Fengzhi is familiar with the rare treasures in the fairyland, so although he has not seen xianjiancao before, he knows it very well.

Xianjian grass is similar to common weeds. If it is not for people who are very familiar with Xianjian grass, they will be treated as ordinary weeds lightly.

In fact, the seedlings of Xianjian grass are not rare in the fairyland, and even very common. However, it is extremely rare that Xianjian grass can grow to be used for alchemy.

This is because if the seedlings of Xianjian grass want to grow, they must have a large amount of immortal Qi. However, there are very few Xianjian grasses that can grow in the wonderland with extremely rich immortal spirit. In fact, the Xianjian grass that failed to grow in the end is no different from ordinary weeds, let alone used for alchemy.

The precious Xianjian grass is here.

Therefore, although Wang Xianquan has an unimaginable amount of immortal Qi in front of him, at most, these immortal Qi can only make a few immortal plants in Xianquan mature.

And once they absorb the spirit of the immortal spring, these plants will wither at the fastest speed.


You can see, but you can't eat.

Feng Zhi felt very sorry.

Xiao Xu went to the side of the immortal spring and looked at the plants in the middle of the spring and said, "well, the Xianjian grass is here. When I first came here, these plants were just seedlings. At that time, the air in the immortal spring was much stronger than it is now. Now it's coming at the right time. The Xianjian grass should be mature soon."

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

She also came to the side of the Xianquan, and counted the Xianjian grass in the Xianquan.

In fact, there are only a few of them. It's too much to count them carefully. Fengzhihui is also because the Xianjian grass is too precious.

This is a good thing to meet but not to be asked for.

1、 Two, three, four, five

Feng to count softly.

Feng Ming turned her eyes and said, "go up the mountain to fight the tiger..."

Feng went across the road. "I think you are too busy. I would like to taste the ten complete soup that I have improved after coming to fairyland. Or when we get to the middle of fairyland, do you want to have a special training

Feng Ming could not help but shiver at the smell of speech.

Whether it's the fairyland version of Shiquandabu soup or Fengzhi's special training, Fengming is absolutely not willing to try.

Then he couldn't help hating his mouth.

Knowing that he can't make a good deal in Fengzhi's hands, why does he want to provoke Fengzhi because he has no memory again and again?

Facing Feng to compensate for a smile, Fengming pressed one hand on the corner of her mouth, the other hand made a zipper action, indicating that she would never talk more.

Feng let him go.

There are six xianjiancao.

Among the prescriptions of Ning Xian Dan, it takes three plants to make a furnace of Ning Xian Dan. However, a furnace can only get five Ning Xian Dan. Feng Zhi and Xiao Xu together are seven people. If one person takes one pill, he will get seven, so at least two heats are needed.

Two heats require six plants to see the grass.

That means

Phoenix can't have failure. It has to refine Ningxian pill successfully twice.

Otherwise, I don't know when I can meet xianjiancao again.

Not only Fengzhi but also Xiao Xu thought of this problem.

He turned his head and looked at Fengzhi. His face was a little tangled. Then he used the language with expectation: "Fengzhi, you refined the Ningxian elixir before, didn't you?"

Feng couldn't help laughing.

She nodded and said, "of course not."

Xiao Xu's smile was stiff.

Such as Ning Xian Dan, which has a very special effect and high grade, has a much lower success rate in refining than ordinary pills. If Fengzhi had successfully refined Ning Xian Dan before, it is not impossible for both furnaces to be successful.

However, Feng Zhi had never refined Ning Xian Dan before. She hoped that she could make two heats of elixir successfully in the first refining. Xiao Xu felt that she was dreaming.

Maybe it was because she had seen the hope before. Now, Xiao Xu couldn't help being disappointed.

After all, Ning Xian Dan can directly affect the immortal soul. Even if he is the emperor of heaven, it will be of great benefit if he can take a Ning Xian Dan, and even promote his future development.

Even if this can not make Xiao Xu break through the realm of emperor, but it is the same emperor, and there are differences between them.

Seeing Xiao Xu so, Feng Zhi chuckled Master Xiao Xu, don't be so disappointed. I haven't finished my words yet. Although I haven't refined xianjiancao before, I haven't said that I don't have confidence. Don't worry, there's no possibility of failure for two furnaces of coagulating immortal elixir! "Feng Zhi is full of confidence.

She's not in vain.

Since knowing that there is xianjiancao on the cliff, Fengzhi has been thinking about the refining of ningxiandan in his spare time. Even if he has not really mastered it, Fengzhi has deduced countless times with his own divine sense. He has pondered over every step of refining ningxiandan for countless times. It is not too good to say that he is well versed in his heart.

With such a process, Fengzhi has great confidence in the successful refining of Ningxian pill.

The first furnace is successful, the second furnace, she will never fail again!

This is Fengzhi's confidence as a high-quality Dan teacher.

Xiao Xu was relieved.

He took a look at Feng with some complaint Can a sentence be finished at one time, not divided into two parts? "

He thought he would be happy again this time.

To Xiao Xu's words, Feng Zhi was completely regarded as not hearing.

People, you have to have some fun, don't you?

After laughing, Fengzhi looked at the six tender green Xianjian grasses in the middle of Xianquan and counted them with his fingers: "six xianjiancao can be refined into two heats, that is to say, ten coagulant elixirs. There are seven people in total, one for each, and there are still three left. When we get to the middle of the fairyland, we can find a good time to sell these three Ningxian pills..."

It's not that Feng Zhi only has immortal stone in his eyes, but Ning Xian Dan has only one effect on everyone. Taking the second one can only waste such precious pills in vain.

It's better to sell them for fairy stones or other treasures instead of holding them in their hands.

In order to coagulate the precious elixir, I think you can get a large amount of fairy stone.

At the same time, Fengzhi and several other people have to participate in the battle for the ladder of heaven. Since they want to compete with all their peers in the fairyland, of course, they have to change their clothes for them. They all need immortal stones.

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