In fact, Fengzhi did.

When Jian Xiao looked over, Feng Zhi said in a very serious way: "master Jianxiao, if you want to refine Ning Hun pill, why don't you let me have a try?"

After saying this, the arrow roared with sharpness.

This is not just a metaphor, but Fengzhi really felt that the sight had turned into substance, so that Feng Zhi's face, which was looked at by the arrow, began to ache faintly.

Feng to no doubt, if arrow Xiao looked at her like this again, her face would be cut by his eyes.

Arrow roar is a person who uses bow. As an archer, if you don't have a pair of sharp eyes, it is absolutely impossible to become a climate. In this regard, arrow roar is undoubtedly the most powerful one among them.

While noticing the fierce atmosphere between Feng Zhi and arrow Xiao, Long Yan's eyes narrowed slightly. He subconsciously raised his feet to protect Feng Zhi behind his back.

However, Feng Zhi reaches out to hold Long Yan's arm and winks at him.

Long Yan gives a slight meal.

He knew that Feng Zhi was trying to stop him.

Although he can't accept the fact that Fengzhi will be hurt by arrows at any time, Long Yan never refutes Fengzhi's decision. He looks at Feng Zhi again and sees her confidence in her eyes. At least he puts down his heart and stands back to Fengzhi again.

While Feng Zhi and Long Yan interact, Jian Xiao takes a deep breath.

Then, Feng Zhi felt that it was as fierce as a knife, and her face was no longer the threat of being cut at any time.

"You..." It seems that arrow Xiao has not spoken for a long time. There is a kind of dry meaning in his voice. He looks at Feng Zhi and says again after a long time, "are you kidding me?"

From his "seat" self claim, we can see how serious arrow Xiao is now speaking.

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

As for the Ning soul pill, after Da Cong got the pill, Feng Zhi did not stop studying.

After all, for a Dan master, conquering this kind of elixir that has not been refined, this is a very tempting challenge.

After such a long time of research, Fengzhi has a vague answer to why no Dan master has been able to successfully refine Ning Hun Dan. Although she is not sure that her experience is right, at least, Fengzhi feels that she will not be weaker than other Dan masters in the fairyland in the study of Ning Hun pill.

This is her confidence as a high-quality Dan teacher.

Fengzhi's self-confidence always comes from her own strength, not from her blindness.

Because of this, Fengzhi dared to say such words to Jianxiao when she guessed that Jianxiao wanted to refine ninghun pill and attached great importance to it.

For the query of arrow Xiao, Feng Zhihui nodded with the same caution, "naturally not."

She didn't try to convince arrow.

Her strength and age are here. I want to know that Jianxiao can't believe her so easily. But if Jianxiao can believe her, Fengzhi will try her best to give Jianxiao a satisfactory result.

After all, for arrow roar, even if only from Feng to get his inheritance, Fengzhi is also very good for him.

Hearing Feng Zhi say so, a lot of emotion flashed in arrow Xiao's eyes.

The emotion was so complicated that people could not tell what kind of mood he was at the moment.

After a moment's silence, they all nodded and breathed deeply Please


Listen to arrow roar say these two words, Phoenix to immediately feel a heavy shoulder.

It was as if, after arrow Xiao entrusted this matter to her, she took on the infinite responsibility.

However, the scandal still needs to be said in the front.

Feng Zhi looked at Jian Xiao very frankly and said, "master Jianxiao, since you want to refine Ning Hun pill, you must also know that in the fairyland today, no Dan master can guarantee that he will succeed in refining Ning soul pill, and I will certainly be no exception. Of course, since I have taken this matter from you, I will try my best to refine Ning soul pill, but I'm not sure whether it can be achieved in the end. Can the elder accept this? "

The last sentence, although Feng Zhi said it in a questioning tone, she was very sure.

Sure enough, arrow Xiao nodded gently.

It is not difficult to refine Ning soul pill. Jian Xiao has known it clearly since this period of time. However, even if he finds the most famous Dan master in the fairyland, the other party is not fully sure, and even frankly speaking, there is a great possibility that he will still fail.

The arrow roared at that time was naturally extremely disappointed.

Rather than go back to find the same uncertain Dan Shi, Jian Xiao would rather leave the matter to Feng Zhi, a younger generation who, although he met for the first time, had some strange feeling.He felt that

If he can still catch the glimmer of hope in Ning Hun Dan, maybe, this hope will fall on the Phoenix in front of him?

This judgment comes from the intuition of the roaring arrow.

But arrow roars, he chooses to believe his intuition.

"I will never blame you for your success or failure." The arrow roared.

Feng Zhi nods.

Since Jianxiao has decided to entrust this matter to Fengzhi, he will not have any hesitation. Then, he gives all the other materials he collected earlier to refine Ning soul pill into Fengzhi's hands.

When he finally took out the six immortals to see the grass, the arrow roared on the face of a strange dignified and reluctant to give up.

There is no doubt that these immortals saw the grass with the roaring of arrows.

Feng to don't know what Jianxiao wants to refine the soul calming pill for, but I think it must be for someone who is very important to him.

Such deep feelings

Feng Zhi has her own.

Even if only out of this point, in their own certain assurance of the case, Fengzhi is also willing to help the arrow roar.

Of course, Fengzhi is still not sure.

I just hope that I can not let arrow roar down in the end.

Feng Zhi thinks so.

At the same time, she can't help being curious about what kind of person can make such legendary figures as arrow roar so valued.

Think of it, only after she has successfully refined Ning Hun Dan can she know the answer.

Think of Ning soul Dan, Feng Zhi's heart immediately did not have other ideas, and only left full of eager to try.

For any Dan master, refining soul calming pill is a challenge!

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