It is very hard to maintain the full opening of divine consciousness and to divide it into many parts. It is hard for Feng Zhi to maintain this state all the time, and there is no mistake at all. It is unimaginable for the consumption of mind and spirit.

In fact, this is probably the most important reason for the scarcity of Dan teachers.

In this process, Fengzhi also gradually understood why the pill had been circulated among the elites for so long, but no one could refine it successfully.

The most important one is the strength of divine consciousness.

There are many kinds of elixir used as materials, and there are also many materials for catalysis. For such a large number of materials, each of them needs to be taken care of by divine sense, and the fusion of medicine and liquid should be promoted. This requires that the alchemist has a strong sense of God and must have absolute control over his own divine consciousness.

Fengzhi is in a special situation. Her divinity strength has to exceed her own real strength. Now she has the power of luojinxian, at least she has the divine sense of Xianjun, and her divine consciousness can not only be improved with the improvement of her strength.

But look at other Dan masters.

Their divine sense can only be improved with the promotion of their strength, and most of the Dan masters who want to improve their level of alchemy spend their time in the Dan room. There is very little time for them to practice well.

Under such circumstances, the strength of Dan division is generally not high.

Of course, as long as there is enough level of alchemy, even if the strength is not high, Dan masters can find many people to protect themselves, so there will be no safety problems.

If the strength is not high, the strength of divine consciousness will not be much higher.

Maybe when refining other pills, the divine sense of those Dan masters is enough, but when they want to refine such pills as Ning Hun pill, which is not only of high grade, but also extremely special, the weakness of other Dan masters is particularly obvious.

Refining Ning soul pill is a very long process. It is almost impossible for those Dan masters who are lack of divine consciousness to use their divine consciousness continuously in such a long process.

There may be some other reasons. In short, the direct result is that no one in the whole fairyland has successfully refined the Ning Hun pill.

Compared with these Dan masters, Fengzhi is different.

Feng Zhi is a master of alchemy, but she has never given up practice. Therefore, her strength and her level of alchemy are absolutely the best among her peers and Dan masters.


Even if she was still concentrating on refining pills, Feng could not help getting excited.

She felt as if she had picked up a big bargain.

If she really succeeded in refining Ning Hun Dan, then the benefits she could get would be unimaginable.

It is also because of the excitement of Fengzhi that the two regiments of liquid medicine that were originally being combined shook and almost exploded in the furnace.

This can frighten Feng to.

Because there are only six xianjiancao as the main material, which means that she doesn't have many opportunities to practice. If she can't refine Ning Hun Dan this time, with the scarcity of xianjiancao, she will have to wait until the age of monkey to gather six.

At least, I'm afraid the arrow can't wait for that time.

Realizing that it's not the time to be excited, Feng Zhi quickly converged and didn't dare to think about it any more.

Of course, Fengzhi didn't have any extra thoughts to think about.

In the future, it will be more difficult to maintain the divine consciousness in a stable state, because the spirit and mind were consumed too much in the early stage. It is hard to imagine how difficult it is to continue to maintain it in the future. However, it is not possible for people to take a rest and recover from it. Even if it is from Yifeng to the powerful divine consciousness, when the process is in the middle of the process, it will be difficult to maintain it I feel that time seems to become particularly difficult.

However, no matter how hard, no matter how tired, Feng to also can only bite teeth to support.

So, under Feng Zhi's gritting teeth, I don't know how long it has been. The medicine left in the stove is only two balls about the size of a table tennis ball.

The two groups of liquid medicine are light green, the color looks particularly fresh, which also contains a very strong power.

This is the hardest time.

These two regiments of liquid medicine are made by the fusion of the previous 49 regiments. When only the last two regiments are left, it is extremely difficult to fuse them together.

Of course, with only these two groups left, Fengzhi's divinity, which had been divided into dozens of strands, has gradually closed down. From this point of view, this is also a good thing.

Feng Zhi looked at the two pills in the stove. First she took a deep breath. Then she wrapped the two pills and pushed them closer

At the moment of getting close to each other, the two regiments of liquid medicine instantly boiled up.

The last two regiments of liquid medicine, which were formed by combining so many properties before, can be regarded as spiritual things to some extent. Since there is a spirit, it is natural that they do not want to be devoured by anything else.Therefore, when two regiments of liquid medicine in such a contact, naturally will also produce resistance.

But this kind of resistance has not yet been able to suppress it, so Feng Zhi can only resist the resistance consciousness of these two regiments of liquid medicine, and at the same time fuse their properties at a very slow speed.

It was very tiring to have such a high intensity of divine consciousness activities. Now, she has to endure the spiritual resistance of two regiments of medicine. The blue veins of Feng to her forehead, who was already very tired, couldn't help beating.

If these two regiments of liquid medicine have a body, she will certainly pull them out and beat the little ass.

As time went by, the two regiments of liquid medicine in constant resistance at the same time, but also into the majority of fusion, eyes can finally be fully integrated together, Fengzhi's face is not a bit of joy.

She still underestimated the difficulty of this alchemy.

After such a long time of alchemy, Feng's divine sense has almost reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. However, even the liquid medicine has not yet been fully integrated, and there is still the final process of becoming a pill.

If this one is not good

Destroying this furnace of pills is the second, the most important thing is that it will destroy all the hope of arrow roar.

Although Fengzhi had not known Jianxiao for a long time, first Fenglai got the inheritance of Jianxiao. Secondly, she always felt that she could see something similar to herself and Longyan.

Under such circumstances, Fengzhi is actually very happy to help the arrow roar.

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