Hearing Feng Zhi say so, the other several people are also excited.

Ning Xian Dan, they are more or less also heard of, its precious nature is needless to say.

For example, xianbao'er, her father and mother are both powerful, but no matter xianhelai or Chu Xuanji, even though they are famous figures in the fairyland, they have never taken ningxiandan.

And Xiao Xu, he is the same.

From this we can see the rarity of ningxiandan.

Now, because of Fengzhi, they can get the Ningxian pill in today's state. It is conceivable that this will benefit the development of people in the future. Of course, they can't help but be happy.

Xianbao'er smilingly broke off her fingers and said, "Fengzhi elder sister, the remaining three Ningxian pills can only be sold out. The other two are reserved for my parents. My parents have some fairy stones. You can rest assured!"

While talking, xianbao'er also patted her chest, looking like she wanted to help Feng zhikeng's parents.

Everyone was happy.

Feng Zhi has no opinion.

Xianbao'er is his own, so xianhelai and Chu Xuanji can hardly be regarded as their own. Since they are their own people, of course, there is no need to calculate so much.

Of course, my brother knows what to do.

Seeing Feng's promise, xianbao'er was so happy that she was about to jump up.

Since she was a child, xianhelai and Chu Xuanji held her in the palm of her hand. Now she can finally repay xianhelai and Chu Xuanji. Even if the reward still needs xianhelai and Chu Xuanji to exchange the immortal stone, it is also a happy thing.

After discussing with others, Feng Zhi said, "these can be tolerated later. Now we'd better collect the Xianjian grass first."

They all nodded, and then they all stepped back.

The mature process of xianjiancao needs a huge amount of immortal Qi, which is the same when it is collected.

In front of Wang Xianquan, although there is an enviable immortal spirit in it, when collecting xianjiancao, the immortal spirit in the immortal spring will not be left. This is the reason why Fengzhi did not make any idea even if he was greedy for the immortal spring again.

There is a fixed way to collect xianjiancao. As a Dan master, this point can not be clearer.

Take a deep breath, Feng to let herself calm down, and wait until she is sure that she has no distractions now, she just raised her hand to play a fairy formula to the flowers in the fairy spring.

I saw a white light toward the flowers flying away.

When the white light came into contact with xianjiancao, several xianjiancao changed the appearance of ordinary weeds and began to twist their tender green leaves. At the same time, the leaves were still growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. However, after one or two breaths, several xianjiancao plants actually grew several times.

At most, it was the size of a palm, but now it has grown to more than a foot high.

For fear of disturbing Neng Feng Zhi, Xiao Xu several people subconsciously hold their breath for fear of disturbing Feng Zhi.

As a matter of fact, Feng Zhi had already put all her efforts on a few Xianjian grasses in Xianquan. She had no spare time to pay attention to other people's movements. Even if they had any movement, it would not disturb Fengzhi.

When several immortals saw that the grass was almost three feet high, Feng Zhi estimated that the time was almost over, and then played a magic formula.

After receiving the second formula, the leaves of the six immortals, which were three feet high, twisted in the same direction. If people could come to the top of several xianjiancao, they would find that the leaves of xianjiancao were twisted into small whirlpools.

It's very strange.

Of course, the more peculiar is still behind.

As you can see, Wang Xianquan, which was originally full of immortal Qi, was extremely calm. But now, the immortal Qi in the immortal spring is boiling up completely. Drops of liquid formed by the immortal gas passing by, in an instant, it turns into immortal Qi and rushes towards several Xianjian grasses, and then forms six fairy Qi whirlpools.

This makes Xiao Xu take a few steps back with Long Yan.

Now is the crucial moment. If there is any change, all the achievements will be wasted.

After the formation of the six immortal Qi whirlpool, Fengzhi from time to time made a pithy formula towards the six xianjiancao plants which were undergoing the last transformation before absorbing the immortal Qi for maturity. With the immortal rhymes she played, the changes of these plants were more obvious.

The most obvious is that as the absorption of immortal Qi began to increase, the ordinary slender leaves of liuzhuxianjian grassland began to appear a series of silver lines, which were from nothing to exist, from simple to complex, so that people witnessed the whole process of liuzhuxianjiancao from ordinary to mysterious.


"It's the magic of creation." Xiao Xu whispered.

The others nodded in agreement.

Originally looking at the ordinary grass, but now there is such a degree of transformation, it is simply a completely new, how can people not call a "magic"?And the transformation of those xianjiancao is not over.

People can clearly see that every time the silver lines on the leaves of six xianjiancao increase, the immortal spirit in the Xianquan is obviously reduced. When the leaves of liuzhuxianjiancao are covered with the mysterious silver lines, the height of Xianquan has dropped by nearly one-third compared with the time when they first saw it.


"Isn't there so much immortality left?" Xianbao'er couldn't help muttering.

Don't you hear that xianjiancao will completely absorb the immortal Qi when it matures?

Several others have the same question in mind.

At this time, Feng took time out and heard xianbao'er's murmur. She didn't look back. She only said, "this is not over. Then look down."

Then they suppressed their doubts and looked down quietly.

At the end of Fengzhi's speech, the second wave of changes followed.

The leaves of Xianjian grass, which has been covered with silver lines, can hardly be seen. The leaves of Xianjian grass twist slightly again, and correspondingly, the change of Xianquan is more obvious this time.

In the middle of the whirlpool, the speed of absorbing the immortal Qi by the six xianjiancao did not slow down, but accelerated. Finally, in the middle of the vortex, the huge amount of immortal Qi turned into liquid state and dropped to the immortal one drop by one See on the leaves of grass and are quickly absorbed.

As the water surface of Xianquan drops a little bit, the six plants of Xianjian grass have turned into silver leaves, and a little bit of it starts to show a little bit of dazzling golden light.

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