Because of the help of arrow roar refining Ning soul pill, Feng Zhi's journey has changed.

Originally, they planned to go all the way to the central part of the fairyland. They spent several years traveling outside. Then they went to the central part of the fairyland and closed their doors. But now Fengzhi is eager to try ninghun pill. How can they wait a few years.

More importantly

Although arrow Xiao didn't open his mouth to urge, but was looked at by his pair of sharp eyes, who can say what is not tight to help him refine Ning Hun Dan?

So they decided to go straight to the middle of fairyland.

Arrow Xiao saw all this in his eyes, but also in his heart, and tried to make his own return.

"I can find someone to try to heal your wound before the ladder opens."

This is to Fengzhi.

With the eye power of arrow roaring, naturally the first time to see through the situation of Fengzhi, and then connected with Fengzhi and his party to go to the central part of the fairyland, they immediately guessed that Fengzhi and others were going to participate in the struggle for the heavenly ladder, so they gave Fengzhi the most needed reward.

For the reward of arrow roar, Feng Zhi naturally will not refuse.

She nodded: "thank you, master."

The arrow roared and nodded slightly.

To him, it was just a small return, not even a return.

His real reward for Feng Zhi and his party fell on Feng Lai.

As the first person to use bows and arrows in fairyland, if Jianxiao wants to guide a younger generation who also uses bows and arrows as weapons, anyone can faint with excitement. With the strength of arrow roar and his experience in bowing and archery, even if he only learns one tenth of his ability, it is impossible for the younger generation in fairyland.

Since the beginning of the road, although arrow Xiao did not say it clearly, it has been pointing to Phoenix intentionally or unintentionally, and this kind of guidance is omni-directional without any cover up.

And Feng Lai, he also guessed that this was the reward of arrow roar to Yu Fengzhi, so when he got the instruction, he was like a sponge and absorbed the instruction from the predecessors in a greedy manner.

Although it has been passed on by Jianxiao before, it is dead after all, which is not better than Jianxiao's personal teaching.

And Feng Zhi, she is very satisfied with the reward of arrow roar.

With the roar of arrows and Xiao Xu, the speed of people on the road is naturally extremely fast. It originally took several years to travel, but only half a year has passed.

Flying in the clouds, looking at the distant city wall seems to be soaring into the sky, Phoenix to several people's faces are some curiosity.

This is the first time they have come to the central part of the fairyland.

There was no city in the middle of fairyland.

This is the intersection of the four parts of the fairyland. However, if it is the junction of these places, because of the unclear management power, it will be more chaotic than other places. Naturally, the fairyland is no exception.

Therefore, after discussion, the four emperors simply established a city at the intersection of the four parts, and the management of this city was rotated every thousand years.

With this city called the sky realm, the order here is no longer as chaotic as before. It has gathered the most outstanding young elites in the fairyland. Instead, it has gradually become a talent reserve for the major schools in the fairyland, so that all major sects will send people to stay here all year round, so as to find potential young immortals Even after the call to their own door.

Up to now, most of the disciples from the sky are recruited by the major schools each time.

This shows how many talented people are gathered here.

Speaking of the sky, this can really be called a magical place.

Here, for people with insufficient strength, there are rules everywhere, but for those with strength, there are no rules.

In short, as long as you have enough strength, you can get all the preferential treatment you want here.

This is a place where the saying "fist is the last word" is carried out to the extreme.

Only in such a strange place can we attract many talented people who think that they are better than their peers. When so many talents gather here, and no one can accept anyone

It can be imagined that this is also a place that does not match the name of a fairy.

In the sky, there is always the possibility of fighting.

Especially in recent years, the sky ladder is about to be opened again. However, all the young talents who want to stand out in this grand event of fairyland have begun to rush to the sky, which can be said to be overcrowded.

More people, more conflicts.

Not to mention that these people are all talented people who think that Tianda is his second son.

Just think, you can also know how hot the atmosphere is in the sky now.

Feng couldn't help whistling.She can't wait.

And with the crowd more and more forward, Phoenix to several people's eyes also began to stare more and more big.

Because, they see, in the sky, which seems to be able to block everything inside the wall of the cloud, there is a light tower that completely ignores the barrier of the wall, and looks down on the whole sky with a commanding posture.

There is a dazzling golden light flowing on that light tower. Every time the golden light flows, it will bring a burst of light and shadow, which makes people feel dazzled that all the mind and spirit must be absorbed by it.

In short, as long as you see the light tower, it is difficult to focus on other people and things.


“…… Heaven's ladder Phoenix to low voice.

Yes, this is the legendary ladder.

For young talents, this is the biggest platform in the fairyland to show themselves to the whole fairyland, and it is also a place to accurately measure their potential.

Here, all the talented people can be on the same stage with the best of their peers. Who is good or bad will be shown in the eyes of all people in the fairyland in an extremely intuitive way.

As long as you think about it, you are afraid that people of the Buddhist system will be boiling with blood.

Even if Feng Zhi thought of the situation after entering the ladder, she was slightly excited.

Feng Zhi looked at the distant light tower with golden light flowing over it. Holding Long Yan's hand tightly, she whispered, "I'm looking forward to it..."

Long Yan returns to hold Feng Zhi's hand and looks at Feng Zhi's eyes with some faint smile.

No matter where they are, they always have to move forward together.

Arrow roar and Xiao Xu at this time all happened to have the same eyes from Feng to several people. Looking at the excitement and excitement of Feng Zhi's people, they suddenly had a feeling of unforgiving for years.

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