Ninghun pill is a high-quality elixir. This is the first time that Fengzhi tried to refine it. Although she has a certain grasp, she has only one chance. Of course, she should try to improve the success rate of alchemy as much as possible.

The furnace is undoubtedly very important for the success rate of alchemy.

At this point the Phoenix roared at the arrow.

This is also in the discovery of this high-level Dan room after she decided to open, arrow Xiao since even such a Dan room have a, it is impossible not to have a high-level furnace.

Sure enough, Feng Zhi was right.

Listen to Feng to say so, arrow roar immediately return a way: "Dan furnace I have here."

Then, with a slight push and pull on one of the walls of the danfang room, a small drawer was pulled out from the seemingly smooth wall. From the inside, a very simple Dan stove was carefully held out. The bottom of the furnace has three feet, and the color is similar to bronze. It looks like it was just dug up after tens of thousands of years buried under the ground. However, it makes people feel uncomfortable It's striking.

Of course, it's just a layman's view.

From the arrow roaring out of this furnace, Feng Zhi's eyes are a light.

She did not pay attention to what the furnace looked like at all, but felt the "gas" from this furnace for the first time.

This so-called "Qi" is accumulated after each furnace of alchemy produces a furnace of pills. Especially if the high-quality pills are refined, the "Qi" is not only large in quantity but also strong in quality.

Now, Feng Zhi felt a very strong "Qi" from the furnace that arrow Xiao took out.

There is no doubt that this furnace once refined many pills successfully in the hands of a powerful Dan master, but also refined many high-quality elixirs, otherwise it could not condense such high-quality "Qi".

This can not only show the extraordinary of this furnace, but also tell Fengzhi that the former owner of this furnace must be an excellent high-grade Dan master.

If the Dan master is still there, Fengzhi would like to have a good communication with others.

Taking the stove from arrow Xiao's hand, Feng went to one side to carefully check every corner of the furnace, and the obvious lines on the furnace body were not only decorative, but also asked, "master Jianxiao, the former owner of this furnace must be a very excellent Dan master, don't you know that elder is still there now?"

When asked this, Feng Zhi didn't mean anything else. She just wanted to have a good discussion with her peers out of a happy attitude.

However, Feng to this word asked out, but for a long time did not get arrow Xiao's answer.

She then looked at the arrow whistling with some doubts, and then found that she had seen so many emotions on her face for the first time since seeing the arrow roar.

Missing, heartache, regret, expectation

This kind of emotion converges on arrow Xiao's already slightly serious face, even if it is how dull people are, I'm afraid they can see how complicated the feelings are at this time.

Feng to slightly a meal.

It seems that the original owner of this furnace must be very important for the arrow roar, otherwise the arrow roar would not be such a reaction.

At this time, arrow Xiao realized that he had been silent for a long time. He said, "she It's still there. "

It's still there.

It seems that the two words "Jian Xiao" were uttered with extra force, as if they were not simply answering Feng Zhi's question, but were persuading him by these two words.

Feng is now more sure that there are many disputes between arrow roar and the original owner of the furnace.

However, seeing the arrow roaring like this, it is obvious that the person's situation will not be very good. Feng Zhi naturally will not be blind to poke arrow Xiao's heart nest at this time.

If this Ning soul pill was made for the original owner of the furnace, then the relationship between this person and arrow roar is very close.

Ning Hun pill

Thinking of the most important effect of Ning Hun pill, Feng Zhi felt that she understood it.

After saying the word "still", Jian Xiao obviously didn't want to say anything to Feng Zhi. He changed the topic: "you can take all the things in this Dan room at will. Besides these, what else do you need?"

Feng Zhi wanted to shake her head, but when she saw the arrow roaring, she opened her mouth and said a few things at will.

Sure enough, after hearing the request of Feng Zhi, Jian Xiao was a little relieved, and then left the Dan room to prepare what Feng Zhi wanted.

When the arrow roars away, Feng to find Feng has been staring at the direction of arrow roar away, eyes blink without blinking.

Feng couldn't help but enjoy it.

"Fenglai, you are so reluctant to part with looking at the direction of master Jianxiao's leaving. Of course, you know that you are out of respect for the elder. But if you let someone who doesn't know see you, you will think you are doing something back to the mountain!" Feng Zhi joked.

Feng Lai usually does not have many stories, and it is rare that he shows such concern for people and things. Now that he occasionally sees such a story, it is no wonder that Feng will tease him.

I thought that Fenglai would refute or ignore it at all, but Fenglai really responded this time.He shook his head slowly and was silent for a moment. Then he suddenly said, "the bow of the archer roared..."


Feng to several people are a Leng.

They did not expect that Feng Lai would raise the bow of the arrow roaring at this time.

Then, everyone recalled the bow that arrow roared on his back all the time.

The bow was very big. Even though the arrow was tall, one end of the bow almost touched the ground when he was carrying it.

At first glance, the bow with the roaring arrow can be said to be the most ordinary. Not only does it not have any precious light to symbolize the high-grade immortal, but also the whole bow looks gray, and there are not many patterns on it. It is said that it was made at will in the mortal world, and there will be people who believe it.

However, Feng to several people of course will not think so.

It is a very common bow. When it can be carried behind by the first person under the emperor and the most skilled Bowman in the fairyland, it is no longer ordinary.

What's more

Will arrow roar as a weapon bow without any characteristics?

Of course not.

Therefore, Fengzhi several people thought that this bow must be extremely extraordinary, but their realm is lower, and they can't see where this bow is extraordinary.

But now, listen to Feng to suddenly raise arrow roaring bow, after everyone Leng, also think about open.

Is there anything else strange about this bow?

So they all looked at Feng.

As a bow wielder, Feng Lai can see some problems that they can't see, which is naturally the most normal thing.

After a period of silence, Feng Lai frowned slightly and seemed to have no idea how to describe it: "that bow..."

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