When the two men wake up from the practice, Xiao Xu looks at what they are about to say. At the same time, the three realize that there is a change coming from the four people of Fenglai.

Looking over the past, I saw a wave from Feng Lai.

This fluctuation was familiar to all three of them. It was the fluctuation of Xianren's Jin stage.

Fenglai was originally in the early days of Tianxian. Because it was the promotion of the small realm, the fluctuation was not very strong, and there was no danger. So it didn't take long for Fenglai to complete the whole process of the Jin Dynasty and was promoted to the middle stage of Tianxian.

After finishing the Jin stage, Feng Lai slowly opened her eyes.

As far as he could see, he looked at them with a smile and said slowly, "Fengzhi, Longyan, Xiaoxu, long time no see..."

Although it's been a long time for a fairy, it's not like a long time in the past.

Feng Zhihui smiles, and Long Yan pats Feng Lai's shoulder.

Before several people had time to recall the past, Fengming, xianbao'er, and Lian Hongyu had also heard news from them.

It's not only Fenglai, but also Fengming, who have gained something on this cliff.

The strength of Fengming and Fengming were all in the later stage of Dixian. This time, Fengming was squeezed by Fengzhi on the cliff of duanhun and constantly broke through the limit. It was obvious to them that in the past two years, all of them turned all their gains into the improvement of their strength. With the speed of breaking bamboo, they all followed Fenglai and began to advance.

Compared with the promotion in Fenglai's small realm, Fengming and Fengming are all promoted in the big world, so the movement brought by them is bigger than that of Fenglai. In addition, they are still three people who have promoted the rank together. The noise makes the top of the cliff of broken soul thunder and lightning for a long time.

Broken soul cliff is a very famous place, and the surrounding sects often let their disciples come here to practice with vigorous wind and sharp roar. So many people saw this scene. Some even thought that it was the top of the broken soul cliff. They even sent letters to their elders.

Don't say that. There are a lot of people who believe this kind of statement.

Therefore, the people from the nearby clans began to gather at the cliff.

I have to say, this is a beautiful misunderstanding.

Fengming's promotion didn't last long. When they succeeded in the promotion and opened their eyes, Xiao Xu understood everything that happened under the cliff.

After congratulating the three Fengming, Xiao said with a smile: "look at the movement you made when you were promoted, let the people under the broken soul cliff look at it and think that there is some strange treasure. Now there are many people gathered under the cliff. It is estimated that these people will come to the cliff top soon..."

Fengming a few people are speechless.

Are there so many treasures?

Xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu didn't care about the activities of those people under the cliff. Since they opened their eyes, they had been looking at Fengzhi eagerly, and their meaning could not be clearer.

Feng then turned a white eye, "look at your appearance, my words all said out, can you still regret not?"

While talking, Feng Zhi finds out a piece of thing that looks like a bone or jade from the cave and throws it directly to Lian Hongyu.

Lian Hongyu carefully received the thing in her hand and stroked it for several times before she put it into the storage space.

Fengzhi gave her a rotten bone jade which was very difficult to find in the whole fairyland.

For an instrument refiner like ruby, getting a piece of rotten bone jade means that she has more choices in the types of immortal utensils she can refine. How can she not be happy?

As for Xianbao er

Her request is simpler.

Feng Zhi waved her hand to her, "isn't it a big meal? Don't worry, you can't miss it. When we leave the cliff, we'll make it for you!"

Xianbao'er nodded with joy.

For food, there is nothing a delicious meal can not solve, if there is, then two.

Feng Ming looked at the side and couldn't help but draw the corners of her mouth.

He didn't think he was worth it.

Both xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu can get something they like, but he doesn't have any benefits. He just doesn't need to drink the Xianjie version of Shiquan tonic soup made by Fengzhi. It's all tears to think about.

However, does Fengming dare to disagree?

I dare not.


If Feng Zhi had to reward him with a pot of perfect tonic soup of fairyland version, he felt that he should have bought a piece of tofu to kill him.

It seems to be aware of Fengming's sight. Fengzhi looks at him and says with a smile: "what's the matter, Fengming, do you think you're a little upset that you haven't got any reward? It's OK, I can..."

Before she finished her words, Fengming had already started the mode of shaking her head crazily No, no, no, I'm not unhappy at all, absolutely not! "Feng Zhi clearly nodded, "Oh, that would be the best. I thought that if you are not happy, I can give you the sword you saw last time. Since you are not unhappy, I will save..."


He looked at Fengzhi plaintively, with tears streaming down his heart.

Do you have one like this?

Fengzhi was amused by the appearance of Fengming.

After satisfying her bad taste, Fengzhi throws a very exquisite short sword to Fengming, and Fengming immediately picks up the short sword happily.

He had a very suitable immortal tool for his own life, so the short sword was not for him, but for Fengyue.

It has been more than 100 years since they came to the fairyland. If you think about it, Fengyue and others on the Xuanwu continent will soon be on the rise. Fengming is saving things for her little daughter-in-law in advance.

As for the original immortal utensils, we have to wait for Fengyue to come to the fairyland and adapt to it for a period of time, and then make them according to her characteristics, right?

This short sword is a transition for Fengyue.

I have to say, Fengming is also a good plan.

Feng to see the situation and smile and shake his head.

After joking, Feng Zhi looked at Xiao Xu: "elder Xiao Xu, let's go to find the immortal grass now?"

Xiao Xu nodded.

Then, with a brush of his sleeve, he took Feng Zhi and others to fly to the other side of the cliff.

The cave mentioned by Xiao Xu is located on the other side of the cliff near the top of the mountain. It is impossible for the vigorous wind on the cliff to pass directly. Therefore, it is necessary to go to the top of the cliff first and then go down to the cave from the top of the cliff. It will take a lot of trouble.

However, if you think about the xianjiancao in the cave, you won't feel any trouble.

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