After a while, she couldn't bear to see the tyrant's eyes. She couldn't help but look at the tyrant's eyes!

Such a rare opportunity, there is only one wish to repair the body?

The two emperors can't wait to use themselves to replace Feng.

It's more human than human.

They can't think of a great opportunity, but it's so easy to let go of Fengzhi here. If it's the first time they refine the soul calming pill, they, they

Well, along with alchemy, their barren talent limited the imagination of the two emperors. They had never thought about such a thing before. Well, they couldn't tell what would happen to them for a moment.

In a word, in the eyes of the two emperors, Fengzhi is a real loser. The losers have to even look at them, and they can't help but feel heartache.

Feng Zhi was amused by the expressions of the two emperors.

Originally, she was very indifferent to these uninvited and meddlesome emperors, but now it is probably because she is in a good mood. Feng feels soft light when she looks at everything. Therefore, she thinks these two emperors are very lovely.

For today's Fengzhi, her harvest is really not small.

It not only successfully refined the soul calming pill, but also got the reward of the way of heaven. It restored the body that needed 100 years to recover.


At that moment, Feng Zhi's desire to repair her body was true, and her body was indeed repaired. But Feng Zhi always had a vague feeling. Maybe, the reward she got from the way of heaven was not just like this.

It seems that, at that moment, in addition to the great power to repair the body, there was another very strange force that followed into Fengzhi's body. When Feng Zhi reacted and wanted to understand what this strange force was, it suddenly disappeared, and it was still unknown by the three in her body The light spots are absorbed.

I feel helpless.

All of them have been absorbed by those three little things. She can't know the answer no matter how much she wants to know, isn't she?

However, although failed to find the exact answer, Feng Zhiyin could feel that the power should be of great benefit to her.

Since it's good, Fengzhi doesn't have much research.

Anyway, it's too late to investigate, isn't it?

Think of it, one day in the future, she will always understand what the heaven has given her today.

Because of this, Feng Zhicai didn't feel any pity like the two emperors.

Seeing that Fengzhi was not afraid of boiling water, the two were outsiders, but they were so angry that they were just like the people who got a good chance and were missed in vain. They were not Fengzhi.

They looked at Feng Zhi and wanted to say something, but they were interrupted by the arrow.

Arrow Xiao also exhausted all his patience. He didn't hold Feng to find her for ninghun pill. Now he couldn't help it. He nodded to the two heavenly kings and said, "two fairies, I still have some things here. It's better to..."

Listen to arrow roar such a say, those two heavenly monarchs also immediately reacted to come over.

Then they said consciously: "in this case, we'll leave first, and we'll congratulate the God arrow king for fulfilling his wish..."

Although they don't know what the divine arrow emperor wants to condense soul pill for, they also want to know that it is certainly not a trivial matter. Fengzhi can refine the Ning soul pill unprecedented, which is a happy thing for arrow Xiao. It's OK for them to congratulate here.

It's just

After they finished speaking, they regretted their quick words.

No one in the fairyland doesn't know the temper of the God arrow king. He is a man who doesn't understand the world and has only arrows in his heart. Almost no one has seen him give any face. How can they say that they are the emperor of heaven. If you are kind enough to congratulate him, even if there is no response from the other party, how embarrassing it would be.

Fortunately, this time, the arrow roar is still very face saving.

Hearing the two emperors' Congratulations, arrow Xiao's face could not help but smile. It was obvious that the other party's congratulations were just scratching his itch.

"Thank you very much The arrow roared solemnly.

Although it's just a thank you, when the people who say these two words are arrow roaring, even the two heavenly kings opposite, they feel a little flattered at this time.

Because some of them are leaving.

They have to go back and have a good time.

So the two emperors left.

As soon as they left, the arrow screamed at Feng Zhi immediately. Their eyes were filled with eagerness: "Feng Zhi..."

Although he didn't finish speaking, his meaning could not be clearer.

Feng Zhi laughs at the arrow.

At this time, arrow Xiao realized that he seemed too anxious. He believed that Fengzhi didn't cheat him by talking big words. Moreover, the reaction of the two heavenly kings just now let him know that Fengzhi didn't lie. Since Fengzhi people are here, can Ning Hun pill still fly?Take a deep breath, arrow whistling: "this outside person many eye miscellaneous, we'd better go to speak first."

Feng Zhifeng nodded.

The party then re entered the house where the arrow roared.

Close the door, and then put on a border, arrow roar this just to see again to the Phoenix.

Fengzhi didn't delay on purpose. Although she didn't know who Jianxiao wanted the ninghun pill for, she changed her position and thought about it. If something happened to Longyan, she would feel what she would feel, and she would know how she felt now.

In this case, of course, she would not deliberately procrastinate for the sake of the evil taste in her heart.

The joke previously played with arrow roar made Feng Zhi feel a little wrong.

She then took out the jade bottle containing Ning Hun Dan and handed it directly to Jian Xiao's hand, "master Jianxiao, this is Ning Hun Dan."

This moment, the arrow roars the breath to be unable to help to be short of a few minutes.

He held the jade bottle tightly, and after a long time he took a deep breath. Then he spread out his palm and poured the ninghun pill in the jade bottle into his palm.

With a light green light, Ning Hun Dan seems to have some kind of unspeakable mysterious power, which makes it difficult for people to shift their eyes after seeing it. If other people do, let alone arrow roar.

For Jian Xiao, this is not only an unprecedented pill, but also his hope.

Will this Ning soul Dan tightly hold in the hand, the arrow roars extremely solemnly toward the Phoenix to nod, "Phoenix to, thank you very much."

As for other things, he did not say much.

It's good to keep some gratitude in mind. It doesn't need to be said.

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