Noticing the sight of these two people, Xiao Xu couldn't help but turn a white eye in his heart.

Such a short time is enough for Xiao Xu and others to understand what the four grain elixir means. If he had such a skill, he would not have been pushed to the mouth of a strange beast by the Caixia fairy when he went to the cleft sky gorge.

So Xiao Xu brushed his sleeves at the two emperors, "don't look at me, I'm not the one you're looking for."

Don't look at me

This kind of words from Xiao Xu's mouth, but also to two old Tianjun said, always let people feel some joy.

Especially Fengzhi, she at this time inexplicably remembered the advertisement she had seen on earth.

Don't look at me again, look at me again, and you will drink!

And then set this scene on Xiao Xu and two old emperors


Feng couldn't help laughing.

Although he didn't know why Fengzhi was laughing, Xiao Xu didn't have to think about it. He certainly didn't think of anything good in his heart. So he turned around and glared at Feng Zhi, and then said to the two heavenly kings, "here, this is the person you are looking for."

So she pushed Feng Zhi out.

The two heavenly kings both stare at each other's eyes.

"No way!"

This is the same reaction of the two people.

"How old is this little girl? Even if she has been learning how to refine pills since she was born, she has only been learning how to refine elixir for more than a thousand years. If it took more than a thousand years to refine the four pattern immortal elixir, would anyone in this fairyland be able to refine it?" One of the Dan masters blew his beard and glared.

He felt that Xiao Xu was contemptuous of his intelligence.

Hearing this, Xiao Xu was not happy.

Nowadays, no one believes the truth. Really!

Then staring at his eyes, Xiao Xu choked the emperor for a long time and couldn't say a word People are different! "

There's nothing wrong with that.

It is also because there is no problem, so the emperor pointed to Xiao Xu, after a long time did not have a reasonable refutation.

People are different from each other.

Some people have incomparable talent since they were born. With a little bit of seriousness, they can do many things that others can't do with their efforts. Especially on the road of cultivating immortals, some people are struggling to move forward, while others are like opening a plug-in. This is really unreasonable.

Like these two heavenly kings.

They all really like alchemy and are determined to become a high-quality Dan master.

However, although they have made great achievements in the cultivation of alchemy, their talent in alchemy is not so good. Although they have been learning alchemy for many years, they have not achieved much.

In fact, if it was not for their status as monarchs that day, only with their level of alchemy, they would have to be laughed to death by all the alchemy masters.

Although they had not been teased in person, they knew what kind of level they were. After a long time, they became very good friends and took it as a group to keep warm.

Of course, although these two people's Alchemy level is not very good, but they should have theoretical knowledge is not bad at all.

It is also because of this, from this cloud began to appear, realize that this is very similar to the legend of Dan Jie, the two emperors will be so excited to run over.

What do they think they will see? But now, some people tell them that they think the world expert is a little girl who is only over 1000 years old?

Ha ha, this is to change the way to satirize them?

I have to say, these two people are probably used to making fun of in secret, but now they are a little too sensitive.

Staring at Xiao Xu severely, the two emperors almost rushed to beat people.

Do they know that their talent in alchemy is not so good, but they just like alchemy. Is this wrong? Even if this person has a high level of alchemy, is it really good to satirize people like this?

In this regard, Xiao Xu also felt helpless.

He's telling the truth, okay?

Seeing such a situation, the arrow whistling, who had hardly been able to suppress his ecstasy, could not help but smile on his face.

After putting down the boulder in his heart, arrow roar finally has the mood to joke.

He nodded to the two emperors, "you two, he's right. That pill..."

At the same time, the arrow roared and the index finger pointed to the cloud in the sky She really made it. "

That "she", of course, refers to the Phoenix.

At this time, the two emperors finally had to believe that the four pattern elixir that could trigger the Dan robbery was really refined by the little girl in their eyes.After all, anyone who has heard his name should know what kind of disposition Jianxiao is. Naturally, he will not lie for such a thing.

So, two people so silly looking at Feng to, how all feel difficult to accept this fact.

For them, it's just too scary.

After a long time, one of them said, "little girl Have you really refined the four pattern elixir

When it comes to the four grain elixir, the two emperors have some fanaticism in their eyes.

can say that for any Dan Shi, personally refining the legendary four lines of elixir is one of their most desired things. That is not only meant to produce a horrible Dan medicine, but most importantly, it can also create a new world for the entire Dan Shi community.

There is such a significance in which, which Dan master does not want to do?

However, up to now, no Dan master can do it.

No, maybe

The two heavenly kings looked at Feng Zhi. Although there were some doubts in their hearts, there was no doubt that the cloud above their heads would not be wrong.

So, maybe, they can witness such a legend today?

For the two heavenly kings' questions, Fengzhi not only did not nod, but also shook his head: "four lines of elixir, I certainly did not refine out."

She just refined a soul coagulating pill which can be regarded as the four patterns.

Listen to Feng to deny, the two emperors are not willing.

"I said, you little girl, refining the four pattern elixir is not something that needs to be covered up. Even if you admit it, can we still rob your four pattern elixir?" One of them was unhappy.

Don't say that they won't do the thing of robbing the Phoenix to the elixir. It's because they have such an idea that the first person among the heavenly king is roaring with arrows. How dare they put such an idea into practice?

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