At this time, Feng to also can't help but slightly relieved.

At the most difficult time, she felt that she had no reason to fail.

Of course, it's the last step. Fengzhi dare not take it lightly. She focuses all her attention on the gradually solidified liquid. She controls the fire in the furnace with her divine sense, and only waits for the critical moment when the pill is finally completed.

Fortunately, Feng Zhi's luck was not so bad that something went wrong at this time. Under her control, the semi-solid liquid in the furnace finally turned into a solid state, and gradually became a grain about the size of a longan.

Dan room was suddenly filled with an indescribable fragrance.

The fragrance was so tempting that even the people who smelled it had the impulse to throw the source of the fragrance into their own mouth at all costs. However, the fragrance could not be transmitted to the outside of the danfang room. Now there are only Fengzhi and Longyan in the danfang. Otherwise, it would cause many people who don't know and even make a tragedy just by the fragrance.

And Fengzhi and Longyan, they smell the fragrance is not completely without feeling, but the determination of their willpower is not ordinary immortal can compare, only then a moment of shaking, two people will suddenly gush out of the desire to suppress.


At the same time, Feng Zhi and Long Yan can't help but breathe out.

From this we can see the effect of the fragrance on them.

After leaving aside the influence of the fragrance on her, Fengzhi felt that the whole person was more clear than ever before. She played a series of Dan Jue to the furnace again. After these pills which meant the last step of collecting pills were absorbed by the furnace, the temperature in the furnace rose again. The speed of the change of the liquid which was already formed the size of longan became faster It didn't take long to get up. It was just a little bit shaped before and became a real pill.

This pill is slightly smaller than ordinary longan. The whole pill is light green. The surface of the pill is extremely smooth, and there are several faint lines on the smooth surface.

If you count

There are three deep lines on this pill. In addition, another one looks very light, just like a light shadow.

Even if it was Feng Zhi, I couldn't help being surprised.

You should know that each pill of pills, according to the method of alchemist in refining pills, the control of drug properties and heat, and so on. When the pill is finished, if the control reaches a certain degree, then the Dan lines will appear on the pills.

According to the number of Dan lines, the final pill is also known as several lines of elixir.

In the inheritance of Fengzhi, there are at most three patterns on the elixir. The three patterns of elixir can be found in the fairyland but can't be found. As for the three patterns

I haven't heard of it.

But now, the faint shadow like pattern on the Ning Hun pill, which is about to come out, is clearly about to form a fourth Dan pattern, but for some reasons it failed to finally form.


This is close to refining their own unprecedented four grain elixir?

Feng Zhi not only did not feel excited, but was severely scared.

You know, there are high and low points among immortals, and the same is true in pills.

For the same kind of pills, the pills with Dan lines are much better than those without Dan lines, no matter in terms of drug properties or other aspects. There is a very obvious gap in the quality of pills with Dan lines for each additional Dan lines.

Sanwen pill has always been recognized as the highest quality among the fairy pills.

If you go up again

The immortal has a robbery to cross, so is the elixir.

Among the alchemists in the fairyland, there is always a saying that if the quality of a pill reaches the extreme, it is possible to form a fourth Dan pattern.

However, after the formation of the fourth Dan pattern, it will lead to Dan Jie.

If the four pattern elixir is successfully survived, the four pattern elixir will certainly add a bit of supernatural wonder. If it fails, the quasi four pattern elixir will be doomed to an end in smoke and ashes. The alchemist who refined this elixir will be more or less involved.

As a Dan teacher, Feng Zhi didn't have ambition when he knew this statement.

In fact, every Dan master has such ambition.

That is, the ambition to refine an unprecedented four grain elixir.

No matter what kind of industry you are in, it will always make people feel excited. What's more, if you really refine the four pattern elixir, not to mention the glory brought by the first person in ancient times, only the miraculous parts of the four pattern elixir will be enough to excite the Dan master.


Fengzhi had imagined what it would be like when she refined the four pattern elixir, but she did not want to refine the soul coagulating pill into four pattern elixir at this time.In her present situation, if she really refined the four pattern elixir, she would not be able to get away with it.

In order to a pill will be forced to a desperate situation, Feng to can not be so silly.

Fortunately, although the quality of this soon to be baked Ning soul pill is much better than that of three pattern elixir, it does not really reach the level of four pattern elixir, so the fourth Dan pattern is just a virtual shadow.


Feng Zhi thinks that the reason why this Ning soul pill can form the shadow of the fourth Dan pattern is that, in addition to her refining this pill, she has done her utmost in controlling both the technique and the drug properties, and all the materials used during this period are all top-grade or even top-notch.

Jian Xiao has great expectations for this Ning Hun pill, so all the immortal medicines he collected for refining Ning Hun pill are top-grade. In addition, the six fully mature Xianjian grasses can add up and the level of refining pills of Fengzhi is really high, which will lead to such changes in the follow-up.

To understand this, Feng took a deep breath.

This time, it is not entirely because of her level of alchemy that the fourth Dan pattern can be formed on the Ning soul pill.

However, one day, she will really refine the four pattern elixir with her own strength!

This is a wild view from a Dan master.

Of course, the most important thing now is to let this Ning Hun pill come out first.

Fengzhi knows this very well.

The heart of those because of seeing the fourth Danwen on the soul of the virtual shadow of all the pressure down, Feng Zhi a pair of hands again play a set of Dan Jue, because of the speed, her hands have formed a virtual shadow.

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