There is no doubt that this is another threshold in the sky.

The Immortal King above can fly in the sky, and the immortal above the emperor can enter the real sky.

Although Fengzhi several people did not have the strength of the emperor level, but who said that there were two heavenly kings among them, they borrowed the light of arrow roar and Xiao Xu.


They don't always borrow the light of others, no matter who that person is.

Whether it is Fengzhi Longyan or Fenglai four people, they are inspired by the various rules set for strength everywhere in the sky.

Probably, this is the original intention of the ancestors who made such rules.

These thoughts flashed through Feng Zhi's mind. She then looked up at the building complex called the real sky.

This is a complex of buildings with extremely diverse styles.

The palace is made of water. The walls of the palace are flowing all the time. Everything in the palace is magnified by the water, and there is a slight distortion in the eyes of people outside.

A small house surrounded by clouds seems to have no weight. Any breeze can blow it everywhere.

The crystal is shining on the house, which makes the crystal shining and shining.



Coming here is like coming to another fantasy world.

Xiao Xu also explained: "this is the real sky. Every immortal who has participated in the struggle for the ladder of heaven and has reached the emperor's strength can have his own residence here. The appearance and style of the residence are completely determined by the Emperor himself. What he likes can be built into what kind, so this is the appearance here."

Feng to smell the speech secretly nod.

It was true that the mixture of styles in her eyes could not be made by one person.

After listening to Xiao Xu's explanation, Fengzhi knew why the buildings here are not so many in number, although they have different styles.

Although the emperor is not as rare as the emperor, as the upper level combat power of the fairyland, the number of the heavenly monarchs is absolutely not too many. Moreover, not every emperor is interested in leaving a home in the sky.

"Why didn't my parents stay here..." Xianbao'er could not help muttering to himself.

Since she arrived in the sky, xianbao'er is very new because of everything here. If xianhelai and Chu Xuanji had a residence here, she would have come here to see her for a long time. Naturally, she could not have come here for the first time.

Xiao Xu couldn't help but be happy. "Baby, one of your parents is a foodie. One day they can't leave food, and the other is only addicted to deduce the secrets of heaven every day. There's nothing they are interested in in in the sky. It's normal that they don't like to stay here."

Yes, because of the special environment, there is no place to find the ingredients that can meet the requirements of the crane for delicious food.

As for Chu Xuanji

What she is most interested in is to deduce the nature's secrets. The crane's husband is not interested in the sky. Of course, she will not be interested in it.

As for the crane couple who always love xianbao'er most, why didn't they think that xianbao'er would be interested in the sky? Of course, it is because xianbao'er is only over 300 years old now. At her age, it is too young to participate in the struggle for the ladder.

Listen to Xiao Xu say so, Xian Bao Er Du Du Du mouth, pour also did not say again.

But the arrow roared, although he did not show on the surface, but in fact was extremely surprised.

Xiao Xu is the emperor of heaven, and among all the heavenly kings in the fairyland, his strength is extremely outstanding. However, such a person not only mingles with Fengzhi's younger generation, but also seems to attach great importance to Fengzhi. This can be seen only from the fact that Xiao Xu will notice the doubts of Fengzhi for the first time from time to time and make timely explanations coming.


How many Fengzhi people, or who among them, had something that Xiao Xu paid special attention to?

The arrow roars in the heart cannot help but some ponder.

It is true that he needs Fengzhi to help him refine the soul coagulating list, but if it is only like this, he will appreciate Fengzhi at most.

After all, thanks from the emperor, for many people, its value is no less than an opportunity.

But no matter how grateful she is, Jianxiao feels that she is not as good as Xiao Xu's attitude towards Fengzhi

Arrow Xiao thought for a long time before he found a more accurate word to describe.

Be careful.

Yes, in arrow Xiao's opinion, Xiao Xu's attitude towards Feng Zhi is simply over cautious.

Xiao Xu himself is already in the front of the emperor, can let him have such a prudent attitude, Phoenix to several people, is there any relationship between the emperor and the emperor?It has to be said that although the direction is a little bit biased, the arrow roar can be regarded as the answer to this question.

Of course, Jian Xiao is not a gossip. Although he is really curious about this matter, he does not have to ask for an answer. Instead, he leads a group of people to one of the buildings.

The roar of arrows and the whistling of arrows have their own homes in the sky.

However, there were not many of them, so they didn't have to live separately. They took them to his residence after asking Xiao Xu's permission.

It's not that arrow roar has any strange habit of recognizing place, but arrow roar has a Dan room here.

Feng Zhi was surprised to know that.

Jianxiao does not know how to make alchemy, and it seems that he is not interested in alchemy. However, there is such a person. In his residence, there is only this Dan room with the most perfect layout. Even Jian Xiao's bedroom is not as good as here.

That's interesting.


This Dan room is not arrow roaring at all, but for someone else.

Feng Zhi made a guess.

She remembered that arrow Xiao wanted to refine ninghun pill. Maybe it had something to do with it.

Of course, this involves arrow Xiao's privacy. Fengzhi doesn't want to break through the casserole. When Jianxiao asks her if she is satisfied with the danfang, Fengzhi nods and says, "master Jianxiao, this room is enough, but..."

"But what?" roared the arrow

Feng Zhi spread out his hands and said, "the furnace in my hand is just for refining other pills, but it's not enough to make such pills as Ning Hun pill..."

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