They are also Dan masters. Of course, they know that Jian Xiao, who has just been closed for a long time, is looking for famous Dan masters everywhere. It is said that they want people to help refine a soul calming pill.

Ning Hun Dan, these two emperors of course know, they know the difficulty of which is very clear.

If the two emperors have such strength, they will not refuse. After all, it is not easy for people like Jianxiao to owe themselves a favor.

However, no one has been able to refine the danfang of ninghun pill for so many years after it was spread. The difficulty of it can be imagined, not to mention the two half baked elites who became Dan masters, even the old high-grade Dan masters in the fairyland, no one has such a grasp to accept the arrow roar.

Now, not only did the arrow roar to the sky, but he also had a master who had refined the four pattern elixir around him. I want to know that the little girl in his eyes must have been entrusted by the arrow roar. The elixir that caused the Dan Hei might have been refined for the arrow Xiao.

In such a case, if they can still have no look at the idea of the pill, it is not hard to put their head to the arrow roaring together?

They're not that stupid.

As for why they should be so persistent looking at Feng Zhi

If you are a Dan master, after knowing that there is a four grain pill, I'm afraid they want to have a look at this pill that can be called legend, and the two heavenly kings are no exception.

So they looked at the Phoenix so eagerly.

Feng to some funny a show of hands: "two predecessors, I really did not refine the four lines fairy pill."

They still don't believe it.

They are not blind. Don't they even know whether the sky cloud on their heads is Dan Jie or not. Seeing that Dan Jie is about to come down, the four pattern elixir will have to be robbed by then, even if they want to hide it. In this case, what's the meaning of the little girl hiding it?

Feng also looked up at the clouds in the sky.

In fact, the two emperors are not wrong. The cloud in the sky is really Dan Jie, and it is really triggered by the soul setting pill in Fengzhi's hand.

It's just

This Dan Jie is doomed to be unable to come down.

If Fengzhi really refined the four pattern immortal elixir, then how could this fresh Ning soul pill avoid the Dan robbery, but it's a pity that the Ning soul pill in Fengzhi's hand is just a quasi four pattern pill, and there is only a faint shadow in the fourth Dan pattern, which is not a small gap from the real formation of the Dan pattern.

Of course, even if there is only one more line which can only be called virtual shadow, but compared with the pill with three lines, the medicine effect of this soul calming pill in Fengzhi's hand is much better.

At least

It always makes the arrow roar.

This Ning soul pill failed to become a real four pattern elixir, which Feng Zhi's heart is also a little regret, but her attention is not on these regrets now.

Although he knew that the Dan Jie could not come down, Feng Zhi still looked up at the air.

Because, she knew, there would be surprises.

Soon, the surprise came.

The two emperors had yet to discuss with Fengzhi, or they wanted to persuade Fengzhi to show them the unprecedented four grain pill, but suddenly they felt something, and they suddenly raised their heads.

Both of them couldn't help but pat themselves on the forehead.

By the way, how did they forget that Feng Zhi accepted the invitation of arrow Xiao to help refine pills, and it was still Ning Hun Dan.

Ning Hun pill, which has never been refined successfully.


Two people look to Feng together, the envy in the eye is more obvious.

In the fairyland, there are many rules. One of them is that if a Dan master refines an unprecedented and powerful pill, it will attract the reward of the law of heaven and earth.

The specific contents of the reward are various. Some of them directly enhance their strength, some get some precious elixirs, and some get the understanding of refining pills


In short, what kind of reward can be obtained seems to be related to the wish of the Dan master who receives the reward.

Of course, because this has not happened in the past ten thousand years, and no Dan master can accept the reward from the law of heaven, so few people know about it.

When the two emperors thought of these things, Feng Zhi's face was smiling, and then suddenly raised her hand to make a gesture to embrace the sky.

Just then, the cloud in the sky, which had been tumbling endlessly, seemed to be dispelled by something invisible. Suddenly, it stopped turning and then began to dissipate at a very fast speed.

However, with a few breaths, the clouds that had been thick in the sky disappeared completely.

Instead, it was the colorful glow behind the clouds.

Those rays have countless colors. As soon as they appear, they shoot at the Phoenix who is opening her arms for a hug. Then, in the blink of an eye, they all fall into Feng Zhi's body.And then

There was no and then.

People all think that the appearance of this Xiaguang has such a strong momentum, and there will always be some movements in line with its momentum. But now, after these rays have not entered Fengzhi's body, they have become silent?

Why don't they believe it?

However, no matter how many people don't believe it, the fact is in front of us. Those rays are like being digested and absorbed by Fengzhi's body, which makes people unable to find the traces of their existence.

If not for all the people to see the glow, they would have thought they were dreaming.

For a moment, everyone looked at Feng Zhi with a look at them, as if to see flowers on her face.

After a long time, she didn't wait to see any changes in the glow. Feng Ming couldn't help asking, "Fengzhi, I heard that when their Dan masters were refining an unprecedented and powerful pill, they would get rewards from the law of heaven. What's your reward?"

Everyone looked at Feng Zhi and wanted to hear how she answered.

Feng Zhi's response was to show his hands to the crowd Didn't I get hurt before? Seeing that the ladder is about to open, my body hasn't fully recovered, so... "

According to her wish, the great power from the way of heaven completely restored her body.

Not only has it been completely restored, but Fengzhi's body has been well combed by the great power from heaven. Her current physical condition is much better than before she was injured.

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