The function of these formulas is to collect pills.

As soon as these formulas for collecting pills were played out, the pattern on the soul coagulating pill which was about to come out of the furnace suddenly lit up. Then, the still Ning Hun pill, as if it had been helped by something, began to spin around in the furnace at a very fast speed.

With this kind of rotation, the strange fragrance in the Dan formula that seems to be able to hook out all the desires in one's heart, also begins to quickly close to the furnace.

To be exact, it's moving towards the Ning soul pill.

When the last trace of exotic fragrance completely disappeared, the soul coagulating pill in the furnace suddenly stopped.

Feng raised her eyebrows.

She felt that it would not be so easy for her to collect this Ning soul pill.

However, even so, Feng to the hands of the last dan Jue is still not hesitant to fight out.

"Take it

Along with this last dan Jue, there is Feng Zhi's extremely calm voice.


After such a buzz, the originally quietly floating furnace suddenly began to shake from left to right, as if it had been hit hard. In the process, the sound of "dangdangdang" could be heard, as if something was constantly knocking on the inner wall of the furnace.

There is nothing else in this furnace except the formed soul calming pill.

Well, now what is making trouble in the furnace can be imagined.

Feng to slightly hook lips.

Even if that Ning soul pill has become a essence, it is impossible to escape from her hand!

She stretched out her fingers, toward the furnace empty point, the furnace cover will be fierce rise, almost at the same time, a faint green light from the furnace rises, quickly toward the outside.

However, the green light just flew out of the furnace, then suddenly stopped.

Because, in front of its path, Fengzhi's index finger and middle finger gently clip it there, as if this Ning soul pill had been thrown into her fingers, so she pinched it.

Feeling the struggle between two fingers, Feng to smile.

If this is a real four grain elixir, it is possible to form one's own spiritual consciousness. But now this soul calming pill is just a three grain elixir with better quality. Even if it has formed a trace of instinct, how can it be compared with the real four pattern elixir?

It's no surprise that Feng can easily take it down.

Taking out an empty jade bottle from the space, Fengzhi puts the light shining Ning soul pill between her fingers into it, and then looks at Longyan for the first time.

"All right." Feng Zhi Dao.

The rest, of course, is needless to say.

Long Yan also toward the Phoenix to smile, that light gold pupil eyes only Phoenix to the shadow.

Two hands clenched, although they have never really separated, but they are a kind of joy to meet again after a long separation.

After a while, Feng Zhi thought of the arrow whistling that she cared about the Ning soul pill. She had no intention to let the arrow roar more. She said, "the Ning soul pill has been refined. We are going out now?"

Of course, Long Yan has no opinion.

As for Phoenix, she raised her hand and waved to the stove. The stove suddenly shrunk into the size of a palm and turned into a streamer into the palm of Fengzhi.

Then, Feng to and against the door of the Dan room to play a Dan Jue.

Danshi can't be disturbed by others when refining pills, so they always use Dan Jue as the key to close the Dan room. Because every Dan master's formula has its unique characteristics that can be used as a key. Therefore, in addition to the Dan master who plays the Dan room, other people can't disturb the Dan in the Dan room unless the whole room is completely destroyed Teacher's.

After receiving Fengzhi's formula, he heard a dull sound in the room which had no door, and then opened a door on one side of the wall.

Feng Zhi and Long Yan see the arrow roaring and Feng Lai waiting outside.

Seeing the door of the pill room open, arrow roared forward a few steps at the first time and asked eagerly, "how about Fengzhi..."

Because of his eagerness, Jianxiao asked what he was most concerned about without any delay, but also because his expectation of the Ning Hun Dan was so high that he didn't even dare to hear the negative answer from Feng Zhi, so he only asked half of the question and Jianxiao stopped again.

With the name of the first person under the emperor, Jianxiao is not only powerful enough, but also a decisive person.

Otherwise, he would not have provoked the younger generation of the LORD God.

Such a person, now standing in front of Feng Zhi, even with a certain timidity in his eyes

The expression of arrow roaring has never been seen by other people before.

Feng to be able to understand get arrow roar now that uneasy mood.However, this does not mean that she does not want to make a small joke with arrow Xiao. She thinks that compared with the good news later, Jianxiao will not care about her little joke, right?

Therefore, Feng Zhi's face showed some deep pain. With an apologetic look on her face, she roared at the arrow: "master arrow, I'm sorry, I refined it..."

Sure enough, just listen to the Phoenix to open a head, arrow roar's eyes will show again obvious but disappointed.

Maybe it's not just disappointment, it's all about despair.

Feng Zhi couldn't help laughing.

Can see the famous God arrow king such expression, she is also worth the ticket price.

Feng Zhi just wanted to make a little joke with arrow Xiao. She didn't want to see the joke for how long. Therefore, she realized that arrow Xiao was not in the right state, so she spoke again.

However, "success" these two words contained in the mouth did not have time to say, Feng to face color then suddenly a change.

She looked up at the sky.

In fact, at this moment, in the sky realm, whether it is the real sky realm or the city below, whether it is the Xianjie elders or the rookies who rush to participate in the struggle for the ladder of heaven, they all make the same action with Fengzhi.

It's looking up at the sky.

See, originally cloudless clear sky, then suddenly appeared layers of clouds, those clouds rolling, from time to time can see the cloud between the thunder flash.

This situation is similar to Xianren ferry robbery, but it is obviously different from the ferry robbery.

At least, it can't catch up with the immortal ferry robbery.

This is

At a time when many people were confused, Feng Zhi and others heard a cry of shock.

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