Hearing Feng Zhi agree to exchange, Jian Xiao has obvious emotion for the first time. He breathes a sigh of relief, as if he has completed something important to him.

Then, the arrow roars out the hand, with a kind of careful movement, from Feng to the hand will see the grass.

That cautious attitude, like

What he held in his hand was not xianjiancao, but the most important thing in his life.

Take the Xianjian grass, and then carefully put it away. After all this, the expression of arrow roaring is obviously more relaxed than before.

Then, without breaking his promise, he took out a jade bottle and handed it to Feng Zhi.

In this jade bottle, there are ten full grains of Ningxian pills, which Jian Xiao promised to exchange with Fengzhi and others for six plants of Xianjian grass.

Feng to pull out the cork of the jade bottle and sent it to the nose to smell it gently.

It's really ningxiandan. That's right.

Fengzhi has not refined Ningxian Dan, or even seen it. But she is no doubt familiar with all the materials needed for refining Ning Xian Dan. As a Dan master, she can smell out the flavor of all the materials with a slight smell.

And the taste of this bottle of pills given by arrow roar is undoubtedly one-to-one corresponding to the medicine needed for coagulating the elixir.

It is impossible for such a character as arrow Xiao to make a fool of Feng Zhi.

Carefully put away Ning Xian Dan. Feng Zhi was a little curious about the use of Jian Xiao's taking Xianjian grass, so she stopped and asked: "master Jianxiao, ask a lot of questions. Are you going to refine ninghun pill when you take xianjiancao?"

As soon as I heard the word "Ning Hun Dan", the eyes of arrow roared suddenly, and the light in them made Feng couldn't help being cold all over.

It was as if she was suddenly caught in the eye of some fierce beast. It seemed that as long as she moved gently, it would cause extremely serious consequences.

This is the first time Feng Zhi has faced the threat of death.

Before that, she had not seen people who were more powerful than the roar of arrows, such as dongdijun.

But the East emperor always held a strange kindness to Fengzhi, and he never showed hostility to Fengzhi at all. But now, what Fengzhi meets is the examination of arrow roaring.

This is really


Feng can't bear to live in the heart way.

And by the arrow roar such reaction, Feng to also know, oneself this is guess right.

In fact, it is not only arrow Xiao who has such a reaction, that is, Xiao Xu, when he hears Fengzhi say "Ning Hun Dan", he is also a little surprised.

It's all because of the function of Ning Hun pill.

As mentioned above, the only pill that can directly act on the immortal soul is Ning Xian Dan, which is actually wrong, at least not accurate.

Because, in addition to coagulating elixir, there is also a kind of elixir, which was created for the spirit of immortals.

This is Ning Hun Dan.

If you want to refine the soul coagulating pill, the main material is xianjiancao. The successful refining of ninghun pill has an incomparable effect on the immortal soul. It is even claimed that even if the immortal soul is broken up, as long as there is a remnant soul left, the remnant soul can be coagulated and gathered again.

This effect is undoubtedly very adverse.

In the fairyland, after the fall of the immortal, if the spirit of the immortal is not damaged, it may be reincarnated. Although there is no memory of this life, it can always go back to the path of cultivation.

But if the immortal soul is damaged, even if only a wisp of remnant soul is left, then there is almost no chance to come back again.

He is so despotic.

However, Ning Hun Dan claims to be able to order the spirit to reunite under such circumstances. Even if the process of reunion takes a long time, the effect is indeed extremely adverse.

The reason why it is said that the only pill that can directly affect the immortal soul is Ning Xian Dan. Although there is a prescription of Ning soul pill among the Dan masters in the fairyland, it was originally developed by a high-grade Dan master, but after he developed the pill, the high-grade Dan master did not have time to prove whether his Dan prescription could refine such a pill It's just one step. The medicine has fallen.

After this Dan prescription was circulated, other Dan masters didn't try to refine the soul calming pill according to the Dan formula, but on the one hand, it was limited by the difficulty of the main material xianjiancao. On the other hand, even if a few high-grade Dan masters found xianjiancao, they didn't know why. Even if Gao pindan masters, who had rich experience, were refining step by step according to the Dan formula, they always made pills The last step before it was a failure.

Therefore, until now, no one has ever succeeded in refining this soul setting pill.

Since there has never been ninghun pill, this legendary pill can not be regarded as a real existence.

Only the pill can coagulate the immortal soul.

And now

The arrow roars but wants to refine the soul calming pill.

Even Xiao Xu, at this time, felt that the arrow was whimsical.

After the downfall of the Danshi who developed the prescription of Ning Hun pill, over the years, countless Dan masters have devoted themselves to the study of Ning Hun Dan, trying to refine this pill, but in the end, they can only get disappointment.So many predecessors failed, but arrow roar obviously has infinite hope for it.

Xiao Xu felt that arrow Xiao could only get disappointment.


Look at the arrow roar now this kind of state, Xiao Xu very wise did not open mouth to say anything.

He suspected that if he said anything to pour cold water on arrow Xiao, arrow Xiao would definitely be able to shoot at him with an arrow.

Xiao Xu has long heard of the reputation of God's arrow king. Xiao Xu doesn't want to use his body to experience how powerful the arrow of the first person under the legendary emperor is.

At the same time, Xiao Xu also looks at Feng Zhi and blinks at Feng Zhi.

This is to remind Fengzhi not to pour cold water on arrow roaring at such a time, or to say something to give Jianxiao hope.

No matter what, it will undoubtedly bring very serious consequences, and the latter is even more serious.

The cold water splashing with arrow roar, at most, will make arrow roar angry, and arrow Xiao is not a very unreasonable person. In addition, they have just had a happy transaction. I think that even if arrow roar is angry, it will not do anything to people.

But if you give Jianxiao hope and fail to do it in the end, you can only let him down

Think of it as a disaster.

Xiao Xu knows that Fengzhi is a Dan Shi, or a Dan master who has great confidence in himself, so he is especially worried about this.


She must not say that she can refine Ning Hun Dan.

Remembering that when he mentioned Ning Xian Dan, Fengzhi said "I can" lightly. Xiao Xu felt that this was exactly what Fengzhi could do.

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