Feng Zhi always thinks that when Jian Xiao mentions Ning soul pill, the light in his eyes is very similar to that of Long Yan when he looks at her.

It's a kind of

See the eyes of the world.

Although Ning Hun pill is valuable, I want to know that Jianxiao can't be like this because of a pill. Then the answer is very obvious. The person who can make Jianxiao painstakingly refine the soul calming pill to save, he or she is the most important thing in Jianxiao's heart.

Perhaps, that is a section of the story of the song and tear.

To meet such a person, Feng to nature is willing to give a hand.

But now

Because Shen consciousness had consumed drama, she had to endure severe headache. Feng Zhi's brow was tightly twisted into a knot. While maintaining the process of alchemy, she was thinking about countermeasures.

If you continue like this, the furnace of pills may not be refined.

Once she fails, Jianxiao won't do anything to her, but she will be extremely disappointed and even totally lose hope.

Whether it is out of the psychology of not wanting to let arrow roar down, or out of the ambition of refining the soul calming pill which has never been successfully refined by anyone, Fengzhi can never tolerate his own failure.

What to do?

At this time, Feng Zhi suddenly felt warm all over.

This is not the warmth of her body. After all, the temperature in the Dan room is very high. Her body will never feel cold, and of course, she will not feel warm because of anything.

This feeling

It seems that there is something invisible that envelops the whole body of Fengzhi, which makes her feel warm and secure.

And the most direct benefit is that the headache that Feng Zhi had endured is gone. She even felt a chill in her brain, and the whole person was sober than ever before.

This is

Long Yan!

Feng Zhi can't be more sure.

She and Long Yan are familiar with each other beyond anyone's imagination, so even if Feng Zhi didn't open her eyes and didn't hear any sound at all, she could guess that it was Longyan who was helping her with her unique breath.

The way that Long Yan helped her, of course, was to let out his divine consciousness to help Feng to exhaustion.

If an outsider was present, he would be shocked.

Divinity, which is very important to the immortal, is no less important than the immortal soul.

Such an important thing, of course, is to protect it, and it is also absolutely impossible for other people to contact their own divine consciousness. Once their divine consciousness is fully opened to others, it means that if the person is malicious, he can hurt himself without any effort.

To fully open one's divine consciousness to another is an act of trust.

And trust

In the fairyland where even the closest immortal couple can push each other out without hesitation for the sake of interests and other things, these two words are simple, but undoubtedly have heavy weight.

At the beginning, Xiao Xu was pushed to the mouth of a strange beast as easily as Caixia fairy because he had no defense against Caixia fairy.

This shows how serious the consequences will be if you believe the wrong person.

This also led to the extremely low trust between the immortal people in the fairyland. Everyone looked at others with suspicion, doubting whether others had any purpose in approaching them, and whether they wanted to harm themselves


For these immortals, trust is a kind of precious and unreachable thing.

Fengzhi, even though she was in such an important process of alchemy, had no defense against Longyan, so Longyan could easily integrate his divine consciousness into Fengzhi's divine consciousness, so as to assist Fengzhi in refining alchemy.

On the other hand, it is also a very dangerous thing for Long Yan to integrate his own divine consciousness into the divine consciousness of others, and then hand over the dominant power of divine consciousness.

This means that in such a process, he voluntarily handed over the control of his own divine consciousness. If Fengzhi had any bad thoughts, he could snatch Longyan's divine consciousness completely and turn it into his own. By then, although his body was not dead, he would have been a living dead man.

The living dead are more unacceptable than the real death.

Fengzhi and Longyan

The trust between them, if let the outsider see, will shake the head to give them a "madman".

It is completely impossible for these immortals who have been used to deception in the fairyland for a long time without any protection.

But this is impossible for others. Between Feng Zhi and Long Yan, it is nothing at all.

When Feng realized that her divine sense was not enough, Long Yan lent her his divine sense.Longyan incorporated the divine consciousness into Fengzhi's, and Fengzhi used it naturally.

For both of them, this is a matter of course.

With the support of Long Yan, Feng Zhi's spirit was greatly improved.

The spirit consciousness, which had been almost exhausted, was joined by a new force. Naturally, the fusion process of the remaining liquid medicine was completed.

When he saw the last group in the furnace flashing with the green light, Feng was relieved.

Has been the spirit of tight collapse down, now suddenly relax down, Feng to feel now everywhere all over the pain.

But it's not time for her to relax.

Having no time to say anything to Long Yan, Feng Zhi then fell into tension again.

After the liquid medicine fusion, the next step is the process of becoming a pill.

Fengzhi played one formula after another in the furnace with a very fast hand speed. Each of these formulas had its own special significance and played an extremely important role in the formation of pills. With the firing of these formulas, the temperature in the furnace changed again, and the final formation of a group of liquid medicine also changed.

The final liquid medicine, though called medicine liquid, is actually semi-solid. After passing through the high temperature in the furnace and the effect of the formula made by Fengzhi, the semi-solid liquid medicine began to change to the solid at a very slow speed.

This kind of change is very not obvious, however, Feng Zhi has complete control of the situation in the furnace, so naturally at the first time to detect such a change, and the spirit of all.

When the liquid medicine is roasted and shaped, if there is no accident, the furnace of Ning Hun pill can be successfully refined.

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