao Xu had said before that the most terrible thing on the broken soul cliff was not Gang Feng.

So, what is it?

The vigorous wind has been so terrible, what kind of thing should it be?

Feng to have some curiosity.

However, she had nothing to be anxious about. She had already arrived at the top of the cliff of broken soul. It would not be long before she could see the most terrible thing in Xiao Xu's mouth.

"It's really worthy of the name of" broken soul " Feng Zhi Dao.

Xiao Xu smiles at her.

Feng to have no time to come over, Xiao Xu the meaning of this smile, the ear suddenly came a sound


It's hard to describe this feeling. It's like there are many companions in front of me who are calling for me to walk with them. It's too warm for people to follow the sound.

Join them, join them

Feng couldn't help lifting her feet.

Also in this moment, Feng to suddenly return to God.

She is now standing in the air. If she steps forward like this, she should not fall directly?

If she falls down unprepared like this, she will be cut into foam by the vigorous wind without waiting to fall to the foot of the mountain.

And the reason why she has such an impulse

I think something must be causing trouble!

Realizing this, Feng Zhi stopped and wanted to return to reason and control her body again.

However, she suddenly found that what she thought should be a very simple thing suddenly became not simple. She wanted to take back her raised foot. At this time, it was as if she had pressed the whole force of Mount Tai on her body. It was not a difficult question at all, but she could not move at all.

At the same time, the call from "companions" which was weakened by Fengzhi's sudden reversion became more intense. Listening to the call of sincerity, even if the heart was as firm as Fengzhi, his mind could not help becoming blurred, and the idea of joining those "companions" came into being.

At this time, Feng to suddenly realize that his state is not right.

Sober and confused

Fengzhi is in these two states of constant reciprocating.

In the struggle with the call that seems to have infinite magic, Feng didn't notice that she had stepped forward a step further. As long as she went outside a little bit, she would go out of the boundary of Xiao Xu.

It was another wake-up, Feng Zhi looked at the scope where she was now, and made a Fierce bite on the tip of her tongue. Suddenly, the smell of blood came out of her mouth. After being stimulated by this, Feng broke away from her confusion and then stepped back two steps.


After all this, Feng couldn't help breathing heavily.

She had never been subjected to such a violent attack on the level of consciousness.

Looking around, Long Yan and she are in the same situation.

However, the two people are completely out of the confusion just now.

Seeing this, Xiao Xu chuckled twice: "now, you should know what is the most terrible thing on the cliff of broken soul?"

Feng Zhi and Long Yan nodded together.

However, they are not trapped in the same level of consciousness, even if they have no will, they will not fall into the same level.

Even if they were like this, then we can imagine what other immortals of the same rank would look like if they arrived at the gambling equipment of the cliff of broken soul.

"No wonder..." Feng to low voice way, "no wonder Xiao Xu, you said before, at least to the top of the soul breaking cliffXiao Xu nodded.

"These..." He pondered for a moment before he found a suitable adjective. "Those who want to drag your consciousness into the abyss are the incomplete spirits of the immortals who once buried their lives on this cliff. The vigorous wind on the cliff is particularly fierce. After the immortals fall here, the spirits are also damaged by the vigorous wind. These incomplete spirits gather together and gradually This kind of obsession with the spirits of other immortals is formed all the time... "

In short, I am not willing to die, so I want to pull one or many backers.


There are so many people who do harm to others but not benefit themselves.

Xiao Xu then said: "the soul breaking man on the cliff has always been enough to make many immortals change color."

Fengzhi and Longyan both thought it was right.

Compared with the spirit wind on the broken soul cliff and the howling sound that can be used as a voice attack, the obsession formed by the broken soul man is obviously more terrible. The former attacks the human body, which may make people die miserably, while the latter directly attacks the divine consciousness, making people not even know how they died.

To think of it, the reason why Xiao Xu said that he could get to duanhun cliff at least at the level of Xianjun was not because of his strength, but because he had much higher divine consciousness, so he had a stronger resistance to the obsession of the soul breaking man.

Speaking of this, Xiao Xu took a look at Fengzhi and Longyan and boasted, "your strong will is very rare among the same level immortals of the same age. Now I'm looking forward to your trip to the sky ladder..."

In fact, Xiao Xu believes that Fengzhi and Longyan can climb the ninety ninth floor of the ladder.

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