Feng Lai pondered for a long time before he found a suitable word to describe his strange feeling after seeing the bow That bow, it's hurt


Can a bow get hurt?

Feng to several people of course will not ask such questions.

Because it's not something that can't be done.

They are in the fairyland. Any weapon in the fairyland has its own spirit consciousness. If the spirit consciousness is strong enough to a certain extent, it can be based on the weapon itself and practice like the immortal.

For example, Fengzhi originally inherited the killing immortal sword from the five element sect.

Ever since the flower became a tool to kill the immortal sword, she has been practicing it. Later, Fengzhi simply stopped using the sword as her own weapon. Instead, she practiced it by herself.

The sword of killing immortals is like this. The bow with the roaring arrow also has its own spirit consciousness. Of course, it is not a strange thing.

But, injured?

Everyone watched Feng come, waiting for his next words.

"That bow was supposed to have a very strong power, but now I don't know where it was hit. Its breath is not only very weak, but also constantly losing its vitality. If it can not be saved by effective means in time, I'm afraid..."

The rest of the speech did not finish, but everyone could understand his meaning.

Feng to the heart but slightly moved.


The arrow roared.

Ninghun pill.

She put the three together in her mind and thought about it carefully for a while, and gradually there were some guesses.

If she didn't guess wrong

The reason why Jian Xiao wants to refine Ning soul pill is for his bow.

As Feng Lai said, the bow was originally very powerful, but now it has suffered heavy damage.

The most important thing is not the immortal itself, but the spirit.

It can be imagined that the most injured is the spirit in the bow.

And the tool spirit

In essence, the spirit is a wisp of soul.

In addition, arrow roar wants to refine soul calming pill at any cost, and there are so many complicated emotions on the surface of arrow roar

Feng Zhi felt as if he had found something wonderful.

People and bows and so on. It's really touching to think about it.

However, it's time to use the Ning Hun pill. You can imagine how much the spirit of the bow suffered. If you don't get the Ning Hun pill earlier to stabilize his spirit, then you can let him become weak. I'm afraid that it will soon be gone.

Feng Zhi also felt the urgency.

Even if nothing else, it only said that the inheritance of Fenglai came from arrow roaring. If there was no inheritance of arrow roar, Fenglai did not know how much time would be wasted because she was groping for her way alone.

This is enough to appreciate the roar of arrows.

So, if she can help, she will never hesitate.

Now the faster she refines Ning soul pill, the faster she can make the spirit of the bow that arrow Xiao attaches so much importance to get better. Naturally, Fengzhi is willing to do it.

Feng to did not say their own guess, but even if she did not say, the other few people are not stupid, more or less of the total also guess so some.

Several people chatted in the Dan room for a while, and arrow Xiao had already prepared all the things mentioned by Feng to come back again.

Put things according to the instructions of Feng Zhi. Arrow Xiao took a deep look at Feng Zhi and said, "please."

Only from these three words, we can see how high his expectation of the Ning Hun Dan is.

Feng did not speak, only nodded.

Since she has promised to do it, she will certainly do her best.

What's more, refining ninghun pill is also a great challenge for Yu Fengzhi. It is the thing that makes her eager to try. Even if there is no arrow roaring, she will never have any carelessness.

Fengzhi wants to refine Ning Hun pill without any interference.

Therefore, after she nodded, headed by Xiao Xu, Feng came to Fengming, xianbao'er and Lian Hongyu began to go out consciously.

Except for Long Yan.

Arrow Xiao slightly wrung his eyebrows and looked at Long Yan. He felt that this man was really a little blind. What else could he do in addition to the heart of Feng Zhi?

If other people were looked at like this by the first person under the emperor, I was afraid that he would have been trembling with fear. However, Long Yan remained unmoved. The whole person could not stand by Feng Zhi's side, which meant that he would continue to stand like this until the end of time.

Dan room then unexpectedly so some strange silence down.

For a while, Feng Zhi was helpless.

"He won't affect me."

"I will not affect Fengzhi."

It's the same meaning as Yifeng.Jian Xiao originally disagreed with him, but he didn't know what he thought. He first looked a little dark in his eyes, and then he didn't care about Long Yan any more. He only nodded at Feng and left like this.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan look at each other and smile.

Long Yanxian gently kisses Feng Zhi's forehead with his head down. The kiss is like a soft feather brushing on Feng Zhi's face, which makes her feel a little itchy. At the same time, she fully receives the affection from Longyan.

When the kiss was over, Long Yan said, "Fengzhi, you can make pills with peace of mind. I'll watch you over there."

Feng Zhi nods.

Long Yan then walked to the corner of the Dan room and sat down with his knees crossed. Then he looked at Feng Zhi without blinking.

Having experienced the things in front of him, Long Yan doesn't want Feng Zhi to leave his sight for a moment.

Therefore, even if Feng Zhi wanted to make alchemy for Jianxiao this time, he still insisted on staying.

He wants to watch Feng Zhi.

Just watch it quietly.

Naturally, Fengzhi can understand Long Yan's ideas, and the existence of Long Yan will only make her more at ease, and it is impossible to cause any bad influence on her, such as Jian Xiao's worry about what will affect her.

Then she smiles at the Dragon Yan in the corner. Feng then turns her head and takes a deep breath.

Will all should not have the mood to press down, the Phoenix comes to the Dan room in the middle.

Here, there is a professional ignition furnace on the ground.

For high-quality elixirs, refining ordinary pills only needs to use their own Dan fire with a Dan stove, but if refining high-quality pills, it needs to use a ignitor.

The igniting furnace can not only ignite the fire, for example, some Dan masters draw the ground fire from the ground to refine the pills, but also refine the energy in the flame to make it more pure and easy to master by the Dan master.

Feng to do not want to have any possible failure factors in, so not in all aspects to achieve the extreme, of course, also need to use the ignition furnace.

At the same time, she breathed out her breath, and the flame of her fingertips fell into the fire stove.

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