Whether it is arrow roar or Xiaoxu, they are the best among their peers, and they also participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven.

Although they failed to reach the ninety ninth floor of the ladder, they were the farthest among their peers who participated in the struggle.

Looking at Feng Zhi and other people's expectations and high spirits, arrow roar and Xiao Xu can't help but feel old.

Although, their present age, to the immortal, can only be regarded as youth at most.

Seeing the Phoenix to several people are looking forward to the distant light tower, Mu Lu, arrow roar and Xiao Xu are not urged, they are from such a state, of course, to several people's feelings can not understand.

After a long time, Feng to a few people from the shock of the ladder back to God.

"Let's go." Feng Zhi Dao.

The others nodded.

They are very curious about the ladder, but they are all close to it. Of course, they can also suppress their eagerness temporarily.

The party then accelerated again and soon reached the outside of the sky.

Many cities in fairyland are forbidden to fly, but as mentioned above, the sky is a place where rules are everywhere for people who have no strength or are not strong enough, but there are no rules for those who are strong enough. Here, strength is the rule.

Therefore, the immortals below Xianjun are forbidden to fly in the sky, but the immortals above Xianjun can fly freely as they like.

Feng Zhi and his party had two heavenly kings, arrow roaring and Xiao Xu. Naturally, they were not in the forbidden flight.

Therefore, when arrow roar and Xiao Xu fly into the city gate without any pause, the immortal people who come and go around can't help looking up at them, and most of them are envious.

At this time, most of the immortals in and out of the sky are young, and they all come for the sky ladder which will be opened soon.

Since it is the younger generation, in fact, it is impossible to compare with the older generation. Without Xianjun's strength, it is absolutely certain.

Therefore, looking at the Phoenix who can fly into the sky, how can they not envy?

However, those who have confidence in themselves and can come to the sky to participate in the struggle for the ladder of heaven are the talented people gathered from all over the fairyland, but those who can be finished in the name of genius always have pride in their hearts.

After the initial admiration, the numerous young immortals below did not have any depression in their eyes, but showed their fighting spirit.

These young immortals, they believe that they also have such a strength one day, will also in the future some day let other latecomers look up to envy themselves.

From this, we can roughly see the mentality of these young immortals who come to the sky ladder.

Feng to see the following situation in the eyes, between a moment also can not help feeling.

After flying to the fairyland, she has seen a lot of fairies, but in terms of the strongest fighting spirit and the best mentality, she has to count the following young talents who may not be too strong now.


Only by keeping such a positive attitude can we go further on this difficult road of cultivating immortals.

For a while, it was Feng Zhi himself. His heart, which was already very firm, became more firm under the influence of these young immortals.

Sensing the idea of Feng Zhi, Long Yan's hand tightened around her waist.

Feng to the side of the head, two people are a smile.

make complaints about the two men who make complaints about their actions. They are not going to Tucao anymore. Anyway, even if they are Tucao, Feng and Helong should do something.

At this time, under the leadership of Xiao Xu and arrow Xiao, Feng Zhi and his party have come to the sky.

As the intersection of the four parts of the fairyland, the sky is very large. It is not only large, but also can be described as vast. Even Fengzhi and Longyan, who have the strength of Daluo Jinxian, need a lot of time to visit the sky all over again.

But now, in such a big sky, it has been crowded into 70% or so. If you look down from a high place, you can see that there are heads everywhere.

Most of these immortals who came to the sky more than ten years ahead of time are young ones who are willing to show themselves well in the ladder. However, a considerable number of them are older than these young immortals. They were also involved in the struggle for the sky ladder at the beginning, and now they come to the sky again, or they are out of memory of their original high spirits, Or want to see what kind of genius there are today's fairyland.

As for why they arrived here more than ten years in advance

Of course, in order to occupy a position first!

Otherwise, when it comes to the opening of the ladder, I'm afraid that the sky will be blown up by fairies coming from all over the fairyland.It can be seen from this that the matter that the ladder is about to be opened has what kind of attraction to the fairyland immortals.

Perhaps, the opening of the ladder is the biggest event in the fairyland.

Because, to a certain extent, those young talented people who participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven represent the future of the fairyland, and their strength also determines the strength of the future of the fairyland.

As such, nature is very important.

In this regard, arrow roar and Xiao Xu are undoubtedly the deepest feelings.

Two people stand in the sky, first look around for a time, and then the eyes are the same with some miss.

Xiao Xu sighed: "only from the number of people in the sky, we can see that the fairyland is much more prosperous than we were at that time. I just hope that this prosperity can last forever..."

Arrow Xiao did not speak, but he undoubtedly agreed with Xiao Xu.

Neither of them was sentimental. After a few words of emotion, they did not take Feng to the ground of the city, but they were taller again.

Fengzhi several people only feel a flower in front of them, and the whole person is taken directly through the clouds in the sky and comes to a group of buildings standing in the clouds.

Knowing that Fengzhi's people didn't understand the situation of the sky, Xiao Xu explained: "this is the origin of the name of the sky realm, but here is not anyone can come here. Unless you have the strength of the emperor, or people with the strength of the emperor, it is impossible to get on."

Feng to several people clearly nodded.

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