"Dan Jie?"

“…… It's impossible! "

The successive exclamations made the originally quiet sky become noisy.

When hearing the word "Dan Jie", the despair in Jian Xiao's eyes quickly recedes. He looks at Feng Zhi with some disbelief, and his heart is filled with ecstasy.

I heard Feng Zhi say "I'm sorry" before. Even the arrow whistling in the eyes of others with the impression of being upright and upright, I couldn't help feeling that the sky was falling in front of me.

But now

Can he expect it?

Receive arrow roar this kind of vision, Feng to also can't help but feel sorry for his previous little bad.

She nodded her head to arrow Xiao, and then said, "master, Ning Hun pill has been successfully refined. I just wanted to make a little joke with you. I'm sorry..."

Feng Zhi is really sorry.

She also guessed that the person who needed to take Ning Hun pill was of incomparable significance to arrow Xiao.

Probably, just like her and Long Yan.

Think about it. If something happened to Longyan, what kind of mood he was in, Fengzhi felt that he should not make fun of it.

The arrow roared with relief.

This was probably the most emotional moment of his life.

He opened his mouth and wanted to thank Feng Zhi, but because the joy in his heart was too strong, he could not even speak clearly.

There is no doubt that if someone comes to challenge arrow roar at this time, as long as the strength is not so unreasonable, I'm afraid that arrow roar, the first person under the emperor, will not be defeated.

Of course, there's no such coincidence.

Feng Zhi smiles.

She could feel the joy of the arrow roaring in her heart, and felt happy for the joy of arrow roaring at this time.

When arrow roar slightly calms down the mood, Feng Zhizheng is about to take out the jade bottle containing the Ning soul pill, and her hand stops slightly.

It's not just Feng Zhi, Jian Xiao and others.

At the moment when Feng Zhi and arrow Xiao are talking, the clouds in the sky are turning and surging fiercely. The thunder light hidden in the cloud seems to be splitting towards someone below at any time.

This is not the reason why Feng Zhi and others are quiet.

Fengzhi and others all looked at the other direction. There, there were two figures flying towards their place.

The roaring face of the arrow was dignified.

Those who can live in the sky have at least the strength of the emperor. Although arrow Xiao is the first one among the heavenly kings, it does not mean that she can look down upon others in the sky.

There is no doubt that the two men who are attacking them also have the power of the emperor.

At such a time, there are such two people coming to them. What is this for?

The roar of the arrow immediately thought of the two exclamations heard earlier.

"Dan Jie?"

“…… It's impossible! "

It should be said.

In retrospect, arrow can clearly realize the shock in these two sentences.


Dan Jie?

Arrow Xiao thinks that this should be caused by Feng Zhi.

Up to now, arrow Xiao also felt that he had underestimated Feng Zhi.

The reason why he agreed to refine ninghun pill from Fengzhi was not that he really believed that Fengzhi had such strength, but just a helpless choice.

After all, xianjiancao, as the main material, was in Fengzhi's hands at that time. More importantly, Jianxiao had rescued many Danshi before, but the first reaction of those alchemists was to shake their heads helplessly.

In that case, arrow roar is actually a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

He just didn't expect that such a decision, which even arrow roar had no hope of, would give him such a reward at this time.

God knows how glad arrow Xiao was at that time.

For Fengzhi to be able to refine the soul of this matter, arrow roar is so shocked, not to mention other people who have no psychological preparation for this.

For example, the two men who are flying towards them.

After seeing the identity of these two people, although I can understand their intention, arrow Xiao still stands in front of Feng Zhi and others and stops Feng Zhi and his party behind.

But for a moment, the two flying figures stopped in front of the roaring arrows.

"God's arrow, thank you!"

They made a bow to the arrow.

Arrow Xiao also returned a gift, and then looked at the two people, "I don't know what they are doing?"

The two men looked at each other.

Both of them are emperors who have a residence in the sky, and they both share the same hobby, namely, alchemy.In fact, both of them were not serious alchemists. They only became monks in the middle of the road. They began to contact and fell in love with alchemy only after they reached the realm of emperor Tianjun. However, the so-called "one reason Tong Bai Li Tong" was not exposed to alchemy when they embarked on the path of cultivation, but they had already reached the realm of the emperor at that time and wanted to learn about alchemy It's going to be a lot easier.

As a result, the two emperors soon became famous among the Dan masters.

It can be said that they can also be regarded as extremely powerful Dan Shi.

In fact, both of them can't believe it.

However, they could not help but look up at the sky, the sky is rolling clouds, that is clearly the legendary Dan Jie, that is, the quality of the ultimate fairy pills need to cross.

It is because of being Dan Shi that these two heavenly kings are more shocked.

Four pattern elixir

Isn't this something that only exists in legend?

But if it only existed in the legend, what happened to the Dan Jie that they saw at the moment?

For a moment, the two men's eyes were extremely eager to search for arrow roar and Fengzhi and others behind him. They wanted to find out the alchemist who might have refined the four pattern elixir.


See later, these two people also can't help but some doubts.

In this group of people, it is impossible for the divine arrow emperor to refine the four pattern immortal elixir. Who knows that the divine arrow emperor only has his bow in his eyes and has no interest in anything else?

Among the rest, how many younger generations are there, and a ghost monk whose age is equal to them?

The two heavenly kings finally set their eyes on Xiao Xu.

If one of these people really refined an unprecedented four grain elixir, they thought that this person must be the most stable and profound Xiao Xu.

As for Fengzhi's young people

Ha, how is that possible?

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