After all

This is the one who is really certified by the emperor.

In addition to Xiaojun's self-confidence, the only one who can tell the truth about Xiaojun is that he has confidence in himself.

Although Feng Zhi felt that Xiao Xu seemed to have some kind of fanatical expectation for her and Long Yan, she couldn't figure out why Xiao Xu was like this, so she simply stopped investigating and accepted Xiao Xu's confidence in them.

No way, who called Fengzhi is also a confident person?

"I'm also looking forward to the ladder." Feng Zhi Dao.


It is the most extensive platform for all the young people in the fairyland to compete on the same stage. Here, all the peers will take off all the aura. It is a dragon or a worm. You can see at a glance how many layers they can climb the ladder.

If you really want to describe the matter of climbing the ladder, then Feng Zhi can only think of the four words "all the males competing for the deer".

Often such a thought, Feng to will be unable to help but excited.

It is an exciting thing to compare with the best of our peers to confirm what level you are at.

Xiao Xu took a look at Feng, with a smile in his eyes.

There are more than ten years to open the ladder, for the immortal, this is just a moment.


This should be the first time Fengzhi and Longyan appeared in front of everyone in the fairyland.

Probably, since then, the fairyland will not be short of legends about them.

Xiao Xu, he will wait and see.

He lifted his hand to the top of the broken soul cliff. He had been cut smooth by the vigorous wind and fell on the top of the cliff. Xiao Xu looked at the four Fenglai people who were practicing and said, "we're not in a hurry. Why don't we wait for them to finish their practice and continue to look for xianjiancao?"

Fengzhi and Longyan certainly have no objection.

Therefore, the three men settled down temporarily on the top of the cliff, which is hard for ordinary people to reach.

For the next two years, the four people of Fenglai were still in the process of cultivation, and Fengzhi and Longyan did not stop.

Without Xiao Xu's protection, they can't last long in the spirit wind on the cliff top and the call of those who have broken souls. However, they are not discouraged. Instead, they leave Xiaoxu's protection again and again to face the terrible vigorous wind and call. In this way, their progress is undoubtedly very fast. From the beginning, they can only hold a hundred rest time, and then they gradually adapt to the ring on the top of the broken soul cliff The time for Fengzhi and Longyan to hold on is getting longer and longer.

Later, they even upgraded their body method by avoiding the dense vigorous wind. After the body method had improved, they were able to move and dodge in the vigorous wind by using the body method. Although they could not use their ease to form a face, the damage of the vigorous wind to them was greatly reduced.

As for the call from the broken soul

Fengzhi and Longyan indulge themselves in this call every day, and the effect is obvious. Their divine consciousness strength has been significantly increased.

This is certainly surprising.

Because, the strength of divine consciousness can not be enhanced through cultivation. It can only be enhanced with each enhancement of immortal's strength, which has become the consensus of all people in the fairyland.

But now

Xiao Xu looks at Feng Zhi and Long Yan as if he is looking at two monsters.

As far as he knows, these obsessive thoughts formed by the remnant souls on the cliff do not make the immortal increase the strength of their divine consciousness. If they really have such effect, the cliff has existed for so many years, and it is impossible that it has not been discovered.

But the change of Fengzhi and Longyan is indeed seen by Xiao Xu.

Therefore, it can only be said that these two people are naturally gifted and different from ordinary people?

Xiao Xu can only think like this.

However, think about it, these two people are recognized by the East emperor of the future emperor, how can there be no difference?

Perhaps this is the difference between a man who can become an emperor and an ordinary immortal?

Feng Zhi is not unaware of Xiao Xu's surprise.

As for himself and Long Yan, because of the ghost on the broken soul cliff, Feng Zhi also had some conjectures in his heart. Those obsessions who wanted to pull the back were originally formed from the remnant soul, and the remnant soul, in the final analysis, is also a kind of power, but this power is applied to the soul and can be absorbed by them and transformed into the enhancement of divine consciousness, which is nothing Impossible.

I just don't know why only myself and Long Yan can do this.

What she didn't find was that every time she and Long Yan faced the obsession of those soul broken people, there would always be some strange connection between them. At the same time, the three little light spots in her body, which had not been determined by Fengzhi until now, were also greedily absorbing the power of those souls.

Compared with the three little ones, Fengzhi and Longyan absorbed only a drizzle.Every day, despite all the protection and facing the challenges of the top of the cliff, it has been two years in a row.

Seeing Feng Zhi and Long Yan like this, Xiao Xu actually has some admiration.

You know, the top of the broken soul cliff is empty except for the continuous vigorous wind, the shrill howling sound, and the call from the broken soul people. In such an environment, ordinary immortals can feel unbearable to stay for three or five days, but Fengzhi and Longyan have been living for two years, and have never stopped using these resources in these two years What you are afraid of.

This makes Xiao Xu feel some emotion.

Sure enough, no matter what kind of genius, if there is no day after tomorrow's hard work, then the strength will not appear in the ordinary.

On this day, Feng Zhi and Long Yan return to Xiao Xu's border again with their wounds.

After isolating the vigorous wind that can cut flesh and bone in minutes outside, Feng Zhi and Long Yan both breathed a sigh of relief when they returned to such a safe environment.

In two years, they have been able to adapt to such an environment, which is true, but it does not mean that they can like such an environment. In other words, such an environment is estimated to be a normal person who will not like it.

After taking the healing pills, Fengzhi and Longyan sit down on their knees and experience today's harvest.

In the past two years, they all came here in this way.

After these two years of hard work, Long Yan's state of mind has not been improved, but her foundation has been extremely stable. As for Fengzhi, she has to have a hundred years to improve her realm. Therefore, she did not want to make progress at the beginning. It is very rare that she can take advantage of the present opportunity to lay a solid foundation.

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